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Possible causes of back pain when lying down

Possible causes of back pain when lying down

One common, but often only temporary, problem with musculoskeletal problems is back pain when lying down.

Back pain affects nearly 80% of people in their lifetime.

Back pain can also occur when lying down, which means that lying down a lot can also cause back pain. The type of back pain that occurs when you lie down, which is in the lower back, can be a sign of a serious spinal problem.

Back pain when lying down is particularly bad because it most often occurs at night, which is also bad because it prevents us from sleeping.

The causes of back pain when lying down are often unclear.

These are the most common causes of back pain when lying down:

-Back pain caused by herniated discs. The discs lose their ability to absorb shocks. As a result, they can become completely inoperable.

-Accidental injuries, strains, tears or bumps.

-In addition to the above, pain can also be associated with conditions such as scoliosis and spinal stenosis.

-Kidney stones, pregnancy, endometriosis and certain types of arthritis can also cause back pain when lying down.

Causes of morning back pain

Morning back pain can be the result of poor posture, lumbar muscle spasms, degenerative joint disease, a herniated disc or rheumatological disease.

What are the possible causes of back pain in the midsection?

Mid back pain can be the result of scoliosis, lumbar muscle spasm, herniated discs, degenerative joint disease and osteoporosis.

If you know that you have a spinal problem, or that a previous injury may have caused the pain, you should see your doctor.

If the correct posture and lying position do not help, it is definitely worth investigating the cause of the pain. If it is arthritis, creams and ointments can help.

Could it be a sign of serious illness?

Back pain at night can indicate a serious spinal problem, inflammation of the bone marrow or even a more serious illness. You shouldn’t immediately assume the worst, but it’s always a good idea to seek medical advice in the following cases.


-weight loss without cause

-bowel problems

-back pain extending to the limbs



-pain, throbbing in the abdomen

Because some of the more serious illnesses, such as pneumonia, can also cause back pain, the problem should not be taken lightly. If you have several or all of these symptoms, it is not worth waiting to see a doctor.

If you have back pain, you should also try natural remedies. HillVital Maximum Balm is one such possible natural remedy. Its special ingredients include arnica, goose pimpernel and rosemary. Arnica is known as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. It is also recommended for the treatment of bruises and sprains. It is also excellent for rheumatic complaints. It is also effective in the treatment of muscle pains caused by overwork. Goosefoot is a species of plant in the rose family. Its essential oil is used for joint diseases, muscle inflammation and arthritis. Rosemary is an excellent tonic, stimulates blood circulation and increases blood flow. It is known to be a good antispasmodic, but is also used for circulatory disorders.

Possible causes of back pain when lying down
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Benefits of black radish

Benefits of black radish

The black radish is a member of the cabbage family.

Although it is similar to a month-old radish, it is slightly larger in size. Its flavour is more pronounced than other radishes, slightly pungent and a little bitter.

Available from late autumn, black radishes are one of the best choices for vitamin supplementation in winter.

Although there is no universal answer to the question of when to eat black radish, it is still recommended to eat it in the winter or autumn. The reason for this is that this is when you have access to freshly picked produce, and also when you need the vitamins and minerals. However, if you’re wondering when to eat radishes, you don’t need to go into too much detail. The answer is simpler than you might think, because as mentioned above, it’s best to eat them when you have access to fresh produce.

It contains high amounts of vitamins A, B, C and E and is also rich in minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, zinc, sulphur, selenium and manganese.

Benefits of black radish

Black radish also has a positive effect on digestion and the liver. It stimulates the gallbladder, thus preventing the formation of gallstones. Grate one black radish a day, squeeze the juice well and eat a tablespoon after a main meal. Among the medicinal properties of black radish is that it is also a natural diuretic and detoxifier. The compounds found in black radish have a positive effect on the thyroid gland, so regular consumption can help you avoid thyroid-related diseases. But the benefits of black radish don’t end there. One of the most important questions you may have about this vegetable is: when should you eat black radish? Black radish juice can be one of the best medicines during a cold.

