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7 effective and natural tips against hemorrhoids!

7 effective and natural tips against hemorrhoids!

Unfortunately, statistics show that haemorrhoids are becoming more and more widespread, almost becoming a widespread disease, so here are the most effective tips to combat them.

Several studies have shown that half of adults have had some form of haemophilia by the age of 50. Haemorrhoids are not only painful and uncomfortable, but the inflammation can also lead to blood clots which can lead to serious complications.

First, let’s look at the symptoms of a haemorrhoid problem.

The most common symptom of haemorrhoids is pain or even bleeding during defecation. Simple sitting and even standing can cause pain. In the case of an incipient haemorrhoid, itching around the rectum may develop. In worse cases, stools may be bloody and hemorrhoidal nodules may form. If you have any of these symptoms, you probably have hemorrhoids. But now let’s look at how you can prevent it and treat it effectively and naturally. Avoid surgery yourself!

Here are the 7 most effective tips against haemorrhoids:


Tip 1: Vitamins are very important against haemorrhoids.

The vitamin C hemorrhoids decreasing effect is less known, but Vitamin C is one of the most versatile miracle cures that exists and is specifically a hemorrhoid vitamin. It can also be a solution to many other problems. Mankind owes a lot to Albert Szentgyörgyi for the invention of ascorbic acid, or vitamin C. This vitamin is not only effective against scurvy but also cures many everyday problems. There are several preparations on the market that can relieve the symptoms, but vitamin C is the most effective because it strengthens the walls of the veins and reduces irritation. In this case, vitamin C should be taken orally, preferably with the addition of flavonoids, as this will have the most complete effect. People usually take vitamin C or ingest it when they have a cold or flu, but it should be taken regularly and could prevent problems.

Just 2000 mg of ascorbic acid a day makes the immune system more resistant and improves well-being. This may sound like a lot at first, but don’t be alarmed, you can’t overdose on vitamin C. Interestingly, it should also be mentioned that vitamin C can even have a positive effect on bleeding gums. Vitamin C deficiency can also lead to gum damage or tooth loss. If you experience bleeding gums when brushing your teeth, you should definitely take vitamin C.

You may be wondering what foods contain vitamin C so that you can get it naturally as well as through supplementation. Many fruits and vegetables contain vitamin C. Among vegetables, tomatoes, green peppers, potatoes, cabbage, lettuce, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower are all very good sources of vitamin C. Fresh fruit is also rich in ascorbic acid. Blueberries, lemons, grapefruit, blackberries, rosehips and oranges contain the most.

Scurvy is the most well-known disease caused by vitamin C deficiency. This disease is characterised by dry skin, some digestive problems, gum atrophy and thus loose teeth. Long-term vitamin C deficiency can lead to cardiovascular problems and even cancer. Interestingly, the development of atherosclerosis and heart attacks can be attributed to vitamin C deficiency. So it is very important that you never forget to take vitamin C.

Another very important vitamin is vitamin E. Vitamin E protects the heart, making it less likely to develop atherosclerosis. It also prevents blood clots, which can prevent thrombosis, heart attacks and strokes. Vitamin E is also very important for the brain, helping to keep it healthy and preventing Alzheimer’s disease. Like vitamin C, it also contributes to the effectiveness of the immune system. It helps the immune system at several points, so the development of infections is quite reduced. It also helps to reduce skin fragility, speeds up wound healing and this is where the healing ability of haemorrhoids comes in. Vitamin E is a very powerful antioxidant, it regenerates the skin and this, in addition to its wound healing properties, is very important as it is needed in hemorrhoids. This shows that the power of vitamins should not be underestimated.


Tip 2: Fibre-rich foods work wonders, believe me!

