Here is the best pinch recipe you’ve ever eaten! The pinch is the most popular soup topping. The good thing about it is that everyone can shape this dough according to their own taste. You can make the pinch with or without eggs. There are two types of pinch recipes here, it depends on how you like it, with or without eggs.
The pinch dough can be made in almost any size. In general, home-made pinches are the best, which is why it’s worth making them at home. Making a pinch is not as difficult as you think, and there are several methods. Of course, each of them will have a great pinch in the end result. Making chives in soup was quite common in the old days. Almost every family had some practice or recipe. Today, this has almost been forgotten, one of the main reasons for which is the accelerated lifestyle. Nevertheless, its homemade preparation was not completely forgotten.
The pinch in the bean stew is usually the most popular. A pinch of grated cheese can be great in soup, even in potato soup, but some people also add it to pea soup.
The pinch should not be torn, but pinched and a little harder. If you prefer the larger variety, you definitely need more eggs and flour.
Let’s see what you need for the egg version.
– 1 large egg
– 15 dkg flour
– salt
The pinch can be prepared quite quickly, it only takes a few minutes. It should not be taken lightly regardless. You just need to beat the egg into a bowl, then mix in the flour and, of course, the amount of salt that suits your taste. If it has formed into a consistency harder than a dumpling, you have to stretch it out and pinch out the small pieces with your hands, which you then throw into the boiling water. When you come to the top of the water, you are ready.
The pinch can be made without eggs if you want, let’s see what you need and how to make this great soup insert without eggs:
– 1.5 dl of water
– 15 dkg durum flour
– salt
How to make the egg-free pinch:
This quick pinch recipe is a very quick version. The preparation process changes a little, but the pinch without eggs is also delicious. Put the flour in a bowl, then add the water slowly to combine and add the salt in the meantime. It must be cut out and cooked in the same way as the egg version. It won’t fall apart in water. This recipe is the proof that soup paste can be made without eggs.