Black radish with honey

Just cut off the top, scrape out the inside with a small spoon, then place 2-3 tablespoons of honey in the cavity. You can use the cut top to cover the radishes. Leave to stand overnight, then pour the resulting juice into a jar. It can be consumed anytime as it has no side effects. Of course, it can be used in other ways, so it is not uncommon to use grated black radish. Black radish can be eaten raw on its own, as a salad or as a smoothie ingredient.

But the medicinal benefits of black radish do not end there. One of its beneficial properties is that it activates and regenerates liver cells. It helps to detoxify and cleanse the liver. It reduces gallbladder inflammation and purifies the blood.

In addition, the beneficial effects of black radish include stimulating the secretion of gastric juices, which is important for proper digestion, good metabolism and effective detoxification of the body. It has been used for its antibacterial properties against indigestion, bloating, intestinal gas and acid reflux.

Because of the compound found in black radish, it helps to balance the overactive thyroid.

Eating black radish can be very beneficial for us. Due to its high fibre content, it has a mild laxative and tonic effect. It can also be very good against constipation. It is also usually eaten raw, salted or sliced. It is very good as a salad ingredient, but can also be eaten cooked. Thanks to its antiviral properties, it helps fight the flu. Black radish is a natural diuretic, helps detoxify the body and is a great support for the urinary system. Black radish helps stimulate the secretion of gastric juices, which is important for proper digestion.

It has a great antibacterial effect and helps to kill pathogens.

It is a very good cough suppressant and expectorant. Just peel a medium-sized black radish and grate it. Squeeze out the juice, then mix 1 tablespoon of honey with the squeezed juice of half a lemon. It can be eaten several times a day until the symptoms subside.

Black radish has been used for centuries to cure coughs, flu, sore throats and colds. Among the adverse effects of black radish is that if you have liver or bile disease, black radish can only aggravate it, so excessive consumption is not recommended.

Benefits of black radish
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Differences between white and black pepper

Differences between white and black pepper

What is the difference between black and white pepper?

White pepper and black pepper taste different.

For true white peppercorns, harvest the fully ripe peppercorns when they are already red. White pepper is less hot than black pepper and is suitable for flavouring light sauces. White pepper is a whitish, light-coloured, smooth-textured ball about 4 mm in diameter.

Black has a more intense flavour, white a softer flavour.

White gives a spicy taste immediately, black later. The white is more suitable for white meats, in soups and stews. White pepper has much more medicinal properties than black pepper. In ancient Chinese medicine, white pepper was often used to treat arthritis.Black is more suited to heavier red meat dishes. White pepper contains 3% less essential oils than black pepper.

What is the difference between white and black pepper?

Studies have shown that people react worse to black pepper, even causing allergic reactions. This is mainly because white pepper is only the seed of the plant, whereas black pepper is the whole plant.

Black pepper takes longer to cook than white pepper. White pepper will taste bitter if stored for a longer period of time. The effect of white pepper is much stronger than black pepper and we are talking about medicinal properties.

The difference between white and black pepper is therefore most noticeable in its medicinal properties. We prefer white pepper, especially if you can’t stand strong, spicy flavours.

What are they good for?

Culinary industry: it can be used whole or ground in practically all dishes except sweet dishes, soups, meat dishes, salads, dressings, sauces, marinades, fish. Pepper is a good preservative, making it almost indispensable in the preparation of stuffings and sausages, for example. It is also used as a seasoning for food.

As the ultimate spice, pepper is also a preservative.

Medicinal: wind and diuretic, antibacterial, excellent for rheumatic complaints. Black pepper is not only effective in the treatment of respiratory problems, anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory. It can also be excellent against colds. Add pepper to your soup or cold drink and you’ll recover much faster. Black pepper even has a positive effect on the skin, as it helps blood circulation and provides the skin with more nutrients.

Cosmetic industry: revitalizes, improves the transport of nutrients within the skin cells, rejuvenates and refreshes the skin.

Differences between white and black pepper
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The amazing effects of white acacia tea

The amazing effects of white acacia tea

Many people are interested in the question of what white acacia blossom tea is good for.

