The first step against forehead and sinusitis is to recognize its symptoms!
The symptoms of sinusitis include swelling of the cheeks, as well as a pressing, throbbing pain that radiates to the bones of the skull, as well as the front and upper part.
This can be even stronger when bending or moving, because in this case the pressure increases. Difficulty breathing and a dull sense of smell may also occur. Other symptoms include nasal congestion, followed by a runny nose. The discharge is initially watery and white in color, later it becomes discolored and thickens.
Accompanying symptoms may be weakness, fatigue, and fever.
The causes of sinus inflammation can include a virus, bacteria or even a fungal infection. In the case of a cold, the mucous membrane of the sinus is always affected, but fortunately, sinusitis does not develop in all cases. Unfortunately, dental disease can also trigger the development of inflammation. In such a case, sinusitis persists until the patient’s tooth is treated.
Treatment of sinusitis at home
Forehead and sinusitis can be treated very well at home. However, if the symptoms are severe or the disease is prolonged, you should definitely consult a specialist, because the inflammation can cause a more serious infection and even become chronic. Consult a specialist if your symptoms do not improve for more than a week, or if the following immediately appear:
-Fever over 38 degrees
-pain, swelling and redness of the tissues around the eyes and face
-neck stiffness
-severe headache.
Treatment of sinusitis at home and treatment of sinusitis at home using herbs that work very well. Eucalyptus essential oil for inhalation is recommended for the treatment of sinusitis.
During its treatment, it is important to restore the ventilation of the sinus.
Preparation: put 3-5 drops of oil in a bowl, then pour 1 liter of hot water.
Application: Put a towel on your head and inhale alternately through the mouth and nose. Repeat 2-3 times a day.
Dissolving mucus stuck in the sinus can be done as follows
Rinsing the nose: Rinsing the nose with warm salt water can help loosen the mucus in the sinuses. To do this, you will need a flushing device, such as a neti pot or a nasal aspirator. You can prepare the nasal rinse solution at home with salt and warm water. Before rinsing your nose, always talk to your doctor to make sure you choose the right method.
Anti-inflammatory drugs: Doctors usually prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs for sinus inflammation. These medications can help reduce swelling and inflammation in the sinuses, which can improve drainage.
Nasal drops: Using nasal drops can also help to remove mucus from the sinuses. Your doctor may recommend nasal drops that help keep the nasal passages open and thus help clear mucus.
Antibiotics: If your sinus infection is caused by bacteria, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics. Antibiotics can help remove bacteria from the sinuses and improve symptoms.
It is important that if the treatment of sinusitis using home methods does not bring results, we should consult a doctor!