Iron is very important for the body, as iron deficiency can have many unpleasant symptoms. Hair loss and brittle nails can also be symptoms of iron deficiency. Eating vegetables with a high iron content would be the healthiest, so everyone is recommended to eat the iron-containing fruits and vegetables mentioned in the article.
What has a lot of iron, which foods contain iron? This question must have arisen when you read the title of the article. Let’s also look at what contains a large amount of iron, so let’s look at the best iron-containing foods:
Let’s start first with the list of iron-rich vegetables and fruits
There are almost no vegetables that do not contain a lot of iron. Vegetables containing the most iron: pumpkin, garlic, cabbage, beets, beets, broccoli, spinach, sorrel. The big advantage of these is that they can be purchased at any time of the year. It is also important to remember that not only vegetables contain a lot of iron, but also fruits. The best iron-containing fruits are plums, peaches, oranges, tangerines and rose hips. Dried fruits are also very good, e.g. raisins or dried apricots.
In addition to iron-containing vegetables and fruits, iron can also be found in other foods. If our diet allows, these are also worth and recommended!
Of the meats, fish contain the most iron, salmon, cod, herring and busa being highlighted.
While the number of iron-containing plants, fruits and vegetables is very prominent, we would highlight only a few of the meats. The liver also has a very high iron content, exactly how much it contains depends on the type of liver. Duck liver has the most, i.e. 30 mg, then pork liver 22.1 mg, veal liver 7.9 mg. These numbers are found in 100 grams of food. The best absorbable source of iron is heme iron, which is usually found in animal-based foods such as meat, fish, and eggs. Heme iron is found in the highest amounts in red meat, especially beef and veal. Fish such as tuna, salmon and sardines are also good sources of heme iron.

Wheat bran also has a high iron content. It contains about 16 mg of iron. It is considered the grain richest in iron.
Pumpkin seeds are also a very good source of iron, with 12.1 mg. In addition to iron, it also contains many vitamins. It has a very pleasant taste, it is also recommended for salads, soups and muesli.
Sesame seeds contain 10 mg. In addition to iron, it also contains vitamins (A-, E-, B1-, B2-) and several important trace elements (sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium). You can even put it in muesli and cakes.
Many people’s favorite treat is pistachios. It will be good news for them that pistachios also have a high iron content. It contains 7.5 mg. The seeds are not only important because of the iron, but also contain unsaturated fatty acids.
Dairy products also contain a lot of iron. The best are cheeses (sheep’s cheese, eidami) and natural yogurt.
These foods with a high iron content can replace your iron needs for the whole day. It is worth consuming as many of these as you can.
Other foods high in iron:
You can turn bulgur into a ready and delicious meal very quickly, and the main thing is that it is full of protein, B vitamins and iron.
The type of cereal called teff is not so well known in our country, but it has an extremely high iron content, as well as calcium, protein and a lot of fiber.
Sweet potatoes can be prepared in a variety of ways, and their iron content is also high. The iron in it helps the formation of red blood cells and the processing of proteins. Sweet potatoes also have a reputation as a great immune booster.
Next is flaxseed, which is also an excellent source of iron. 100 grams of flaxseed contains 8.2 mg of iron. In addition, it contains a lot of fiber, which facilitates digestion.
The aforementioned pumpkin is also a great source of iron. But it also contains vitamin C. Thanks to its high fiber content, it helps digestion, and due to its low calorie content, it is also recommended for dieting.
Barley is also a good source of iron. 64 grams of barley can cover 18% of the daily iron intake. It also has a high fiber content and does not contain cholesterol.
The list does not end here, because there are also fruits with a high iron content that you should eat. Here are the fruits with the most iron:
Prunes: If you eat them regularly, they help prevent iron deficiency. The iron content of prunes is quite high, about 7 mg.
Raisins: After all, these are dried grapes and have a very high iron content. One cup contains about 3.2 mg of iron. It is worth eating with fruits that have a high vitamin C content.
Dates: It has a high iron content, but it also contains potassium, fiber and antioxidants. If you are currently on a diet, you should not consume this as it contains a lot of calories and sugar.
Pomegranate: The iron content of the pomegranate is not the highest, it contains about 0.3 mg, which is 2% of the fruit. In addition to the iron content, it also contains vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid, potassium and fiber. Pomegranate juice has an anti-tumor effect and can also lower blood pressure.
However, it is worth mentioning that the iron content of bananas is very low. Bananas contain iron, but the amount is not high. A banana usually contains 1-1.5 mg of iron, which is not enough to cover the daily iron intake.
Of course, the list of iron-containing fruits does not end there, but it is not present in the other fruits in such a significant amount as in the case of those mentioned above. It is definitely recommended to eat fruits rich in iron in addition to vegetables.