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Types of leg pain at rest

Types of leg pain at rest

Leg pain makes rest, sleep and, of course, everyday activities difficult.

It is definitely worth finding out where the pain is coming from.

There are many different types of foot pain, so it is not so easy to find out the causes. The pain can go away quickly, but it can torment you for weeks and you can’t even sleep.

What complicates things is that each patient describes pain differently. Some people feel a burning sensation, strong throbbing, heavy legs, and some people feel as if they are putting their feet in ice water.

Weakness and numbness can also develop alongside the pain or it feels like your leg is being poked with needles. In most cases, the cause of the pain is to be found in the lower limbs, but it can also be of spinal origin. It is worth knowing that leg pain can often be felt even at rest. In this case, it is worth visiting a specialist.

This is also the case with calf pain.

Pain in the left calf or right calf can be caused by muscle strain, venous insufficiency, or even nervous system problems. Calf pain can also occur at rest. But in almost all cases this is usually just some kind of muscle strain or muscle spasm. It can be eliminated with a little massaging. If, however, it persists for a long time, because it can happen, then it is also worth seeing a doctor.

Leg pain from the knee down can occur for several reasons.

-Muscle and joint problems



-Nervous problems

-Venous problems

-Skin diseases

If the leg pain occurs when lying down or if the leg pain occurs at night, the causes include varicose veins, vascular problems, lumbago, and restless legs syndrome.

Lower leg pain is a common symptom that can have many different causes.

The lower leg is the area between the knee and the ankle, and the pain can be sharp or dull, constant or intermittent, and may be in just one or both legs.

One of the most common causes of lower leg pain is overuse, such as sports or long-distance walking or running. This type of pain is usually sharp and dull, and the pain may worsen with movement.

Another cause of lower leg pain can be injury or inflammation of ligaments, muscles or bones. This type of pain is usually sharp and intense and is often accompanied by swelling and bruising in the injured area.

Let’s see exactly what the most typical types of leg pain are:

Burning pain:

One of the most typical leg pain types is burning pain. This feeling can radiate from the spine all the way to the feet. Even toe pain may occur. It is also possible that this burning sensation may also appear in the feet. The pain is often described as if the person had received an electric shock. It often turns out that sciatica is the cause of these symptoms.


Everyone has experienced numbness during their life, when you are in the same position for a long time and thus blood circulation problems occur for a while. In this case, you don’t feel the heat or the cold. If, on the other hand, this numbness persists for a longer period of time, then you have to think about a more serious problem. In such cases, it is worth going to a doctor, because numbness is not a game.

Throbbing leg pain at rest

Vasoconstriction, particularly in the lower limbs, can often cause throbbing pain, especially if the legs are not getting enough oxygen due to a reduction in blood flow. However nerve problems, such as nerve fibre damage or irritation, can also cause throbbing pain.


In most cases, this weakness is triggered by movement. Those who suffer from it describe that they almost have to drag their legs and they don’t walk like they used to. Climbing stairs can be particularly difficult.

If you don’t want to see a doctor right away, you should definitely try the effects of herbs. Herbal balms have a very good anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effect. We recommend the HillVital Maximum balm, which, with the combined effect of 19 herbs, can help you get rid of your leg pain.

Types of leg pain at rest
Types of leg pain at rest
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