Benefits of white acacia blossom tea

White acacia blossom tea also has cough suppressant, mild diuretic and laxative effects. It should be used alternately with St. John’s wort for stomach and duodenal ulcers. As a course of treatment, one cup a day should be drunk until the problem has disappeared. As it is very good at reducing stomach acid production, it can also be used for reflux.

One cup should be consumed in the morning for diarrhoea and one cup in the evening for defecation.

In case of stomach acid overproduction, 1 cup of tea per day is recommended in the evening, after meals. It can be taken as a course of 1-2 cups per day until the symptoms disappear. However, once the symptoms have disappeared, it is recommended to take a cup every now and then as a preventive measure.

Gastric acid reflux, or reflux, is a very unpleasant condition that can have a major impact on quality of life. Symptoms include bad breath in the morning, scratchy throat at night and a burning sensation in the mouth and throat during the day. Acacia tea can only help to a certain extent with reflux. The reason is that reflux disease occurs when the sphincter does not close properly, allowing stomach contents to flow back. And acacia blossom tea is most helpful for stomach acid reflux.

For coughs, 2 cups of tea a day for two weeks is recommended.

Picking and drying of white acacia flowers

White acacia flowers are usually picked at the beginning of flowering, when the flowers are still fresh. The acacia flowers can be picked with scissors or by hand, taking care not to damage them. The best time to pick is in the morning when the flowers are still wet.

The harvested flowers need to be dried so that they can be used in the long term. White acacia flowers are dried as follows. Drying is best done in a dry, dark place such as a room or cellar. The flowers can be dried by placing them on paper or a drying rack. Drying usually takes a few days, depending on the humidity of the air. When the flowers are completely dry, they can be stored in an airtight container.

How to make white acacia blossom tea

To make the acacia blossom, take a teaspoonful of tea leaves, boil it in 2.5 dl of water and strain it after 15 minutes.


Side effects of white acacia blossom tea are not known, but it has contraindications. Consumption of white acacia tea is not recommended during pregnancy, breastfeeding or when the child is under 12 years of age.

The active ingredients of white acacia are found in the flower. In the past, the bark was used to treat stomach and intestinal ulcers, but it has now been discovered that the bark contains toxic substances, so its consumption is not recommended.

The amazing effects of white acacia tea
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Effective herbal pain relief cream for knees? We show you!

Effective herbal pain relief cream for knees? We show you!

Effective pain relief cream for knees? Find it here! There are many types of pain relief creams for knees, but most contain artificial ingredients or steroids.

Knee and back pain can be a terrible affliction for both older and younger people.

Injuries and their consequences are the most common cause of knee pain in younger people. In older age groups, many years of joint use can also cause these pains.

Analgesic creams work by being applied to the skin and absorbed through it. Naturally derived analgesic creams have significantly fewer side effects than medicated painkillers. Fortunately, in most cases, knee pain can be relieved and eliminated simply and easily with the help of knee pain cream at a younger age. In older age, this is more difficult because the pain can be caused by wear and tear over the years.

In this case, pain relief can be a much bigger challenge. Not to mention that in this case, knee pain can be treated with a combination of cream and supplements. Unfortunately, yes, using a cream alone for knee pain due to wear and tear does not necessarily mean that the cause has been eliminated.

For elbow, knee and finger joint and muscle inflammation, pain-relieving creams containing capsaicin may be the best choice.

Capsaicin is extracted from the strong paprika, which causes a burning sensation when rubbed on the skin.

What is the best cream for knee pain?

Of course it depends on the cause of the problem, but knee pain can usually be relieved with muscle-relaxing and anti-inflammatory creams. The active ingredients in knee pain ointments help to reduce swelling and pain and improve circulation around the knee. Knee pain creams are for external use, so they are applied outside the skin where the active ingredients are absorbed. There are usually no side effects associated with the use of these creams, but if you experience any unpleasant side effects, seek medical advice immediately.

