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Common symptoms of muscle wasting around the shoulder

Common symptoms of muscle wasting around the shoulder

The primary symptoms of muscle wasting are spasticity, tightness that can affect any muscle group depending on any genetic predisposition or physical exertion.

A lot of habitual moving and carrying and heavy physical work and of course a lot of stress can also trigger the problem.

Symptoms of a flattened muscle can often include local complaints such as neck, back, shoulder and arm pain, but you may also feel numbness and loss of sensation. A flattened muscle in the shoulder is also very common, especially if you do a lot of physical work.

It may also be the case that a deeper muscle group is affected by this binding. In this case, it can irritate a number of nerve endings and can also block the proper flow of blood.

The muscles around the shoulder blade have a very complex function. The way the individual muscle fibres adhere to each other helps both normal coordination and arm movement. If these muscles are very tight and spastic, they can put too much pressure on the joints. Because of this, oxygen will not be refreshed in the body and there will be much less air in the lungs which can cause breathing problems. Unpleasant symptoms can be exacerbated if you don’t exercise regularly and if you don’t eat healthily. Psychological stress also has a very negative effect on the whole body.

You should always strive to keep the circulation fresh, as stagnation will only damage the body.

If there is inadequate blood circulation, the muscle will break down. Therapeutic massage is usually very good for muscle breakdown and of course the regular exercise mentioned above. It’s worth moving at least 30 minutes every day or once a week. Whether running, walking or some kind of sport is appropriate.

There are also natural ways to treat a flattened muscle. A great solution is Kapsamax Extra, a balm that uses 8 herbs to treat muscle spasms and other muscle aches.

Remember that you should never neglect such problems!

Common symptoms of muscle wasting around the shoulder
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Treating muscle inflammation: a guide to faster recovery

Treating muscle inflammation: a guide to faster recovery

There are hundreds of muscles in the body and eventually any one of them can hurt. In most cases, it is not easy to tell which muscle hurts.

Let’s look at the possible causes that can lead to inflammation.

– Any sports injury can cause acute or even immediate muscle pain.

– Muscle pain can also occur after an incorrect posture or a very strenuous movement.

– Moving without warming up or if you don’t warm up properly can also cause muscle pain.

– Even viral infections and colds can cause muscle pain. The flu is associated with this symptom.

– A lot of stress can also lead to muscle inflammation and muscle fever.

– Unfortunately, there can also be psychological reasons for muscle pain.

Symptoms of muscle inflammation can include. Weakness and pain may be felt in the muscles of the limbs. This pain and weakness may increase with daily exertion and activities.

Unfortunately, chronic muscle pain can have more serious causes.

They can be internal, neurological or musculoskeletal. If you are suffering from long-standing chronic muscle pain, you should see a specialist. Inflammation can run its course in different ways for different people. This makes it difficult to know how long the muscle inflammation will last. However, if it is prolonged, it should not be taken lightly. It can also be caused by an autoimmune disease, and you should always consult a specialist! For all these reasons, treatment of muscle inflammation cannot wait for a delay, and you need to get it checked as soon as possible.

There may also be a case of muscle strain.

Common causes are prolonged positioning, high-speed movement and continuous micro-injuries. As the strains are different it is not possible to determine how long the muscle strain will last. Not to mention that muscle strains and muscle tears have similar symptoms: muscle weakness, lack of strength, inability to use the muscle, bruising, significant pain, swelling, muscle stiffness.

Usually, muscle fever occurs after half a day or 1 day after the muscles have been put under more strain than usual. How long does the muscle ache last? If it has already started, the question always arises. In almost all cases, the muscle fever will go away on its own within a few days.

The lack of oxygen in the strained muscles causes lactic acid to be produced and micro-tears to form in the muscle. In almost all cases, the muscle fever resolves itself within a few days.

Common causes of upper arm muscle inflammation include constant, repetitive movements, such as playing tennis, writing, or using a computer. These movements put a lot of strain on the wrist and elbow, causing increased stress on the muscles and ligaments. Symptoms include pain and tenderness in the elbow, difficulty or inability to make certain arm movements, and swelling of the arm. The affected area may even become hot and, in more severe cases, there may be limited movement of the hand.

