The primary symptoms of muscle wasting are spasticity, tightness that can affect any muscle group depending on any genetic predisposition or physical exertion.
A lot of habitual moving and carrying and heavy physical work and of course a lot of stress can also trigger the problem.
Symptoms of a flattened muscle can often include local complaints such as neck, back, shoulder and arm pain, but you may also feel numbness and loss of sensation. A flattened muscle in the shoulder is also very common, especially if you do a lot of physical work.
It may also be the case that a deeper muscle group is affected by this binding. In this case, it can irritate a number of nerve endings and can also block the proper flow of blood.
The muscles around the shoulder blade have a very complex function. The way the individual muscle fibres adhere to each other helps both normal coordination and arm movement. If these muscles are very tight and spastic, they can put too much pressure on the joints. Because of this, oxygen will not be refreshed in the body and there will be much less air in the lungs which can cause breathing problems. Unpleasant symptoms can be exacerbated if you don’t exercise regularly and if you don’t eat healthily. Psychological stress also has a very negative effect on the whole body.
You should always strive to keep the circulation fresh, as stagnation will only damage the body.
If there is inadequate blood circulation, the muscle will break down. Therapeutic massage is usually very good for muscle breakdown and of course the regular exercise mentioned above. It’s worth moving at least 30 minutes every day or once a week. Whether running, walking or some kind of sport is appropriate.
There are also natural ways to treat a flattened muscle. A great solution is Kapsamax Extra, a balm that uses 8 herbs to treat muscle spasms and other muscle aches.
Remember that you should never neglect such problems!