There are many reasons for obesity. These include hereditary predisposition, poor eating habits or a sedentary lifestyle.
The causes of sudden weight gain can be due to a number of factors:
Excess calorie intake: if you eat more calories than you burn, your body can store fat, which can lead to weight gain.
Changes in eating habits: if our eating habits change, for example because we eat more, eat more sweets or eat processed foods, this can also contribute to weight gain.
Hormonal changes: certain hormonal changes can also cause weight gain, such as an underactive thyroid gland.
Stress: stress can also cause weight gain, because people often deal with stress by ‘overeating’.
Medicines: some medicines can cause weight gain, such as steroids.
Health problems: certain health problems, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, can also lead to weight gain.
However, some cases of overweight are caused by a hormonal problem.
Obesity increases the risk factors for many dangerous diseases, but if the cause is hormonal, the underlying cause itself can lead to other health problems. Therefore, if you are overweight, it is important to identify the underlying causes.
Many people ask which hormones cause obesity and what are the signs of overweight caused by hormones.
The truth is that hormonal obesity can be caused by overactivity of both hormones.
Women gain weight mainly in the buttocks, hips and thighs. In other words, the so-called feminine areas. If your fat tends to be deposited on the belly, breasts and face, this could be a sign of increased male hormone activity.
Excessive male hormone production is often associated with excessive insulin production.
This can be a sign if you have frequent bouts of weakness, nausea and shakiness, which disappear when you eat something sweet – and in addition to the fact that spiking blood sugar levels can lead to serious health problems, including diabetes, the sweet tooth also doesn’t help you lose weight. For women, a much sought-after question is how to gain weight from breasts. Let’s not jump to conclusions, increasing male hormone production is not the answer. Unfortunately, if we intervene externally in this way, it can cause major problems with hormone balance.
So, in summary, when the activity of the male hormone increases, abdominal obesity, facial obesity and, surprisingly, breast obesity can also play a big role.
Overweight of the female hormone also causes obesity.
In this case, fat is deposited on the buttocks, thighs and hips. Thus, among the causes of thigh obesity and hip obesity are the overproduction of the female hormone. Excessive production of female hormones is not conducive to getting pregnant. Irregular, absent menstruation may also be a sign of excessive female hormone. So if female hormone production is increased, you may also experience weight gain in the buttocks, hips and thighs.
What can make you gain weight?
Bottom gain often depends on your body type and hormones. Those with round or pear-shaped buttocks are often dominated by thyroid hormone or ovarian hormone. In these cases, the weight gain is concentrated in the buttocks and lower regions. For this reason, it is worth watching what you eat and exercising.
If you suspect that your obesity is caused by a hormonal imbalance, don’t ignore it. You won’t be able to lose weight without correcting the problem, and there’s a good chance you’ll suffer more serious health damage.
What are the causes of facial obesity?
Causes of facial obesity can include genetics, hormonal changes, stress, poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, taking steroids or side effects of certain medications.
Insulin resistance and weight gain
Insulin resistance is closely linked to lifestyle. Lack of exercise and poor diet play a major role in its development. It makes it even harder to lose weight, but how can it cause weight gain? The cells become resistant to insulin, which is supposed to incorporate glucose into the cells. This resistance causes the body to perceive that it needs more insulin, so the pancreas releases more. However, insulin builds up fat reserves, so it helps to keep fat in reserves. This can be the cause of sudden weight gain, abdominal obesity, face obesity, buttock obesity, thigh obesity or arm obesity.
The almost pathological background to weight gain may be a thyroid problem.
Iodine, which the thyroid gland gets from certain foods, is essential for thyroid function. In the case of the thyroid, underactive thyroid gland is the cause of weight gain, most often due to iodine deficiency or, in some cases, postnatal thyroiditis.
A very common symptom is that the patient gains weight even with a proper diet and regular exercise. In addition, the patient often experiences weakness, fatigue, malaise, as well as irritability, dry skin, constipation and even hair loss. In general, most diets are based on reducing fat intake, but if you overdo it, you can develop vitamin deficiencies and consequent deficiency diseases. It can even slow down the body’s metabolism and cause health problems. Reducing a high fat intake means that the body does not get the nutrients it needs.