If the muscle inflammation occurs in the thigh, the causes usually include injury, overuse or poor posture. Symptoms often include pain, swelling, weakness and numbness.

Lower back muscle inflammation can be caused by a number of things, including overwork, poor posture, constant sitting, lack of exercise, spinal disorders and injuries. Symptoms of low back muscle inflammation can include pain in the lower back, back pain, back heaviness, cramps, pain radiating down the legs, restricted movement and limited mobility.

Back muscle inflammation can also occur unfortunately. Symptoms of back muscle inflammation can include. Exertion can cause the muscles to swell. The movement of the inflamed muscle may be severely restricted, and the inflammation may be so great that you can hardly move. How long does muscle inflammation hurt? This usually varies, as it depends on the severity. It is worth resting as well as using an herbal balm. If it does not go away in 1 week, it is worth seeing a doctor.

Fortunately, there are several ways to treat muscle inflammation.

– With various herbal balms

– Pain-relieving plasters

– Massage

– Sauna or hot and cold shower

– Gradual load or slow stretching

– Muscle inflammation can also be reduced by rest

– Muscle inflammation can also be relieved by using a cream or balm

There are several types of medicines for muscle inflammation, but we do not recommend using them straight away. You should try herbal balms first and if that doesn’t help, you may want to turn to medication. When you get a muscle ache, the first thing that comes to mind is how many days the muscle ache will last. It varies, but usually it lasts up to 1 week or a few days. It depends on the level of exertion. Of course you can prevent problems. The more toned your muscles are, the less of a threat muscle soreness will be. If you exercise regularly, your muscles will develop in proportion to your exercise. If you have strong muscles, you will not develop muscle soreness or, if you do, it will not be accompanied by unpleasant pain. To avoid muscle soreness, it is also worth getting the posture right.

Treating muscle inflammation at home

Muscle inflammation is usually associated with pain, stiffness and inflammation and most often occurs after exercise or excessive physical activity.

Fortunately, however, with mild symptoms, it can very often be relieved with home treatments, which include:

Rest: the first step in treating muscle inflammation is rest. Avoiding excessive physical activity and rest helps to manage muscle inflammation. If the muscle inflammation is severe, it is a good idea to rest for at least a day.

Icing: another effective way to treat muscle inflammation is to ice. Another effective treatment for muscle spasm is icing. The icing should be applied directly to the affected area and left on for 15-20 minutes. Icing can be done several times a day.

Warming: the next step in the treatment of muscle inflammation is warming. Heating helps to relax muscles and reduce muscle pain. Warming can be done with a hot bath, a warm compress or a warming cream.

Analgesics: analgesics can be used as part of the treatment of muscle inflammation to help relieve muscle pain and reduce inflammation.

Massage: massage can be useful in treating muscle inflammation. Massage can help to relax muscles and relieve muscle pain. Massage can be more effective if you use an herbal balm alongside it. That’s why we recommend HillVital Kapsamax Extra Balm, which contains 8 special herbs. With Kapsamax Extra Balm, we’ve combined the power of paprika with herbs so the beneficial ingredients can pass through the muscles and do their healing work! It gives a pleasant warm feeling to problem areas, stimulates blood circulation and relaxes stiff muscles.

Staying properly hydrated: when treating muscle inflammation, it is important to drink enough fluids. Adequate hydration helps muscles to function properly and reduce muscle pain.

Treating muscle inflammation: a guide to faster recovery
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Everything you need to know about muscle knots!

Everything you need to know about muscle knots!

The muscle knots are also known as trigger points. Muscle knots are small muscle spasms that occur as a natural defence mechanism of the body and are associated with muscle fibres.

Muscles create smaller muscle knots to avoid overstretching, which can cause pain throughout the body.

Muscle knots can be caused by overuse of muscles, an injury or even mental stress. The blood supply to the muscle and its metabolism are altered.

As the muscle knots appear, painful points can be felt on the body, even in the calves. The sore lump in the calf usually goes away with a little massage, so a calf cramp is not considered a serious problem.