Salicylated creams are mostly used to relieve pain in the vertebrae, back and lower back. However, it is important to be aware of the cause of the pain, as in the case of pain caused by osteoporosis, it is highly unlikely that the creams are suitable for relieving the pain.

Knee pain can also occur as a result of sports injuries or incorrect running or cycling. Often the pain is accompanied by swelling. A pain-relieving cream containing capsaicin has a very good effect on knees.

One of the most common causes of knee pain over the age of 40 is joint calcification.

The articular cartilage, which acts as a virtual cushion between the bones, thins and wears away. The result is painful knee pain. Symptoms of knee pain include swelling and stiffness after exertion.

Non-steroidal analgesic cream for the knee is also very effective and does not have unpleasant side effects. One such product is HillVital Kapsamax Extra Balm, which contains 8 special herbs. In the case of Kapsamax Extra Balm, we have combined the strong paprika with herbs so that the beneficial ingredients can pass through the muscles and do their healing work! The balm works quickly after rubbing it in. It gives a pleasant warm feeling to the problem areas, stimulates blood circulation and relaxes stiff muscles. Pain is relieved and the muscles and joints will function properly again.

Effective herbal pain relief cream for knees? We show you!
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The main cause of itchy varicose veins

The main cause of itchy varicose veins

If the varicose vein itches, it is no longer an initial problem.

The varicose vein disease in the initial stage does not cause any visible symptoms on the skin, but later the varicose itching may develop.

Varicose vein disease can be divided into different phases. These phases help to more easily identify what stage the varicose vein is in.

Let’s look at the phases:

1. No-impact condition. In this condition, there are no visible symptoms, but some symptoms may indicate a circulatory problem.

2. Broom veins, spider veins. These appear first around the inner sole and the inner ankles, as the vascular network is most sensitive here, and therefore small dilated varicose veins are the first to be detected.

3. As the process progresses, larger veins appear alongside the broom veins.

4. The above symptoms are accompanied by watery eyes, or oedema. The leg swells. This is due to inadequate absorption of fluid, which accumulates in the tissues of the skin.

5. At this stage, the characteristic skin symptoms appear. The skin surface becomes dense and hard. The skin becomes brownish. Small areas of white atrophy may develop between the brown patches. The brown discolouration is due to the accumulation of decomposed blood staining as the pressure in the blood vessels causes the blood to squeeze out into the surrounding tissues.

Why does the varicose vein itch? Itchy varicose veins can be very problematic. Eczematous rashes may also appear on the skin. This is due to the fact that the dilated varicose veins are not able to remove the slag material properly. These then cause itchy, dry or in some cases wet patches. So itchy varicose veins can develop because of this. It is most common around the ankles, but itchy feet can also develop.

6. In addition to the above symptoms, light-coloured scars without ulceration may also appear at this stage. The skin may be red, slightly warm and inflamed due to poor circulation. This phase can easily be confused with the symptoms of nasolabial folds. The inflammation produces ivory-coloured scars in patches.

7. This is the final stage of venous disease. Leg ulcers of various sizes appear on the lower limb. They are caused by the death of the skin. This is due to poor circulation and the resulting lack of oxygen.

Ulceration is usually preceded by minor trauma or injury. A wound that develops suddenly does not heal, but continues to grow and deepen.

Itching of the varicose veins can also be treated by natural methods. For this we can recommend Varikoflex Balm, which is specially formulated for varicose veins.

The main cause of itchy varicose veins
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Not all vegetables should be eaten raw

Not all vegetables should be eaten raw

Eating many foods such as meat can cause serious health problems, but is it the same with vegetables?

Most of the vegetables eaten raw is beneficial, however there are exceptions. You would think that you could eat all vegetables raw, but you can’t. There is a long list of vegetables that can be eaten raw, but you should also be aware that not all of them are good for you when eaten raw. Now you can find out which vegetables should be cooked.

The starch in potatoes makes them harder to digest without cooking, baking or steaming, and can lead to bloating and gas formation. It is not recommended to eat green and unripe potatoes, or those that are wrinkled or sprouting. Such potatoes are high in a substance called solanine, which is a toxic compound. It can even attack the nervous system.

Cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and kale have many benefits when eaten raw, but should be considered in this state. Although cauliflower, brussels sprouts and broccoli are edible raw, and are now mainly used as salads, they contain carbohydrates that are easily digested but can cause bloating, stomach pain and gas. For this reason, eating raw cauliflower and eating broccoli and Brussels sprouts raw is not recommended for people with weak stomachs.

Asparagus is not as harmful raw as potatoes and cruciferous vegetables, but you should at least steam them before eating them. This makes it easier to absorb the vitamins (vitamins A, B, C, E and K), minerals and other necessary nutrients.

According to many sources, raw sprouts are healthy because they contain a lot of enzymes, protein, fibre and essential fatty acids. It also contains E-coli bacteria and substances that inhibit thyroid and immune function. Raw sprouts are not recommended for pregnant women, children or people over 60 years of age.

Red kidney beans are a very good source of fibre, they also have cholesterol-lowering properties. It ensures slow energy consumption. However, it is not recommended to eat it without heating. It can cause nausea, diarrhoea and vomiting due to the lectin it contains. Lectin is a protein found in plants and animals. It is essential for many processes. Unfortunately, improperly prepared red kidney beans can cause serious symptoms.

Not all vegetables should be eaten raw
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Foods with very high vitamin K content

Foods with very high vitamin K content

Vitamin K is very important for blood clotting and for bone and heart health.

If you don’t get enough vitamin K in your body, you can develop haemophilia, weak bones and heart disease.

In order to avoid these illnesses and unpleasant complaints and symptoms, it is essential to replenish your vitamin K intake. This can be done in different ways. One way is to find out what vitamin K is in what foods you eat to replenish it. Once we know this, we can then come up with a diet that includes these foods. In addition to eating foods containing vitamin K, it is of course also possible to take vitamin K supplements, which will almost certainly provide the necessary amounts.

Daily dose of vitamin K

The recommended daily intake of vitamin K depends on the age, sex and body weight of the individual. The following figures are for guidance only:

-For adult women: 90 mcg

-Adult men: 120 mcg

-Pregnant women: 90-120 mcg

-Lactating women: 90-120 mcg

Let’s see what vitamin K is in

The list of foods high in vitamin K is quite long. The best sources of vitamin K are clearly vegetables. The best vitamin k foods are curly kale, Swiss chard, kohlrabi, broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts and cabbage.

The list of foods containing vitamin K is only just beginning, because the list is not short. There is also plenty of vitamin K in beef liver, chicken meat, bacon, pork liver, egg yolks and chicken liver.

Vitamin K is also found in dairy products. You should eat butter, cream, parmesan, camembert.

Fruits also contain vitamin K. These include plums, kiwis, avocados, pomegranates, grapes and dried figs.

Among foods containing vitamin K, pulses are also worth mentioning. It can be found in green beans, green peas and soya beans.

What else has vitamin K? Several vegetables and seeds also contain it. Continue the list!

Oily seeds such as cashews, hazelnuts, pine nuts and walnuts also contain vitamin K.

While all of the above foods have small amounts, foods high in vitamin K include spinach, broccoli, Swiss chard, red onion, sage, lettuce, cabbage, kale, vegetable oils (especially soybean oil), liver and alfalfa.

Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins for the body.

Let’s look at what foods contain this vitamin. Papaya is very rich in vitamin C. Papaya is a member of the melon family and is a very juicy fruit. It is also recommended for dieters as it is 90% water. It is also very rich in vitamin A.

Broccoli is also an extremely vitamin-rich vegetable. Most people usually eat it for weight loss reasons. A large head of broccoli contains more than 100 milligrams of vitamin C. It is best eaten steamed, as a large part of the vitamin is lost when cooked.

There are about 100 milligrams of vitamin C in a cup of Brussels sprouts, so it’s worth including them in your winter diet.

A medium-sized grapefruit contains 88 milligrams of vitamin C. Oranges are one of the most popular fruits containing vitamin C. An average orange contains 70 milligrams of vitamin C.

