There can be several reasons for sudden weight loss, of which we have listed the most common! These may be the reasons for sudden weight loss!
But first of all, what do we call sudden weight loss? We talk about sudden weight loss when you lose more than 5% of your body weight suddenly and of course unintentionally.
The main reasons for sudden weight loss
Digestive problems: Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that can cause weight loss and diarrhea. Pancreatic disorders can also cause weight loss. Signs of the disease can be malaise, nausea and changed stool habits and quantity.
Diabetes: In early diabetes, sudden weight loss and the constant urge to urinate can be common, with constant thirst. The reason for this may be that the glucose that enters the body does not want to reach the tissues, therefore the muscles do not get enough nutrients, and this causes weight loss. The body perceives this glucose as unnecessary, but it is not, and begins to empty it immediately.
Depression: Sometimes depression is associated with loss of appetite and suddenly loses a lot of weight, but there are also cases where someone’s appetite increases and they suddenly start gaining weight. If, in addition to losing weight, you are often nervous, have sleep problems and are also anxious, consult a doctor as soon as possible.
Poor nutrition: If someone neglects to eat or eats too little, they can still lose a lot of weight. Taking medications for chronic diseases can also cause loss of appetite.
Thyroid problems: An overactive thyroid gland can also cause sudden weight loss. If you experience an increased feeling of hunger and a heart rhythm disorder, you should definitely get yourself examined. In the case of thyroid problems, you may also experience sweating, diarrhea, sleep disturbances and mood swings. The most noticeable symptom is usually sudden weight and muscle loss. If, in addition to rapid weight loss, you also experience an increased feeling of hunger and a heart rhythm disorder, you may suspect an overactive thyroid gland. Sudden weight loss can also occur in men due to thyroid problems. In today’s fast-paced and stressful world, this is typical of men as well, not just women.
Causes of weight loss in women
Menopause: During menopause, women experience hormonal changes that can affect metabolism and body fat distribution. This may result in weight loss in some women.
Hormonal disorders: In women, certain hormonal disorders, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which is associated with cysts in the ovaries, can affect metabolism and cause weight gain.
Causes of weight loss in men
Low testosterone levels: Low testosterone levels can reduce muscle mass and metabolism, which can affect weight and weight loss.
Prostate problems: Certain prostatitis or prostate enlargements are often accompanied by loss of appetite or pain, which can cause weight loss.
Mental reasons for sudden weight loss: Unfortunately, you can lose weight suddenly due to mental reasons. A prolonged stressful situation or some kind of family tragedy can also cause this. In this case, it is definitely worth going to a specialist who can help you with mental problems. The spiritual reasons for drastic weight loss can be the following for both sexes. It can even develop due to depression, or due to physical or psychological fatigue.
The following can be mentioned among the causes of sudden and rapid weight loss:
High physical activity: Regular exercise increases energy expenditure, which leads to weight loss.
Metabolic disorders: Certain metabolic disorders, such as hypothyroidism, can reduce the body’s energy use, which can lead to rapid weight loss.
Stress: Manifests in changes in appetite and hormonal changes.
Among the causes of sudden weight loss and loss of appetite, certain medications can also be mentioned, which can cause this side effect!
What is sudden weight loss?
According to expert opinion, it is considered sudden weight loss if someone loses nearly 10% of their initial body weight in half a day.
Unfortunately, dieting can harm your health. Before anyone starts a diet, it’s worth looking into it. Fasting is a common method, but you should know that this only harms ourselves. It can cause quite serious problems for the digestive system and metabolism in the long term. You may lose a few kilos in the beginning, but it’s not very easy to keep up if someone is starving.
The reasons for weight loss can be especially interesting for men. Since there are differences between the female and male body, the reason for weight loss may be different, but not in all cases. Weight loss can even occur due to insomnia or irritability, even if the diet is exactly the same.
Consequences of sudden weight loss
Sudden weight loss can have a variety of consequences, including:
Anemia: Changes in diet or rapid weight loss can lead to a lack of key components of the blood, such as iron, which can cause anemia.
Fatigue and weakness: Lack of energy to support muscles and joints can lead to fatigue and weakness as a result of weight loss.
Skin problems: Skin elasticity and texture can change due to rapid weight loss, resulting in age spots, stretch marks or sagging.
Digestive problems: Rapid weight loss gives your digestive system less time to process food, which can cause digestive problems such as abdominal pain, constipation, or diarrhea.
You have to be very careful with fad diets because they can be dangerous.
A low-carbohydrate diet can even cause mental and physical decline. It can cause dizziness, headaches, and even raise cholesterol. The protein diet can also have downsides. The rice diet is very popular, but due to its monotony, vitamin deficiency and dehydration can also develop. There is also the potato-egg diet, the effect of which can increase cholesterol levels and cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
It is not recommended to eat only one kind of fruit, because then many important nutrients and minerals will be missing from the body. This applies to any fruit diet such as apples, pineapples, grapes or nuts. Drinking regimens can also cause iron deficiency. We don’t want to dissuade anyone from dieting, but you have to pay attention to these things, otherwise things can easily go wrong.