Great physiological effects of valerian tea. Valerian tea is very popular these days due to its calming effect.
Despite this, only a few people know what catnip is good for, what effects it has, and how it can be used.
Brief description
Catnip is a soft-stemmed, perennial plant belonging to the honeysuckle family. It is a polymorphic species that is widespread in most of Asia and Europe. In Hungary, it is found in the deciduous forests of the central mountains. Since it is considered relatively water-demanding, it likes soils with good water management. It has pink flowers, a cone-shaped rhizome and a thick root. Its flowering can be done in July and August. The leaves of the tall-stemmed and strongly scented plant are unusually complex, lanceolate or elliptical, and coarsely toothed. Its flowers are small and show off in white or reddish colors. The inflorescence at the top of the stem is spreading and strongly branched.
Its active ingredients include essential oils, alkaloids, organic acids, sugars, starch and tannic acid. The plant also contains a group of compounds with a calming effect, which are found in the highest concentration in its root.
Catnip blooms in late spring and early summer. The scent of its flowers, unlike its root, is similar to panacea.
The root system can be collected in the fall, with the stem and leaf stumps completely removed. When drying, make sure it is in a well-sealed place.
The effect of valerian tea on the body and its active ingredients
Its active ingredients include the essential oil, which contains borneol and valerian acid esters of acetic acid. Also valepotreates and alkaloids. Among its non-volatile substances, those containing nitrogen are the most important. The valtras dissolve whole. The effect of catnip tea is due to a combination of volatile and non-volatile substances.
The effect of valerian root is primarily due to its calming and hypnotic properties, but there are other herbal teas with this effect as well.
It has a calming antidepressant effect. It can also be used in case of climactic heat waves. It has a calming effect without sedation, so the activity is maintained. It also has the effect of reducing blood pressure and heart rate. The field of application of catnip also extends to disorders of nervous origin in the stomach and intestinal tract. According to naturopaths, it also has a good effect on our body in the case of heart and vascular disorders of nervous origin.
It can be used as needed or as a cure in case of headache, migraine, dizziness, frontal sensitivity, increased tension, stress, anxiety, nervous lability, nervous exhaustion, mental and physical overload, irritability. It also reduces feelings of anxiety and fear.
In addition, it relieves digestive system spasms well. It can also be used well in cases of bile spasm, wind spasm and stomach spasm. It is also effective in the case of a wide variety of vegetative nervous system problems that have developed on a nervous basis, such as stomach complaints, heart complaints, cardiac neurosis, respiratory complaints, and asthma.
Making catnip tea
Boil two teaspoons of the tea mixture with 2 dl of water, then cover and let it stand for about 30 minutes. We eat it between 2-3 meals a day. It is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Side effects of catnip
Consuming catnip may have possible side effects. In larger quantities, it can cause headaches, dizziness, restlessness, and visual disturbances, so always follow the dosage. Do not use with prescription sleeping pills and sedatives. It should be used as a course, i.e. for a maximum of six weeks. After that, let’s take a break for a few weeks.
Catnip tea reviews
In general, it has a very good effect. However, do not forget that it is a medicinal tea, so its taste may not be palatable for everyone, in fact. However, if we can, we should not flavor it, or only minimally. Another opinion about it is that it has a very strong smell. For this reason, many people do not even use it when purchasing or after ordering. There is no need to be alarmed by this, but it is worth paying attention to storage, because the room can easily take over the fragrance. It can also be stored in a basement, garage or pantry.