But when can a muscle knot occur?

– If you do the same action over a long period of time, or stay in one place for a long time, in the same position, or lift heavy objects, you can overuse your muscles. Muscle knots in the shin tend to occur in most cases, especially if you do physical work regularly.

– If you overdo exercise and don’t allow enough time for your muscles to recover, you can still develop a muscle knot.

– After an injury or surgery, sparing posture can cause muscles to shorten or some muscles to be overstretched.

Let’s see what methods can help to treat it:

Massage: muscle massage is an effective way to loosen muscle knots. Massage helps to relax muscles, increase circulation and reduce muscle tension. Professional massage by a specialist can give the best results.

Stretching: Muscle knots often develop due to muscle overuse or a sedentary lifestyle. Stretching and mobilisation help to relax muscles, improve joint mobility and reduce muscle tension. It may be useful to do stretching exercises on problem muscle groups.

Warm compresses: the application of heat, such as a warm compress or a warm shower, can help to treat muscle knots. Heat helps to relax the muscles, improve circulation and reduce pain.

Cold therapy: applying cold, such as ice packs or cooling sprays, can help reduce muscle inflammation and pain. Cold compresses are recommended for acute injuries or inflammation.

Massaging the muscle bundle can be an excellent remedy. Muscle knots are great to treat with massage and it is even recommended to use herbal balm. To prevent it from developing again, it is worthwhile to develop a proper, healthy posture.

To heal completely, it is worth going to a physiotherapist to eliminate the causes. Therapeutic massage can help reduce symptoms, relax overworked muscles and improve circulation.

Everything you need to know about muscle knots!
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Guava is a super weapon for health

Guava is a super weapon for health

Many people may not be familiar with guava, but it is one of the kings of tropical fruits, with very good blood pressure lowering properties and the ability to reduce cholesterol levels.

Let’s look at the benefits of guava

It is high in fibre and can also help against diabetes. A real exotic health bomb. Guava is a fruit that resembles a rounded apple and pear.

The length is 4-12 cm long, the skin is very thin, shiny, usually green or yellowish green. The taste of guava is quite sweet, similar to that of pears. Three varieties are best known, the apple guava, pineapple guava and strawberry guava. It is also very rich in vitamins and antioxidants and revitalises the body. Its high fibre content helps digestion and it contains four times more vitamin C than lemons. It strengthens the immune system. It soothes the nervous system and improves the blood supply to the brain. It has high levels of vitamins B3 and B6 but also high levels of magnesium.

The effects of the guava fruit do not end here. Not only does it contain vitamins, but it is also rich in carotenes and polyphenols, which stimulate skin regeneration, improve vision and even slow down ageing. Guava stimulates thyroid function, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol. Because of its high folic acid content, guava is recommended for pregnant women. It has its effects not only when eaten raw but also as a fruit juice or jar. It can also be effective against digestive problems, it is a great remedy for constipation and it strengthens the stomach.

Guava is extremely rich in antioxidants such as lycopene. Antioxidants can help reduce cell damage, protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals and reduce oxidative stress. Potassium in guava can help maintain proper blood pressure, which is important for cardiovascular health. The fibre and antioxidants in the fruit may also help to support a healthy cardiovascular system.

The fresh juice can even be consumed in other drinks, but it also makes a great jam. Definitely worth a try!

Guava is a super weapon for health
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The body’s signals: The reasons behind sudden weight loss

The body's signals: The reasons behind sudden weight loss

There can be several reasons for sudden weight loss, of which we have listed the most common! These may be the reasons for sudden weight loss!

But first of all, what do we call sudden weight loss? We talk about sudden weight loss when you lose more than 5% of your body weight suddenly and of course unintentionally.

The main reasons for sudden weight loss

Digestive problems: Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that can cause weight loss and diarrhea. Pancreatic disorders can also cause weight loss. Signs of the disease can be malaise, nausea and changed stool habits and quantity.

Diabetes: In early diabetes, sudden weight loss and the constant urge to urinate can be common, with constant thirst. The reason for this may be that the glucose that enters the body does not want to reach the tissues, therefore the muscles do not get enough nutrients, and this causes weight loss. The body perceives this glucose as unnecessary, but it is not, and begins to empty it immediately.

