5+1 effective solution against stomach acid!
The cause of heartburn is usually to be found in the food eaten, complaints often appear after fatty, heavy, spicy or acidic foods. A high amount of stomach acid can also be caused by an excessively sugary diet, as the consumption of sugar produces acid.
Reducing stomach acid is important for everyone. Learn about the methods that can be used to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, and you can easily use them against a lot of stomach acid at home.
Let’s see what is good for stomach acid:

Consuming 1-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar daily will help reduce acidity in the stomach. It might not seem logical to eat something that is sour to reduce stomach acid. However, apple cider vinegar “produces” alkali, hardly any stomach acid is produced during its digestion. This means that it neutralizes acidity. It also balances the internal ecosystem and alkalizes the internal pH. This is beneficial because diseases like an acidic environment.
Apple cider vinegar is so effective against stomach acid because its main active ingredient is acetic acid, whose pH value is approximately the same as the pH value of the stomach. Thus, it can greatly support the maintenance of the normal state of the stomach. It is also worth knowing that reflux can also be caused by stomach acid. In this case, the sphincter muscle at the junction of the stomach and the esophagus relaxes and moves in the direction of the esophagus. As a result of the apple cider vinegar, there will be more acid in the stomach and digestion will be efficient again. Based on several statistics, it can be said that apple cider vinegar can help 9 out of 10 people with reflux or just simple heartburn. Thanks to this, it can be concluded that the effect of apple cider vinegar on stomach acid can be an effective and proven, immediate method.
Other beneficial effects:
It helps detoxify the body, cleans the kidneys, and is also consumed due to its fat-breaking effect. It helps cure sinusitis, sore throat and flu. You can treat acne, warts, rashes and varicose veins with it. It helps to reduce high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Apple cider vinegar eliminates fungal infections. Arthritis, joint stiffness and gout can also be alleviated with it.

Lemon juice for heartburn? The use of lemon juice for heartburn is not silly at all, because the effect of lemon on stomach acid can be beneficial for us. One of the many beneficial properties of lemon is that it helps get rid of stomach acid. Lemon, like apple cider vinegar, is alkaline, even if it tastes sour. The acid-binding effect of lemon is due to the fact that it neutralizes the acids in the stomach, so lemon juice can be a great solution against stomach acid. Drinking a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice about 10 minutes before a meal will help prevent acid reflux. Lemon water can also be used against stomach acid, as it is a great source of vitamin C, it can also help with weight loss as it also has an appetite suppressant effect. Lemon water can therefore be one of the most useful solutions for reflux. It’s definitely worth a try.
Other beneficial effects:
Lemons are also full of magnesium, calcium and potassium and hydrate the body. Together with warm water, the citric acids found in lemons react with other enzymes and acids, thus making digestion easier. Just a glass of lemon water and the liver will produce more enzymes. Thanks to this, it helps to clean the liver, so it is easier to get rid of toxins.

If you are looking for the answer to the question, “What can I eat against heartburn”, then this dish should not be missed, because homemade ginger can also be excellent for heartburn. Ginger is a fantastic option for treating stomach acid as it has amazing properties. Chew peeled ginger and drink ginger tea to eliminate unpleasant complaints. It is recommended to consume a tablespoon of ginger juice with a little water every day.
Other beneficial effects:
Ginger helps to reduce complications related to diabetes, as it lowers blood sugar levels. It is also used as a heart booster, but it also lowers cholesterol. In addition, ginger strengthens the immune system and can be used to treat flu and colds.

Aloe Vera is very useful in treating stomach acid because it soothes irritated tissues and has an anti-inflammatory effect. For a morning drink, mix the translucent fleshy part of the pure aloe leaf with a little water. This mixture helps prevent stomach acid from forming and helps relieve existing symptoms.