Treating haemorrhoids at home starts with a proper diet. This is also very important and doable for people with hemorrhoids. It must be stressed that it is also great for prevention and this is the most important factor. But why is fibre so important? By consuming the right amount of fibre and fluids, you can normalise the consistency of your stools and increase the frequency of bowel movements, thus reducing the strain on the rectum. According to official figures, you should eat at least 3 fruit and vegetables a day, preferably fresh and preferably raw.

Steamed, boiled, roasted vegetables and fruit are also good but the fibre is damaged during preparation so raw is best. You should know that the fresher and unprocessed a food is, the more vitamins it contains. If you have recurrent haemorrhoids, make sure you eat fresh fruit and vegetables every day. Increased fibre intake will help to alleviate the symptoms of hemorrhoids, but unfortunately you should not expect an immediate improvement, this process needs at least 5-6 weeks until you notice a noticeable change. And now for the most important thing – what you need to eat to get the most fibre.

The best vegetables include corn, cabbage, peppers, tomatoes, cauliflower, radishes, asparagus, broccoli, eggplant, lettuce and pumpkin. As for fruit, be sure to eat apples, grapes, raisins, pears, all kinds of berries, strawberries and raspberries. Several times a week you should eat oil seeds, pulses and sprouts such as chickpeas, green peas, yellow peas, lentils, dry beans. For breakfast, a little wholegrain cereal in milk or yoghurt can be the best option. Figs and dried fruit are also very good. Of the oilseeds, walnuts, American hazelnuts and pumpkin seeds are extremely good in vitamins and minerals and of course are excellent in fibre. Oatmeal is also an excellent source of fibre, especially for mothers who may develop haemorrhoids. It is very good for digestion and has a great stool-relieving effect, which means it will not cause constipation. You could even say that a haemorrhoids diet is so great for this problem.

But now we come to what foods should not be eaten in case of hemorrhoids. Consuming large quantities of dairy products is definitely not recommended. A huge amount of protein has a very bad effect on the intestines’ ability to produce acid. Obviously you wouldn’t think it, but ice cream should also be avoided as it contains a lot of colourings and additives apart from milk. However, there are acidified dairy products such as yoghurt and kefir which are very good for digestion and even make defecation easier. Refined carbohydrates can only lead to a negative effect on haemorrhoids.

It is highly recommended to completely eliminate sugary drinks and sweets from your life if you have haemorrhoids, although they are not healthy without them. These foods and drinks are the cause of fungal infections and of course lead to obesity in a short time. There are many ways to replace refined sugar, such as honey, stevia, cane sugar, birch sugar and fructose. Honey is not an effective treatment for haemorrhoids on its own, but in this form it is extremely helpful. Also, avoid animal fats and foods made from them such as canned meat, sausages, and sausages from shops. You should also give up crisps and snacks if you have hemorrhoids because they will only increase the pain and make it harder to defecate. Increased salt intake can irritate the intestinal wall and even varicose veins can develop on top of the haemorrhoids, which is something no one wants. Caffeine has a very negative effect on the lining of the stomach and intestines. If you are currently drinking energy drinks, it is highly recommended that you stop drinking them for good because they are not good for any of your organs and they don’t even have any effect.

Coffee and tea are not unhealthy drinks, but people with hemorrhoids should reduce their intake as they can make the problem worse. Perhaps decaffeinated versions may be appropriate if giving up is a big problem. Anyone who drinks large amounts of alcohol and has a problem with hemorrhoids is committing a major irresponsibility, as alcohol is extremely irritating to the intestinal lining, which only makes the symptoms much worse. In particular, concentrated alcoholic beverages are the biggest threat to the intestines and stomach. Unfortunately, there is no miracle cure for haemorrhoids that will cure the problem overnight. It is therefore particularly important to watch what you eat. So now you know what you should and shouldn’t eat if you have haemorrhoids. Here’s the next tip.

Tip 3: Next to nutrition, the next important thing is exercise.

If you don’t know which movement would be best for you, now you can find out. Some movements are just good for your circulation, but they can also help as a preventative measure. There are easy-to-do movements that you can do several times a week. It’s also worth replacing your car with a bicycle every now and then and taking regular walks.