Depression: Sometimes depression is associated with loss of appetite and suddenly loses a lot of weight, but there are also cases where someone’s appetite increases and they suddenly start gaining weight. If, in addition to losing weight, you are often nervous, have sleep problems and are also anxious, consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Poor nutrition: If someone neglects to eat or eats too little, they can still lose a lot of weight. Taking medications for chronic diseases can also cause loss of appetite.

Thyroid problems: An overactive thyroid gland can also cause sudden weight loss. If you experience an increased feeling of hunger and a heart rhythm disorder, you should definitely get yourself examined. In the case of thyroid problems, you may also experience sweating, diarrhea, sleep disturbances and mood swings. The most noticeable symptom is usually sudden weight and muscle loss. If, in addition to rapid weight loss, you also experience an increased feeling of hunger and a heart rhythm disorder, you may suspect an overactive thyroid gland. Sudden weight loss can also occur in men due to thyroid problems. In today’s fast-paced and stressful world, this is typical of men as well, not just women.

Causes of weight loss in women

Menopause: During menopause, women experience hormonal changes that can affect metabolism and body fat distribution. This may result in weight loss in some women.

Hormonal disorders: In women, certain hormonal disorders, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which is associated with cysts in the ovaries, can affect metabolism and cause weight gain.

Causes of weight loss in men

Low testosterone levels: Low testosterone levels can reduce muscle mass and metabolism, which can affect weight and weight loss.

Prostate problems: Certain prostatitis or prostate enlargements are often accompanied by loss of appetite or pain, which can cause weight loss.

Mental reasons for sudden weight loss: Unfortunately, you can lose weight suddenly due to mental reasons. A prolonged stressful situation or some kind of family tragedy can also cause this. In this case, it is definitely worth going to a specialist who can help you with mental problems. The spiritual reasons for drastic weight loss can be the following for both sexes. It can even develop due to depression, or due to physical or psychological fatigue.

The following can be mentioned among the causes of sudden and rapid weight loss:

High physical activity: Regular exercise increases energy expenditure, which leads to weight loss.

Metabolic disorders: Certain metabolic disorders, such as hypothyroidism, can reduce the body’s energy use, which can lead to rapid weight loss.

Stress: Manifests in changes in appetite and hormonal changes.

Among the causes of sudden weight loss and loss of appetite, certain medications can also be mentioned, which can cause this side effect!

What is sudden weight loss?

According to expert opinion, it is considered sudden weight loss if someone loses nearly 10% of their initial body weight in half a day.

Unfortunately, dieting can harm your health. Before anyone starts a diet, it’s worth looking into it. Fasting is a common method, but you should know that this only harms ourselves. It can cause quite serious problems for the digestive system and metabolism in the long term. You may lose a few kilos in the beginning, but it’s not very easy to keep up if someone is starving.

The reasons for weight loss can be especially interesting for men. Since there are differences between the female and male body, the reason for weight loss may be different, but not in all cases. Weight loss can even occur due to insomnia or irritability, even if the diet is exactly the same.

Consequences of sudden weight loss

Sudden weight loss can have a variety of consequences, including:

Anemia: Changes in diet or rapid weight loss can lead to a lack of key components of the blood, such as iron, which can cause anemia.

Fatigue and weakness: Lack of energy to support muscles and joints can lead to fatigue and weakness as a result of weight loss.

Skin problems: Skin elasticity and texture can change due to rapid weight loss, resulting in age spots, stretch marks or sagging.

Digestive problems: Rapid weight loss gives your digestive system less time to process food, which can cause digestive problems such as abdominal pain, constipation, or diarrhea.

You have to be very careful with fad diets because they can be dangerous.

A low-carbohydrate diet can even cause mental and physical decline. It can cause dizziness, headaches, and even raise cholesterol. The protein diet can also have downsides. The rice diet is very popular, but due to its monotony, vitamin deficiency and dehydration can also develop. There is also the potato-egg diet, the effect of which can increase cholesterol levels and cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

It is not recommended to eat only one kind of fruit, because then many important nutrients and minerals will be missing from the body. This applies to any fruit diet such as apples, pineapples, grapes or nuts. Drinking regimens can also cause iron deficiency. We don’t want to dissuade anyone from dieting, but you have to pay attention to these things, otherwise things can easily go wrong.

