Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS) is a sleep disorder characterised by repeated interruptions or cessation of breathing during sleep.
This condition occurs because the lower airway muscles and throat muscles relax during sleep, which blocks or narrows the airways.
As a result, the sleeping person may snore and stop breathing intermittently.
People with OSAS are often unable to get restful sleep as they often wake up to start breathing again. Due to repeated oxygen deprivation, people with OSA are unable to rest properly during their sleep, which can lead to a number of long-term health problems.
The relationship between OSAS and body weight is strong.
Being higher-weight person is one of the main risk factors for developing OSAS. In obesity, excess fat deposits can also accumulate around the throat, increasing the risk of OSAS. In higher-weight person, the muscles in the throat and the muscles responsible for breathing may also relax more easily during sleep, increasing the likelihood of OSAS.
Due to repeated oxygen deprivation, people with OSAS generate a stress response in their body, which can increase cortisol levels and contribute to the accumulation of body fat.

Treatment of OSAS is important to prevent complications and improve sleep quality.
Lifestyle changes, such as losing weight, avoiding alcohol and smoking, and changing your sleeping position can also help relieve the symptoms of OSAS. In some cases, medical intervention may also be necessary, such as the use of respiratory control devices or surgical procedures.
One of the most common ways to treat sleep apnoea is CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure). This therapy uses a breathing machine to provide constant positive air pressure in the airways during sleep. The aim of CPAP therapy is to prevent the airways from collapsing or narrowing, helping to eliminate the symptoms of obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome.
People with OSAS often find it difficult to maintain a good quality of sleep because of recurrent breathing disorders that interrupt their sleep and leave them with little time for deep sleep. This can result in awakenings, snoring and daytime sleepiness. These symptoms can have a serious impact on quality of life and daily performance.
CPAP therapy helps people with OSAS restore sleep quality.
Sleepers who successfully use CPAP therapy often experience significant improvements in sleep quality.
The following positive effects are possible:
Reduced snoring: CPAP therapy can significantly reduce or eliminate snoring in sleepers, benefiting not only the person but also bedmates.
Deeper sleep: stabilized breathing can help the sleeper sleep more deeply and restfully, which improves energy levels.
Reduced daytime sleepiness: people with OSAS often struggle with daytime sleepiness and difficulty concentrating. CPAP therapy improves the quality of sleep at night, thereby reducing daytime sleepiness.
How can balms help improve sleep apnoea?
The use of balms or essential oils alone is not a validated treatment for sleep apnoea and is not a substitute for traditional medical treatments. Some balms and essential oils can help to clear and open the nasal passages, which may help to treat sleep apnoea. For example, essential oils of eucalyptus, mint, cinnamon and lavender can help to dilate the nasal passages and relax the muscles in the lower jaw.
The natural herbal extracts and essential oils in PulmoFresh balm can help ease breathing, soothe coughs and relieve the unpleasant symptoms of colds.
The use of PulmoFresh herbal balm is recommended in case of colds, coughs and cold complaints!
Instructions for use
For massage, rubbing
It is recommended to use 3-5 times a day, using a finger-sized amount. The balm should be applied to the chest and back area, then thoroughly massaged and rubbed in. It is more effective before going to bed, as the essential oils released by the balm, when inhaled, promote restful sleep
For inhalation
Add 1 teaspoon of PulmoFresh balsam to half a litre of hot water and mix well. This will create a vapour which should be inhaled for about 20 minutes.