The muscle knots are also known as trigger points. Muscle knots are small muscle spasms that occur as a natural defence mechanism of the body and are associated with muscle fibres.
Muscles create smaller muscle knots to avoid overstretching, which can cause pain throughout the body.
Muscle knots can be caused by overuse of muscles, an injury or even mental stress. The blood supply to the muscle and its metabolism are altered.
As the muscle knots appear, painful points can be felt on the body, even in the calves. The sore lump in the calf usually goes away with a little massage, so a calf cramp is not considered a serious problem.
But when can a muscle knot occur?
– If you do the same action over a long period of time, or stay in one place for a long time, in the same position, or lift heavy objects, you can overuse your muscles. Muscle knots in the shin tend to occur in most cases, especially if you do physical work regularly.
– If you overdo exercise and don’t allow enough time for your muscles to recover, you can still develop a muscle knot.
– After an injury or surgery, sparing posture can cause muscles to shorten or some muscles to be overstretched.
Let’s see what methods can help to treat it:
Massage: muscle massage is an effective way to loosen muscle knots. Massage helps to relax muscles, increase circulation and reduce muscle tension. Professional massage by a specialist can give the best results.
Stretching: Muscle knots often develop due to muscle overuse or a sedentary lifestyle. Stretching and mobilisation help to relax muscles, improve joint mobility and reduce muscle tension. It may be useful to do stretching exercises on problem muscle groups.
Warm compresses: the application of heat, such as a warm compress or a warm shower, can help to treat muscle knots. Heat helps to relax the muscles, improve circulation and reduce pain.
Cold therapy: applying cold, such as ice packs or cooling sprays, can help reduce muscle inflammation and pain. Cold compresses are recommended for acute injuries or inflammation.
Massaging the muscle bundle can be an excellent remedy. Muscle knots are great to treat with massage and it is even recommended to use herbal balm. To prevent it from developing again, it is worthwhile to develop a proper, healthy posture.
To heal completely, it is worth going to a physiotherapist to eliminate the causes. Therapeutic massage can help reduce symptoms, relax overworked muscles and improve circulation.