Many people may not be familiar with guava, but it is one of the kings of tropical fruits, with very good blood pressure lowering properties and the ability to reduce cholesterol levels.
Let’s look at the benefits of guava
It is high in fibre and can also help against diabetes. A real exotic health bomb. Guava is a fruit that resembles a rounded apple and pear.
The length is 4-12 cm long, the skin is very thin, shiny, usually green or yellowish green. The taste of guava is quite sweet, similar to that of pears. Three varieties are best known, the apple guava, pineapple guava and strawberry guava. It is also very rich in vitamins and antioxidants and revitalises the body. Its high fibre content helps digestion and it contains four times more vitamin C than lemons. It strengthens the immune system. It soothes the nervous system and improves the blood supply to the brain. It has high levels of vitamins B3 and B6 but also high levels of magnesium.
The effects of the guava fruit do not end here. Not only does it contain vitamins, but it is also rich in carotenes and polyphenols, which stimulate skin regeneration, improve vision and even slow down ageing. Guava stimulates thyroid function, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol. Because of its high folic acid content, guava is recommended for pregnant women. It has its effects not only when eaten raw but also as a fruit juice or jar. It can also be effective against digestive problems, it is a great remedy for constipation and it strengthens the stomach.
Guava is extremely rich in antioxidants such as lycopene. Antioxidants can help reduce cell damage, protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals and reduce oxidative stress. Potassium in guava can help maintain proper blood pressure, which is important for cardiovascular health. The fibre and antioxidants in the fruit may also help to support a healthy cardiovascular system.
The fresh juice can even be consumed in other drinks, but it also makes a great jam. Definitely worth a try!