We use our hands a lot in a day, but no one thinks about the strain on our bones, muscles and nerves. These could be the causes of arm pain at night!
The most insidious of many hand conditions is carpal tunnel syndrome.
Shoulder and arm pain can actually start in the neck. It is here that the nerve roots that innervate the shoulder and the entire upper limb, and also some of the thoracic and abdominal viscera, exit the spinal cord. This is why it is sometimes difficult to tell whether someone’s shoulder is really hurting, or whether the pain is coming from the cervical vertebrae or from a serious coronary artery disease. Left arm pain can be caused by an injury, tunnel syndrome or even migraines. If the left arm pain is accompanied by chest pain or shortness of breath, an ambulance should be called as this could be a sign of a heart attack. Upper arm pain can also present as right arm pain and left arm pain. The cause may also be an injury, but it could also be a herniated disc or the tunnel syndrome mentioned above.
Tunnel syndrome is the umbrella term for a condition in which a nerve running through an anatomically preformed tunnel is under pressure.
The best known is carpal tunnel syndrome, in which the median nerve is pressed at the level of the wrist. The most common complaint is numbness in the fingers of the hand, which occurs mainly in the morning and at night. The patient is often awakened by the numbness, which is often painful.
But what does this disease mean?
The reason it is so insidious is that the symptoms are sometimes slow and sometimes rapid. The nerve that runs to the hand is put under pressure in a tunnel of tendons, muscles and bones. Symptoms usually occur unexpectedly, in a passive state. The initial symptom is hand numbness at night accompanied by some pain. Waking up at night with this problem is a cause for concern. In the beginning, the symptoms are not noticeable during the day, so you don’t worry about it. These symptoms will not go away on their own, and will become more frequent. The “left arm pain at night” and the “right arm pain at night” are also symptoms of a kind. It is a nerve problem that cannot be treated with painkillers, but if left untreated for a long time it can lead to nerve damage or muscle atrophy. A doctor’s examination is of course necessary to make an accurate diagnosis.
You may also want to use products made from natural ingredients that can help relieve the pain. Herbal Master Balm contains 12 herbs and no artificial ingredients. Feel free to try it yourself!
Causes of left waking pain at night
Injury: The most common cause of left upper arm pain at night is an injury, such as a fracture, sprain or pulled muscle. If the pain occurs after a specific event, such as an accident or playing a sport, there is a greater chance that an injury is causing the pain.
Overuse: Frequent or repetitive movements, such as playing tennis, swimming or gardening, can overuse arm muscles and ligaments, causing pain and stiffness.
Musculoskeletal disorders: musculoskeletal disorders can also cause left upper arm pain at night. For example, osteoporosis, rheumatism and arthritis are all conditions that can cause pain and stiffness in the arm.
Nervous system problems: Nervous system problems, such as carpal tunnel or thoracic neuritis, can also cause left upper arm pain at night.
Heart problems: Although rare, heart problems can also cause left upper arm pain at night. Heart problems usually cause chest pain and shortness of breath, but these symptoms can sometimes radiate to the arm.
What are the possible causes of pain in both arms at night?
Arthritis: inflammation of the joints can cause pain in both arms.
Cervical radiculopathy: Problems in the cervical spine can spread to the arms and cause pain at night.
Polymyalgia rheumatica: This is an autoimmune disease that can cause pain in the shoulder, arm and neck.
Overexertion: prolonged, monotonous movements, such as handling machinery or holding a pen, can cause pain in the arms