Many experts recommend that if you watch a lot of television, you should combine it with some form of exercise. If you are watching a film, you can do indoor cycling or exercise. Exercising at home can really help to increase circulation. When you do exercise at home, make sure that the movements are complex. You need to cover the whole body and exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. You should often vary the exercises by walking in place, stretching or perhaps walking on your toes. It is very good to lie on the bed and put your feet on the ground and cycle in circles, i.e. cycle in the air.

Keeping the pelvic muscles in shape is very important and therefore gait training is recommended for all hemophiliacs. This will help the anal sphincter to become much stronger which will also have a very positive effect on the connective tissue. It is important that your connective tissues are strong, because then the hemorrhoid veins will not be able to bulge. You should also be aware that a sedentary lifestyle is responsible for the development of haemorrhoids.

If you do sedentary work, make sure you get up every hour and do some walking, change your posture or do some exercise. It’s true that with haemorrhoids, it’s not very pleasant to do a lot of exercise like running or jogging. Instead of these, you should go for a walk or even swimming, which is very effective. If you do decide to go running, make sure you buy good quality shoes, as quality footwear will help cushion the impact of the movement.

You must remember that crunches and all sports that involve them are completely forbidden. Besides, doing sports that involve abdominal pressure also contributes to the development of haemorrhoids. Exercising with heavy weights is also not good for hemorrhoids at all.

In summary, it’s best to walk at a brisk pace or maybe swim, but you should do it regularly. Of course, it should also be added that regular exercise is not only recommended for people with haemorrhoids, but for all people, as exercise has been a key to long-term health since ancient times. Keep at it, don’t give up, it can be tiring and demanding at first but it will pay off in time.

Tip 4: When we talk about natural products, we mean that a product is 100% natural.

What is best for haemorrhoids is a matter of debate, but quality herbal creams can be effective and can be very helpful for a milder case of haemorrhoids. One such natural and completely chemical-free product is Aurumflex Extra balm, which has been specifically developed to alleviate hemorrhoids. If natural treatment of hemorrhoids is important, this product could be a miracle cure. Many doctors recommend herbal products to their patients.

Aurumflex is unique and outstanding in its category because it contains 16 herbs, which is a very high number, other products are good if they contain 2 herbs. Shepherd’s purse is one of the oldest herbs for curing hemorrhoids, but we have researched all the herbs that can help to eradicate hemorrhoids. When you look at it, Aurumflex Extra is an ancient method in a completely modern guise. If these herbs worked for thousands of years, they work just as well now. But let’s dive a little deeper into the composition of Aurumflex Extra balm. It contains special ingredients such as grape seed extract, horse chestnut, black needle and willow bark. The grape seed extract is extremely beneficial for vascular problems and of course for haemorrhoids and related vascular problems. It contains many compounds that strengthen the walls of the blood vessels, which is much needed in hemorrhoids. Black needle tissue is commonly used as an ingredient in packs and balms. It has an extremely good effect on blood supply, but you will read a little more about that below. Willow bark has great anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Let’s also look at what other herbs are included in Aurumflex: aloe vera, eucalyptus, grapefruit, calendula, chamomile, turmeric, lavender, goosefoot, mint, shepherd’s purse, clove and cannabis oil. All these herbs work great together, which is why Aurumflex Extra Balm is such a high-quality and effective product.

What is the best hemorrhoid ointment?

Generally speaking, there is no such thing as the best hemorrhoid ointment. We are all different, with different symptoms and different complaints. As a result, which cream is effective for some people is less effective for others. The best haemorrhoid ointment is the one that is most effective in relieving the symptoms of haemorrhoids, such as pain, itching, swelling and bleeding.

Tip 5: It’s a good idea to turn to nature when you have an illness, specifically herbs.