The body's signals: The reasons behind sudden weight loss.
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When do we use cold therapy and when do we use heat therapy? We’ll show you!

When do we use cold therapy and when do we use heat therapy? We'll show you!

If we feel pain, is it advisable to treat the affected area with a cold or hot compress?

If we make the wrong choice, the complaints may even get worse. It doesn’t hurt to know when it is recommended to use which one.

Appropriate application of cold and heat therapy.

Heat therapy

When making a warm poultice, it is important that the temperature always remains tolerable, in order to prevent circulatory disorders or skin burns. The heat relaxes the nerves, muscles and tendons, and strengthens the immune system.

Warm compresses are used for stiff muscles, back pain or lumbago. This can be a hot bath, a therapeutic mud pack that maintains body temperature. The heat relaxes and eliminates long-standing pain. However, heat is prohibited in the case of dull, throbbing pain. Because the increasing blood supply would only further strengthen the feeling of pain. With a warm compress on the back of the neck, we can relieve the headache, because the heat relieves muscle spasms, which can contribute to the development of the headache.

Dry heat relieves stomach aches and menstrual complaints, but it can also be excellent for relieving pain in the case of intestinal spasms, earaches and sciatica. This can be heated salt or a rubber hose with warm water. Moist heat, on the other hand, is effective for colds. For example, a 10-minute inhalation of chamomile tea clears the airways when you have a cold.

However, it should not be used in case of an acute attack. In this case, only the cold helps.

Cold therapy

The cold compress works really quickly, so it’s a real first aid: it calms the bleeding and prevents swelling. Its effect slows down blood flow and metabolism, thereby reducing itching and pain. This is because there are fewer signals running along the neural pathways. It also relieves acute inflammations.

The principle of cooling: never put ice directly on the skin and sometimes interrupt the therapy so that the skin tissue can regenerate. In case of insect bites or burns, the affected area should be cooled for half an hour with short interruptions. Later, we can relieve itching and prevent the development of inflammation by using a yogurt or curd wrap.

Swelling and pain after a sports injury can be avoided with an ice pack. We can use a package of vegetables from the freezer, a frozen wet cloth, an ice cube wrapped in a towel, or an ice battery. The cold effectively alleviates tension headaches, migraines, and rheumatic inflammation. But remove the ice pack as soon as the pain subsides. Icing for too long can have the opposite effect: blood circulation in the area accelerates, so it will be more painful than before.

Cold and heat therapy

The alternating cold and hot stimuli during sauna strengthen the functioning of the immune system and exercise the blood vessels. But be careful! The sauna also strengthens existing blood circulation problems!

When do we use cold therapy and when do we use heat therapy? We'll show you!
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Negative effects of hibiscus tea: Important information before consumption

Negative effects of hibiscus tea: Important information before consumption

Hibiscus tea has some negative effects, or rather, it should not be drunk in these situations.

Drinking hibiscus tea reduces estrogen levels. If someone is taking birth control pills, don’t drink hibiscus tea, since hibiscus tea reduces estrogen levels, it follows that its consumption can reduce fertility. So hibiscus tea and birth control pills can’t be used together!

If someone is planning to have a child, they should avoid drinking hibiscus flower tea. So these would be the harmful effects of hibiscus tea. The wording is a bit strong that it is harmful, rather it has side effects in some cases.

What is hibiscus tea good for, who is it recommended for consumption?

The effect of hibiscus tea is manifested in several areas, it lowers blood pressure and can dilate blood vessels. Therefore, it is not advisable for people with low blood pressure or those taking antihypertensive drugs to drink hibiscus tea. Hallucinations can occur among the side effects of hibiscus tea, so there may be people who feel dizzy or drunk after drinking it. Therefore, drivers should be careful after drinking hibiscus tea. According to research, hibiscus tea has an effect on cancer cells in the skin and brain. Therefore, if someone is being treated with chemotherapy, do not consume hibiscus tea, as it can lead to complications along with cancer drugs.