Kiwis are one of the best fruits that contain vitamin C. In addition to vitamin C, they are low in calories.

Foods with very high vitamin K content
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The amazing medicinal properties of wild blackberry leaf tea

The amazing medicinal properties of wild blackberry leaf tea

Wild blackberry leaves make a very tasty tea.

The tea of wild blackberry leaves can be of great help in cases of joint complaints and diabetes.

The effects of wild blackberry leaf tea

It can be effective against a weakened immune system and can also treat anaemia, bleeding gums, fever, skin rashes and menstrual disorders. It also has a tonic and detoxifying effect. Thanks to its antibacterial properties, it can also be used to treat urinary tract diseases and leucorrhoea. It is effective against diarrhoea and is also used for diuretics and diaphoresis.

Let’s see what blackberry leaf tea is good for and how it is recommended to use it.

For people with early-onset diabetes: drink 1-2 cups of the tea a day, immediately after main meals.

For gout: 1 cup per day. Take one cup a day, at any time of the day.

For diarrhoea: 3 cups per day. When preparing, make sure to cook for only a short time.

For diuretics: have a cup in the morning.

For inflammations, 3 cups a day, always before meals. In all cases, it should preferably be consumed without flavouring. A few cups a day should be consumed indefinitely.

In the case of bleeding gums, it is advisable to crush a few raw blackberry leaves. Blackberry leaf tea should only be given to children over 6 years of age in diluted form.

Blackberry leaves tea can also be used externally. Because of its emollient and exfoliating properties, it can also be used as a skin softener for skin irritations. It can fade pigment spots. It can also be used as an expectorant for mucous membrane inflammation and tonsillitis. It can also be used as a gargle for sore throat, stomatitis and aphthae. A decoction of its leaves is very good for cleaning and healing wounds.

The collection of wild blackberry leaves takes place from May to September. The leaves must be dried. They should be spread out in a ventilated place, but not in hot sun.

The amazing medicinal properties of wild blackberry leaf tea
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Main causes of neck problems and natural treatment

Main causes of neck problems and natural treatment

A very common complaint is neck pain, which can have several causes.

The neck is the most mobile part of the spine, but it helps to support the head and the bony canal formed by the cervical vertebrae protects the spinal cord and the neck blood vessels.

Anterior neck pain can occur very suddenly or gradually. If it is sudden, it is acute neck pain, if it is gradual, it is chronic. The most common type of neck pain is chronic muscle pain. People who do occupations that put a lot of strain on the shoulder girdle can have a real problem. These include hairdressers, beauticians and people who work with computers. Other predisposing factors include depression, stress, draughts and prolonged cold.

Neck muscle pain can be caused by a sudden movement or an accident. In this case, the vertebrae can become abnormally displaced and even twisted around their axis. If you are in a forced position at night, your neck can also become sore. This can also be caused by a bad pillow or an inadequate mattress. In this case, you may experience severe pain or even limited mobility.

Muscle tension: excessive tension or spasms in the neck muscles can often cause neck pain. Prolonged poor posture, such as prolonged desk work or phone use, can also contribute to muscle tension.

Nerve problems: Nerve compression or irritation in the neck region, such as pinching of the nerve roots in the cervical spine (nerve root compression), nerve pinching (e.g. sciatic nerve) or inflammation of nerve tissue (neuritis) can also cause pain.

Stress and anxiety: stress and anxiety can affect muscles, including the neck muscles, and cause neck pain.

Massage and HillVital Maximum balm can help a lot to relieve neck spasms, but physiotherapy can also be a great help. With 19 special herbs with high levels of active ingredients, the joy of movement is back. Massaged into the skin, it quickly absorbs the herbal effects. Free and fast delivery and 30 days money back guarantee.

Herbs used: aloe vera, arnica, juniper, lemon oil, walnut leaf, Scots pine, eucalyptus, black needlewort, thyme, chamomile, marigold, turmeric, lavender, goosefoot, rosemary, horse chestnut, castor, mint, camphor wood. Other active ingredients: vitamin A, vitamin E.

Main causes of neck problems and natural treatment