Even civilisations thousands of years ago knew about the great benefits of medicinal plants and used them. I’m sure you’re wondering what herbs can be effective in overcoming haemorrhoids.

Fleabane: This herb is recommended for constipation, but it is also very effective in treating haemorrhoids. It works by absorbing water and then swelling in the intestines. So if you are going to take fleabane seed, you should definitely drink plenty of fluids daily. Of course there are also great effects of this herb, it can bind fat, sugar and toxins. If you want to go on a weight loss diet, this can be a very good option. It is also able to lower blood cholesterol levels. According to some research, although it is not certain, it is also very effective in lowering blood sugar. It also helps to increase the growth of beneficial bacteria and therefore boosts the immune system.

Black Coneflower: You’ve already read some information about it above, but now you can learn more about it. It is usually used externally. Either the plant itself or its cold pressed oil is applied to the problem area. It contains a substance called allantoin, which is a great wound healer and can also eliminate itching. Of course, it is not only used for hemorrhoids, but also for wounds, bruises, varicose veins, bruising, gout and joint pain. The leaves of black celandine can also be used for digestive diseases. The roots are used externally, both fresh and dried.

Spearwort: this herb also contains allantoin which is also found in black celandine. The plant itself and its powder make a great ointment but you can buy the prepared version usually in pharmacies. After all, you can make the ointment yourself at home, you can give it a try. Heat 1 dl of lard until it melts, then add the chopped pieces of the plant. Then leave to stand for a day, reheat again and finally strain.

Witch hazel: Witch hazel is usually the active ingredient in many pharmacy anti-haemorrhoid preparations. It is very cooling and helps relieve pain and itching. It is one of the most effective natural weapons for treating eczema and psoriasis, but you can also use it to combat acne. The tannins in it allow your skin to not be so oily. If your skin is not so oily, you won’t develop blackheads. It may sound strange, but using this plant will make you sweat less because of its astringent effects. If you’re struggling with dandruff, you should definitely try the incredible power of witch hazel. It balances the skin’s pH and reduces itching.

Aloe vera: When used internally, aloe vera has a laxative effect, so it is recommended for hemorrhoids. Aloe vera is available in many health food shops. It is not recommended to squeeze it at home. The inner part of the aloe vera leaf is a very strong laxative. You can also apply it externally to itchy and burning skin. Because of the laxative effect already mentioned, be sure not to consume it long term, as it can be harmful. As it is very rich in antioxidants, it strengthens the immune system and can also fight free radicals. The great aloe vera juice cleanses the body’s digestive system. If you consume it regularly, you can successfully boost your energy levels and even maintain a healthy weight. Much above you have already read that fibre is very important in times of hemorrhoids. The good news is that aloe vera juice contains a lot of fibre, which helps digestion and improves bowel movements. It is a great remedy for constipation, but you should be aware that it takes a few hours to take effect. For type 2 diabetics, aloe vera juice can be a real miracle drink, as it reduces the triglyceride levels in your blood. All diabetics should drink aloe vera juice to significantly improve their condition. Because it improves blood quality, it can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Pork lard: The use of pork lard for haemorrhoids is an increasingly common issue, so here is some clarification. Pig fat has been used many times in the old traditional village medicine for various ailments. Today, most of its uses are obscure, but the remaining information suggests that pig fat has been used in some form to treat haemorrhoids. However, this is presumably not true in itself, as lard was not used as a panacea. Rather, it was used as a raw material to make homemade herbal creams. By heating the lard and adding various herbs, a spreadable herbal cream or fat could be produced. This has now been replaced by herbal creams, which are made under the right conditions, using several herbs, according to the law of synergetics (mutually reinforcing, acting together).


Tip 6: We’re going to take a look at hydration, as it’s one of the most important for the body.