What is hibiscus good for on its own?

The following can be mentioned among the beneficial effects of hibiscus:

-Blood pressure lowering effect

-Stress-relieving effect

-Pain-relieving effect

-Antioxidant effect

-Protects against cardiovascular diseases

-It lowers blood sugar

-Anti-inflammatory effect

-It has a good effect on digestion

The effect of hibiscus, which makes it worth consuming.

Hibiscus tea is recommended for those who struggle with high blood pressure. Thanks to its antioxidant effect, it reduces bad cholesterol levels. It helps in the treatment of liver diseases. Hibiscus tea is an extraordinary source of vitamin C, enhances the functioning of the immune system, and has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. It is important, however, that in the case of high blood pressure, especially if you are under medical treatment, you should ask your family doctor for an opinion!

It regenerates the skin, muscles and joints.

The effects of hibiscus tea help to restore hormonal balance, help reduce menstrual pains and reduce other symptoms such as depression, overeating, and mood swings.

It has a very good antidepressant effect. It is rich in vitamins and minerals and also contains flavonoids. Its regular consumption calms the nervous system and helps reduce anxiety and depression. It will give you a very good mood.

Hibiscus may be the best solution for weight loss. It is worth drinking hibiscus tea regularly, as it helps to reduce the absorption of starch and carbohydrates. Hibiscus tea should be prepared in different ways. In order to extract the most vitamin C from it, it must be soaked. If we want to extract more antioxidants from it, it is better to boil it. So the medicinal effect of hibiscus is positive, there are only a few cases when its consumption is not recommended.

The hibiscus tea effect on kidneys

The consumption of hibiscus tea is generally beneficial for the kidneys. Hibiscus tea is high in antioxidants, which can help reduce inflammation and protect cells from harmful oxidative stress. In addition, drinking hibiscus tea can also help maintain kidney health and reduce the risk of kidney stone formation.

But what is the daily dose of hibiscus tea?

Hibiscus tea is recommended to be consumed with a maximum of 2 cups per day, which should be continued for a maximum of 1 month. After that, it is recommended to take a break.

Making hibiscus tea

Making hibiscus tea is really easy

-Boil 1-2 liters of water.

-Add 2-3 teaspoons of dried hibiscus flowers to hot water.

-Cover and let stand for 5-10 minutes.

-Strain out the flowers and add honey, lemon, or other flavorings if desired.

-The hibiscus tea is ready and ready to drink.

What is hibiscus tea made of?

Hibiscus tea is made from the dried flowers of the Hibiscus sabdariffa plant. The flowers are reddish burgundy or red in color and dried and used as a tea. The taste of hibiscus tea is sour, slightly sweet, and very similar to the taste of red wine.

Another interesting thing is that hibiscus tea can be combined with rose hips. The effect of rosehip hibiscus tea is great on the immune system and can also be a great antihypertensive and vascular system problem.

Negative effects of hibiscus tea: Important information before consumption

The hibiscus tea side effects estrogen

In some cases hibiscus tea may show mild hormonal effects, but these are not considered significant. Among the compounds found in hibiscus flowers are some that are considered phytoestrogens. These compounds are similar to human oestrogen, but have much weaker effects.

If hormonal changes are a sensitive area for someone (e.g. pregnancy, hormone therapy, etc.), it is always advisable to consult a health professional before introducing any new food or drink into their regular diet.

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The effects of hibiscus tea and how to make it

The effects of hibiscus tea and how to make it

We recently got to know hibiscus, this beautiful medicinal plant.

Hibiscus is not only a beautiful flower, but also a cure for many diseases.

It is primarily consumed as tea.

Hibiscus tea helps lower blood pressure. It prevents the formation of tumors, as the compounds in it have an anti-inflammatory effect and also prevent the spread of existing tumors. It also has an antibacterial effect, but it also has a calming effect, which is why it can also be used to treat anxiety, stress and colds. Hibiscus tea helps digestion. It helps to solve urinary tract problems. It also has diuretic properties and is recommended for constipation. It has an extremely good effect on weight loss and supports the functioning of the stomach and intestinal system. Regular consumption can prevent rectal cancer. It has antidepressant effects due to the active ingredients found in hibiscus.

