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Discover the health benefits of walnut leaf tea

Discover the health benefits of walnut leaf tea

Walnut leaf tea has serious medicinal properties! You can use not only the fruit of the walnut tree, but also its leaves.

The leaves of the walnut tree are believed to have many beneficial effects, including treating skin conditions, hair care and detoxification.

What are the medicinal properties of walnut leaves?

Walnut leaves are known to have a number of beneficial effects in both folklore and natural medicine. It is also known as a stomach tonic, a blood purifier, a digestive aid and a wormicide. It can also be used to treat skin problems, rashes, eczema and frostbite. It is also recommended for high blood pressure and haemorrhoids, and as a poultice for eye and tonsillitis. A tea made from its leaves has even been used to treat hair loss. In older times, in rural areas, the tea was also used to treat anthrax.

The leaves contain tannins, flavonoids, vitamin C, and have bactericidal and fungicidal properties.

Collection, harvesting

The green hulls and even the fruit of the walnut are used as a medicinal herb. However, only the leaves of the walnut tree are used to make medicinal tea. Harvesting should be carried out from the end of June to August, when the leaves are still a beautiful dark green colour and do not yet show signs of autumn. The whole, unstained leaves should be dried, cut up and stored in a dry, airy place. Approximately 4-5 kg of fresh green leaves will make 1 kg of tea grass.

What is the use of walnut leaf tea?

Walnut leaf tea:

Walnut leaf tea is excellent for internal use as an anti-inflammatory, lymphatic, or even gastritis treatment, as well as digestive, detoxification, and blood purification. It is also recommended for diabetics.

Walnut leaf tea benefits
In most cases, tea is made from the leaves of the walnut tree. Walnut leaf tea is attributed with many beneficial effects.

Reducing inflammation
Diuretic effect
Relief of digestive problems
Pain relief
Soothing effect

The effect of walnut leaf tea on the liver

Walnut leaf tea supports the detoxifying functions of the liver, helping to remove toxins from the body. The tea improves liver function and may also promote the regeneration of liver cells. However, as with all herbs, walnut leaf tea can have side effects such as an increase in liver function and an increase in blood fat levels. For this reason, it is important to seek medical advice before use, especially if you have liver disease or other health problems.

The effect of walnut leaves on the eyes

Walnut leaf tea can also have an effect on the eyes, as the flavonoids, amino acids and vitamins in walnut leaf can help maintain eye health. Walnut leaf tea may help reduce the risk of cataracts and eye damage from harmful UV rays.

Walnut leaf tea for colitis

The use of walnut leaf tea to treat colitis is recommended in alternative medicine as it is claimed to relieve symptoms of inflammation and improve bowel function. Medical advice is always recommended before consumption!


Tea made from walnut leaves can be used not only internally but also externally as a poultice. In this case, its use is recommended for the treatment of various skin and mucous membrane infections, skin diseases, eczema, dermatomycosis, mites, head lice. However, in addition to these, it can also be used to treat gynaecological problems, hand and foot sweats, insect bites, sun stings and burns.


You can add it to the bath water as well as a scrub, and the effect of the walnut leaf tea is still noticeable. It is recommended to use it for the treatment and relief of inflammatory diseases. It can also make the skin more supple and smooth.


Not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding, or for children under 12 years of age. It is not recommended when taking anticoagulants or blood thinners.

Side effects of walnut leaf tea

Some possible side effects of walnut leaf tea are: abdominal cramps, diarrhoea, dizziness, headache, nausea. Also, since walnut leaf is very high in nitrate, it can be toxic in some cases. Among the adverse effects and side effects of walnut leaf, it is also worth mentioning that walnut leaf has a high oxalate content, which can lead to the formation of kidney stones. If one is already suffering from kidney stones, it is recommended to avoid drinking walnut leaf tea.

Also, if one is taking medication, the effects of walnut leaf tea may affect these medications. For example, the compounds in walnut leaf may increase the effect of antihypertensives.

It is recommended to consume with extra caution!

Interesting facts

In addition to its many proven beneficial properties, walnut leaf also has some that have not yet been clearly confirmed. These include its effectiveness against tumours and osteoporosis.

Discover the health benefits of walnut leaf tea
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