TIP! Baking soda is an age-old home remedy that also neutralizes stomach pains. Baking soda neutralizes acids while forming carbon dioxide. If you combine stomach acid with baking soda, you eliminate the stomach acid and thus the stomach pain. Pure baking soda is recommended for those who want to avoid chemicals. For consumption, dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it. Repeat this every 2 hours, but make sure not to exceed 5 teaspoons per day. Although baking soda is a proven method against stomach acid that works almost immediately, long-term use is not recommended.

Papaya is a proven home remedy against stomach acid. It’s no coincidence, because papaya contains an enzyme that helps clean the intestinal walls and helps heal scars caused by inflammation. By consuming it, the unpleasant feeling of fullness and bloating after meals can be eliminated. It can also be mentioned that its consumption promotes the elimination of waste products. It is also recommended for diabetics and dieters, in case of gall and liver problems. It is recommended to consume 1 capful (approx. 15-20ml) of papaya juice per day, after a meal.
What else is good for stomach acid? TIP! Fennel has been used for a long time because it works very well for all kinds of stomach and intestinal complaints. Fennel can also be a great stomach acid reducer, as chewing on its seeds helps to reduce the production of stomach acid. The tea made from its seeds (brew a tablespoon with 3 dl of hot water, let it stand for 10 minutes, then strain) also relieves heartburn and improves our digestion. Even fenugreek seeds are natural antacids. It is capable of providing considerable protection to the stomach, and helps prevent the development of gastric ulcers. It can also be effective in cases of stomach and intestinal inflammation.
The above-mentioned methods are excellent home remedies for heartburn.
However, we should also not forget how important prevention and maintaining a symptom-free state are. Thanks to this, below we also cover what it is recommended to consume and what it is recommended to avoid, since we can help against hyperacidity with food and our eating habits.
The golden rule of the stomach acid diet is that you should not consume carbonated drinks. We also have to say no to the fried potatoes. Fats are meat, bacon, and sausages are also out of the question. It is also not recommended to eat vegetables with a high acid content, such as onions, peppers and sauerkraut. There are also fruits with a high acid content, such as raspberries, grapefruit, oranges and tangerines. Eating chocolate is also prohibited.
If we want to contribute to stomach acid with food, the following can help reduce it: bananas. rice, low-fat dairy products, wheat porridge, bran crackers, quiona, eggs.
Milk can only be effective against stomach acid under certain conditions. There are also rules for milky drinks that you should pay attention to in case of excessive stomach acid, just as a low-fat diet also contributes to the relief of symptoms, so this is no different for drinks as well. Despite the fact that milk is recommended by folk medicine for its immediate soothing effect against stomach acid, it is still not recommended. This is especially to be avoided before going to bed. Milk can work against stomach acid if you consume skimmed milk, even in this case only a little.
Other foods that reduce stomach acid include:
Vegetables: Almost all kinds of vegetables can have a beneficial effect on the stomach. In particular, green leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and kale are low in acid and high in fiber, which can help regulate stomach acid.
Fruits: Many fruits, such as bananas, apples, avocados, and peaches, are low in acid and high in fiber, which can help reduce stomach acid and relieve heartburn.
Dairy products: Low-fat dairy products, such as skimmed milk, yogurt, and cottage cheese, are generally well tolerated by the stomach and do not cause excess stomach acid production.
Herbs and spices: For example, fennel, chamomile and ginger can have an acid-reducing effect.
If we want to fight stomach acid with tea, the following can help: chamomile tea, peanut tea, coriander tea, mint tea, and anise tea.
If you are looking for the application of an antacid at home, these are the best solutions that can be considered.
But what are the symptoms of too much stomach acid?
-Pain in the stomach
-Heartburn especially after eating
-Sour taste in the mouth
-Stomach or throat pain
-Sore throat or difficulty swallowing
-Metallic taste in the mouth
-Constipation or diarrhea
It is also worth being aware that these solutions may not help against constant heartburn. In some cases, a medical examination or treatment is recommended. In such a case, neglect home remedies against stomach acid and consult a doctor instead!