The effect of hibiscus tea does not end there, because thanks to its antioxidant effect, it can keep LDL, i.e. the “bad” cholesterol level, low. Thus, it protects against heart diseases and damage to blood vessels. It is also a great liver protector due to its antioxidant effect. Liver problems may be worth trying hibiscus tea.

It contains vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system.

It can also be used in case of fever as it is able to lower the body temperature. It reduces appetite, speeds up circulation and can be used to soothe coughs. It can also be used in beauty care, as it has anti-aging effects. It is not recommended for those taking birth control pills to drink hibiscus tea. Fertility decreases with its consumption. Hibiscus tea should be avoided in case of pregnancy. Hibiscus tea is not recommended for people suffering from low blood pressure as it has a high blood pressure lowering effect. Very rarely, hibiscus tea can even cause hallucinations, which is why someone may feel drunk or dizzy.

Egyptian hibiscus tea is a traditional medicinal drink. It is interesting that the hibiscus is the Ibis bird known in Egyptian mythology. Hibiscus tea is consumed everyday in Egypt, it is used in almost every drink. This drink is also enjoyed in cafes and at gatherings with friends.

Preparation of hibiscus tea:

Making hibiscus tea is not a difficult and long process. A few minutes and you can already enjoy its beneficial effects. You should know that hibiscus flower tea is the most effective, so you should only make medicinal tea from its flowers. Making hibiscus flower tea therefore means traditional hibiscus tea, as the flower is the medicinal part. Boil 5 dl of water and add 3 tablespoons of dried hibiscus flowers. If the dark red juice has dissolved, let it cool a little. Then filter the soaked petals. You get a thicker extract, which you pour with 1 liter of cold water. Pour into a jug or bottle and put it in the fridge! It can be eaten unflavored, but if you want, you can sweeten it with honey. The brew has a sour taste, similar to cherries. It perfectly quenches our thirst and cools the body. But you can also eat it warm.

The daily dose of hibiscus tea varies depending on the problem. Those who struggle with high blood pressure are recommended to drink 3 cups of hibiscus tea a day. However, it is important to consult with your doctor beforehand. For diabetics, 2 cups of tea per day is recommended, but it should only be consumed as a cure for 1 month. Steeping hibiscus tea is also very effective. Because of the high vitamin C content, soaking is just as useful as scalding. After about 20 minutes of soaking, you will get a fairly concentrated drink, which you can then easily dilute.

The effects of hibiscus tea and how to make it
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In the case of sinusitis, it is also worth trying the home treatment

In the case of sinusitis, it is also worth trying the home treatment

The first step against forehead and sinusitis is to recognize its symptoms!

The symptoms of sinusitis include swelling of the cheeks, as well as a pressing, throbbing pain that radiates to the bones of the skull, as well as the front and upper part.

This can be even stronger when bending or moving, because in this case the pressure increases. Difficulty breathing and a dull sense of smell may also occur. Other symptoms include nasal congestion, followed by a runny nose. The discharge is initially watery and white in color, later it becomes discolored and thickens.

Accompanying symptoms may be weakness, fatigue, and fever.

The causes of sinus inflammation can include a virus, bacteria or even a fungal infection. In the case of a cold, the mucous membrane of the sinus is always affected, but fortunately, sinusitis does not develop in all cases. Unfortunately, dental disease can also trigger the development of inflammation. In such a case, sinusitis persists until the patient’s tooth is treated.

Treatment of sinusitis at home

Forehead and sinusitis can be treated very well at home. However, if the symptoms are severe or the disease is prolonged, you should definitely consult a specialist, because the inflammation can cause a more serious infection and even become chronic. Consult a specialist if your symptoms do not improve for more than a week, or if the following immediately appear:

-Fever over 38 degrees

-pain, swelling and redness of the tissues around the eyes and face

-neck stiffness

-severe headache.

