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An extremely delicious puliska recipe


We present one of the most delicious puliska recipes, which will make you lick all 10 fingers!

Making the original Hungarian puliska recipe is not difficult at all.

Ingredients for the original puliska recipe:

– 10 dkg cornmeal

– salt

– 0.8 dl of water

– butter

Cooking the cornmeal:

Bring salted water to a boil in a small saucepan, then pour in the cornmeal. In the meantime, you have to stir constantly. When it has thickened enough (approx. 20 minutes), use a spoon to form mounds of it and you can serve it. If you want, you can also fry the turkey pieces. It can even be served as a side dish to any meat dish.

Connoisseurs can eat it differently, so the preparation of puliska changes. Grease a small baking tray with melted fat, spread a few spoonfuls of pulika in it, put a layer of cottage cheese and sour cream on it and drizzle with fat, then cover with another portion of pulika. Toast the top in a hot oven and serve warm. But we can also vary it with fried bacon or roasted red onion.

Puliska recipes can also be varied. Now we also present a cow’s curd pudding.

Cow curd puliska

In this case too, the puliska recipe is made with the addition of cornmeal.

Let’s see what you need for this simple puliska recipe:

– 500 ml of water

– 125 grams of cornmeal

– 1 tablespoon of butter

– 350 grams of cow’s cottage cheese

– 100 grams of smoked bacon

– salt to taste

Cooking the puliska:

Making it is quite simple. The water with 1 teaspoon of salt and the butter should be heated to lukewarm and stirred constantly. In the meantime, pour in the cornmeal. Bring to a boil with constant stirring, then cook until thick at a medium temperature for 30-40 minutes. The next step is to cut the bacon into small cubes and melt it in a pan. The cottage cheese must be crumbled and seasoned with salt. The bottom of the dish should be sprinkled with cottage cheese. After that, put 1-2 spoonfuls of puliska in the bowl, smooth it out, and then sprinkle with cottage cheese again. You have to keep layering until the ingredients run out. At the end, it must be sprinkled with bacon cubes.

An extremely delicious puliska recipe
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