Arthritis can be suspected in the case of knee swelling, which is why it is worth seeing a doctor in this case, as knee swelling is no joke.
If you experience stiffness or swelling in your knee, it is definitely worth getting it checked out.
In the worst case, immobility may develop. But what could be the factors that can cause this problem. One such factor is overweight. Heavy body weight puts a strain on the joints and knees. Even a 10% weight loss can reduce symptoms.
A knee sprain is a condition where the capillaries, muscles, tendons and joints in the knee joint become swollen and painful. Strain is most often caused by overuse, such as excessive exercise or poor movement. In this case, treatment usually consists of rest, cooling, and the use of pain relievers. Knee swelling can also be associated with dehydration, so it should definitely be treated.
Let’s also look at the possible causes of knee swelling:
Heavy physical exertion can also cause problems.
Any heavy physical exertion can overload the joints. These include sports such as running and weight lifting. Knee pain can also develop due to muscle weakness. It is definitely worth developing the muscles, especially the leg muscles.
Drinking too little fluid can also be the cause of the problem.
A fairly large part of articular cartilage is made up of water, which is why water is important for their functioning. It is definitely worth taking 2-3 liters of water per day. Osteoarthritis can be the cause of knee pain over the age of 40. This problem means that the bones rub the edges of the joints, which can cause great pain. This problem can affect anyone, it usually develops in those who played sports that used their knees when they were young or who were injured when they were young. Symptoms include pain, morning stiffness.
Rheumatoid arthritis can also be a trigger.
This damages the joint capsule and the cartilage, as a result of which enzymes are created that break down the bone and soft tissues. This disease usually occurs between the ages of 20 and 45. Symptoms may include fatigue, malaise, joint pain and swelling. Bursitis is a disease that attacks the knee joint. It can develop due to prolonged kneeling, infection or an old knee injury. Complaints can appear in the form of pain and swelling.
Swelling above the knee can be caused by a number of different factors.
Injuries: Knee joint injuries such as sprains, sprains or fractures can cause swelling above the knee. These types of injuries are usually associated with pain and limited mobility.
Knee arthritis: Knee arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, can cause swelling and pain above the knee. These inflammatory conditions are usually accompanied by other symptoms such as stiffness and morning stiffness.
Bursitis: Inflammation of the bursa in the knee can also cause swelling above the knee. This inflammation usually occurs as a result of excessive exertion.
Knee cyst: A knee cyst, also known as a Baker’s cyst, can cause a swelling and protrusion that can become noticeable above the knee. It usually occurs when fluid in the knee collects in a cyst.
Knee joint infection: A bacterial or viral infection in the knee joint can cause swelling and pain. These types of infections are usually accompanied by fever and other symptoms.
If knee swelling has already developed, it must be treated.
You should know that knee swelling and tension always go together. In the case of milder injuries, knee swelling can be treated at home in 2-3 days. During these few days, the swollen knee must be rested, so it is recommended to spend as much time as possible sitting or lying down, and to avoid a lot of walking. The painful part of the body should be iced, or a pack of frozen peas can be a very good choice, as it will easily smooth over the knee. The knee should be iced for a maximum of 20 minutes. Fasli can also be very useful, as it helps to avoid fluid accumulation and keeps the knee stable. If you want to prevent your knees from swelling, you should put them on the shelf.
One of the causes of knee swelling and tension is tendonitis, which can cause knee pain due to inflammation of the tendons that attach to the knee. In the case of tendinitis, rest is also very important, in the worst case it is worth taking medicine. It is also important to strengthen and stretch the muscles. In case of such a problem, definitely visit a doctor, because the inflamed tendon may even tear.
Knee swelling is one of the most common problems affecting the joints.
There are several causes of wet knees, such as arthritis, joint injury, joint degeneration, or a meniscus tear. Other possible causes may include patellofemoral pain syndrome, a ligament tear, or connective tissue disorders such as a herniated disc. A doctor can help determine the exact cause. Swelling of the knee without pain can occur for several reasons, such as edema or fluid accumulation in the knee joint, bursitis of the knee, or different lengths of the joint ligaments of the knee. Other possible causes include a damaged knee joint, osteoarthritis of the knee, or damage to the ligaments in the knee joint.
Home treatment for wet knees
The following treatment options may help relieve symptoms or even eliminate swollen knees.
Rest: Rest your knees and avoid activities that could make the situation worse.
Cold treatment: Use ice cubes on your knees and place a towel between the skin and the ice to avoid injury to your skin. Cold can help reduce joint swelling and pain. Using an ice pack or frozen vegetables can also help. With this method, the symptoms of inflamed, swollen knees can also be alleviated.
Heat treatment: If the pain caused by dropsy is chronic, heat treatment can help relieve pain and swelling. Use a bottle filled with warm water or a heating pad and place it on your knees.
Leg Elevation: Elevating the knee reduces blood flow and can help reduce swelling and pain. Put a pillow under your feet when you rest or lie down.
Nutrition: A healthy diet can help improve knee health and reduce inflammation. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and reduce sugar, carbohydrates and fatty foods.
Exercise: Gentle exercise, such as walking or stretching, can help improve circulation and increase joint flexibility.
Herbs: Certain herbs, such as turmeric and violet, can help reduce inflammation and relieve swelling in the knee.
Poultice: A wet knee can also be treated with a poultice. Applying a cold compress can reduce swelling and inflammation. Warm compresses can promote blood circulation and relax muscles.
Exercise and rehabilitation: Appropriate exercises and physical therapy can help strengthen the knee, improve stability, and reduce inflammation. However, it is important that these exercises are completed only under the guidance of a qualified professional.
Some research has shown that heavy smoking can also cause knee problems.
Treating knee swelling at home.
Since knee swelling and knee pain is a fairly common problem, swollen knees do not necessarily require medical intervention. In such a case, we can even treat the swelling and pain ourselves. Knee swelling may persist even after surgery, but it usually goes away in a few days, if it doesn’t go away, it’s worth going back to the doctor as soon as possible.
In home treatment, poultices can certainly play a role in the treatment of swollen knees. In addition to the poultice, it is also worth putting the painful knee on the shelf. This is usually a proven method for minor sports injuries, with which we rest and treat the knee with poultices. It is also worth trying the compress in case of swelling below the knee.
This type of treatment is usually recommended for all types of knee pain. We can use ice gel, ice, or even mirelite. It is important not to put them directly on the skin surface in order to avoid injuries caused by the cold.
Creams, balms
If these do not help either, we can also use over-the-counter local pain relievers, which can reduce the pain in a matter of seconds. If possible, stick to natural ingredients and avoid steroids. We recommend the MAXIMUM balm, which contains 19 herbs.
It is a well-known and accepted fact in the field of medicine that creams are forms of medicine that have been used for centuries. Their effect is based on the fact that our skin – which is our largest organ – has a lively metabolism, secretes and absorbs substances.
Thus, it is able to absorb the active ingredients mixed in the creams and deliver them to the layers under the skin. The biggest advantage of the local, massageable cream treatment is that the herbal active ingredient in the cream goes in its entirety and exerts its effect where it is needed. In terms of herbal balms, the best choice is those with high active ingredients.
The HillVital MAXIMUM balm for rheumatic joint complaints is also such a product. When massaged into the skin, it is quickly absorbed and exerts its herbal effect. Special balm developed with 19 medicinal herbs, high content of active ingredients and vitamins. If you need the strongest and most effective for rheumatic and joint pain, then choose nature, Maximum balm.