Treatment of sinusitis at home and treatment of sinusitis at home using herbs that work very well. Eucalyptus essential oil for inhalation is recommended for the treatment of sinusitis.

During its treatment, it is important to restore the ventilation of the sinus.

Preparation: put 3-5 drops of oil in a bowl, then pour 1 liter of hot water.

Application: Put a towel on your head and inhale alternately through the mouth and nose. Repeat 2-3 times a day.

Dissolving mucus stuck in the sinus can be done as follows

Rinsing the nose: Rinsing the nose with warm salt water can help loosen the mucus in the sinuses. To do this, you will need a flushing device, such as a neti pot or a nasal aspirator. You can prepare the nasal rinse solution at home with salt and warm water. Before rinsing your nose, always talk to your doctor to make sure you choose the right method.

Anti-inflammatory drugs: Doctors usually prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs for sinus inflammation. These medications can help reduce swelling and inflammation in the sinuses, which can improve drainage.

Nasal drops: Using nasal drops can also help to remove mucus from the sinuses. Your doctor may recommend nasal drops that help keep the nasal passages open and thus help clear mucus.

Antibiotics: If your sinus infection is caused by bacteria, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics. Antibiotics can help remove bacteria from the sinuses and improve symptoms.

It is important that if the treatment of sinusitis using home methods does not bring results, we should consult a doctor!

In the case of sinusitis, it is also worth trying the home treatment
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Turmeric and honey together? Let’s show them what they can do!

Turmeric and honey together? Let's show them what they can do!

The combined effect of turmeric and honey is extremely beneficial for the body, so its consumption is recommended for several reasons.

The bottom line: if you have an illness, but if you don’t, but you want to stay super healthy, make 1 drink per day based on the recipe below, consume it regularly, and just pay attention! 🙂

It is so effective that you can even use it against cancer!

Briefly about the ingredients:

Turmeric is a spice and herb of Asian origin belonging to the ginger family. In addition to its direct antioxidant effect, curcumin enhances the cell’s defense against oxidative stress by activating several antioxidant enzymes. Under several laboratory conditions, curcumin has shown beneficial properties in model experiments of various diseases, diabetes, kidney damage, and alcoholic liver fibrosis. Curcumin administered orally inhibited the development of chemically induced oral cavity, stomach, colon and liver tumors in numerous animal experiments.

The antiseptic, i.e. bactericidal, effect of honey has been known for a long time. Its bactericidal effect is ensured by its enzymes, high potassium content and aromas. In addition, it has a positive effect on the muscles, the heart muscle, digestion, and blood pressure, as well as purifies the blood and stimulates blood circulation. Rapeseed honey is one of the healthiest types of honey. The effect of rapeseed honey is great for excess stomach acid and has an antiseptic effect, but it can also be excellent against anemia.

Thanks to the active ingredients it contains, ginger has excellent anti-inflammatory, anti-nausea, cough suppressant, antispasmodic and antimicrobial effects. Most of them are known for their stomach-soothing and digestion-improving effects. However, since ginger contains anti-viral and anti-bacterial substances, it can also help if you have the flu.

It is well known that vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, discovered by the Nobel laureate Albert Szent-Györgyi, plays an important role in the functioning of the immune system by stimulating the formation of white blood cells and also protects the immune cells that produce antiviral substances.

Turmeric and ginger are great immune boosters. Lemon has an alkalizing effect. And honey is a very strong anti-inflammatory and contains a lot of vitamins. You don’t need more than that.


-1 dl honey

-2 teaspoons of ground turmeric

-1 lemon

-3 cm fresh ginger

-2 liters of water


Mix the honey and turmeric well with a whisk and store in a jar. If the paste is mixed with hot, but not boiling, water and flavored with lemon and freshly grated ginger. But you can even mix the honey and turmeric paste with yogurt.

The enterprising can also mix it with garlic. 1 clove of garlic / 2 dl.

Turmeric together with honey not only gives an extremely pleasant taste, but also protects against diseases! By the way, in addition to turmeric honey, lemon and ginger also have really great effects, which makes it a really great immune booster.

Turmeric and honey together? Let's show them what they can do!