Not just for gold seekers but for every single person. In today’s fast-paced world, you need to pay attention to how much fluid you drink and of what quality, of course. The amount you drink depends on the time of year. In the summer you should definitely take in a lot more fluids. Everyone knows that the human body is about 60% water. The majority of this is found inside cells, and the smaller part is outside cells (blood plasma, lymph, urine and other body fluids).

It is found in the bones, tooth enamel, fatty tissues, liver, muscles, brain, kidneys and eyes. Water plays an extremely important role in the functioning of the body. It ensures blood circulation, influences blood composition and regulates blood pressure. Water enables the transport of nutrients and waste products. Water is responsible for the body’s constant internal temperature. It also contributes to the proper functioning of the joints.

The body can only function properly and smoothly if the amount of fluid entering and leaving the body is balanced. This balance can be affected by a number of external factors. These may be active sport, heavy physical work, the temperature outside or the climate. Imagine that water is so important to the body that without it, body temperature and heart rate can rise. Without water the body loses very important nutrients and without them the body’s performance will be much lower. As the body has no fluid stores, excess fluid is excreted by the kidneys very quickly. With only 2% water loss, physical and mental performance is reduced. Symptoms can include headaches, fatigue, thirst and loss of concentration.

An interesting fact is that the body signals thirst relatively late, so it’s not worth waiting until you’re thirsty to drink, you should always drink. When you’re thirsty, you should have had a drink by then. During breaks at work, it’s a good idea to have a glass of refreshing water or a green drink, or maybe some 100% fruit juice. Make sure your average daily fluid intake is 2.5 litres. This is the amount of water you need to keep your water balance.

But what kind of water should I drink, you must be wondering!? We recommend purified water and pre-bottled mineral water, preferably non-carbonated. Smoothies and smoothies made from fruit and vegetables are also great for the body as they contain lots of vitamins and minerals. Another great thirst-quenching drink is green tea and various herbal teas. However, when it comes to herbal teas, be sure to follow the preparation and consumption recommendations. Various sugary drinks and lots of coffee are not good for your body, so avoid these types of drinks if you can.

An interesting fact is that women tend to sweat much less than men and therefore lose less fluid. This is due to their smaller body size and more economical fluid balance. During an intense sporting activity or a hot day, the body may need up to 2-2.5 litres of fluid because sweat is a major electrolyte excretor. In case you didn’t know the role of electrolytes, now you’ll find out. Electrolytes are very important mineral salts for the body such as sodium, calcium, magnesium or potassium. They help muscles to contract and relax. A lack of electrolytes can lead to muscle cramps and fatigue. So now you know why water is the greatest treasure for humans. If you drink enough fluids, you can prevent hemorrhoids and, in the case of hemorrhoids, it stimulates bowel movements so you don’t get constipated.

Drinking water.

Tip 7: A study has shown that people who are more hygiene conscious are less likely to develop haemorrhoids.

So this is also very good for prevention, but proper hygiene is also important for hemorrhoids that have already developed. You should pay particular attention to bathing before bedtime and to keeping your genitals clean. When defecating, avoid straining and use the softest possible toilet paper, but wet intimate wipes are also a good idea. Never use rough or hard paper around the rectum as this can cause a lot of pain. The ideal solution for a hemophiliac would be to wash the problem area immediately after defecation. In this case, it is best to wash the rectal area with lukewarm water.

In addition, it is also worth taking a disinfectant seat bath. Obviously, this is important for hemorrhoids that have already developed, because it helps to avoid possible infections.  If possible, you should always wear ventilated cotton underwear for hemorrhoids. It is also highly recommended to establish a daily rhythm, which means that bowel movements should always take place at the same time so that constipation due to stool retention can be avoided.


We have come to the end of the 7 tips. Unfortunately, there is no quick solution to hemorrhoids, so if you want to avoid and improve the condition, you should pay attention to the above! But remember one thing, if you have already developed hemorrhoids, you should definitely consult a doctor, do not just try to cure it yourself at home, because it can be very bad.

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