When we are sick, have an ache, a fever or an inflammation, we tend to reach for medicines, and the Hungarian population tends to reach for antibiotics.
However, there are chronic, chronic illnesses where it is not possible to take medication all the time, so we need to look at alternative options and find a method that does not harm our body but is effective for the problem.
Most inflammatory, painful complaints are caused by arthritic, musculoskeletal and rheumatic conditions, with lumbago, sciatica and herniated discs all being long-lasting, recurrent pain conditions.
For these musculoskeletal problems, it can be effective to supplement your oral medication with some topical treatment, such as an herbal anti-inflammatory cream. Many people think that topical ointments and creams are not effective enough, but this is not the case. The top layer of the skin easily absorbs moisture and creams, so their active ingredients can easily enter the bloodstream and start to work their magic. There are several types of anti-inflammatory creams, either in the form of pharmaceutical products or herbal balms. It is up to each person to find out for themselves which is the best and most effective for them.
Anti-inflammatory creams from HillVital
The best anti-inflammatory cream for each individual can often vary from person to person, but Master Balm has been reported to have helped many people. Hillvital’s herbal remedy, called Master Balm, contains herbs that have a pronounced analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect, providing relief from musculoskeletal pain. The cream contains aloe vera, arnica, juniper, Scots pine, eucalyptus, thyme, chamomile, calendula, turmeric, mint, rosemary, horse chestnut, which make it an analgesic and anti-inflammatory cream. It is one of the best anti-inflammatory ointments available from HillVital.
Hillvital also has another product, Salikort Extra Balm, which is also a 100% herbal cream and is also excellent for musculoskeletal complaints. It contains thirteen different herbal extracts, plus willow bark, which is a great painkiller. The active ingredients in the balms are of excellent quality and are entirely natural.