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The amazing physiological effects of nettle tea

The amazing physiological effects of nettle tea

Nettles are one of the most powerful blood purifiers, and are a staple of cleanses and fasts.

Nettles are probably one of the oldest medicinal plants on Earth. The effects of nettle tea are manifested in several preparations as it is a fairly universal herb. Not only can the tea be drunk, but it also makes a great poultice.

What is nettle tea good for?

One of the frequently asked questions is what nettle leaf tea is good for and how to consume it. There are many positive effects, but not everyone is aware of them. It is worth being aware of these. In order to do this, we will now present some of them.

We show the benefits of nettle tea

– Nettle tea is a stimulant, rich in minerals and vitamins. It contains vitamins B2, C and K, as well as phosphates, amino acids and folic acid. Nettle tea is also used to reduce high blood pressure and to treat hair loss.

– It has a powerful detoxifying and blood cleansing effect and speeds up the elimination of toxins from the body’s metabolism. It can also provide relief from flatulence, as it is also known to have a diuretic effect. So for those of you asking the question, “Is nettle tea a diuretic?” the answer is yes. It also has antiseptic and germicidal properties. Nettle tea can also be used to treat fever and anaemia.

– It also improves circulation and reduces blood uric acid levels. Nettle tea can be used to treat gout, arthritis and rheumatism. It also has a role in beauty care as it has astringent properties, so its leaves can be used for facial steaming. The face cream made from it is an excellent skin cleanser. It is particularly good for oily skin.

– Nettle leaf tea can have a positive effect on prostate problems, but it is sufficient to drink 1 cup a day in the morning. If you are constipated, you should drink 1 cup in the evening. Nettle tea is also recommended for liver and biliary problems because of its great cleansing effect. Nettle leaves can also make an excellent nettle juice. Just squeeze the juice from the fresh leaves with a juicer and mix it with a glass of water. This can be effective for eczema and psoriasis.

– Nettle tea also has a very positive effect on blood pressure. It also strengthens the immune system and is very rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition to tea, it can also be made into a decoction. The potassium, vitamin C and magnesium it contains make it so important for people with high blood pressure. It is definitely worth a try if you have the same problem.

Collecting nettles

The best time to collect nettles is in the spring and early summer months when the plant is fresh and green. The optimum period is before the plant flowers, when the leaves are at their fullest. It can also be collected in autumn, but the leaves are less aromatic and green.

-Choose fresh, green leaves.

-Wash them to remove dust, dirt and insects.

-Cut the leaves off the stem.

-Dry the leaves or freeze them for use in tea.

-Boil the water and add the nettle leaves.

-Leave to stand for 5-10 minutes, then strain.

-The nettle tea is ready to drink.

Let’s see how fresh nettle tea is made:

Pour 2 teaspoons of chopped nettle leaves per cup into 1.5 dl of boiling water, leave to stand for about 10 minutes and then strain.

How to drink nettle tea when used for urinary complaints?

For cleansing the urinary tract, it is recommended to drink 3-5 cups a day, as hot as possible. Nettle tea can be taken continuously for up to six months, but do not exceed the daily amount. Important: if you have reduced heart or kidney function, do not drink nettle tea. It is also worth mentioning that although different qualities of nettle tea are available on the market, drinking filtered nettle tea has similar beneficial effects.

But what else is nettle tea good for?

This is a fair question, as it can be used externally in many ways. For throat inflammation in the evening, gargling with it several times a day can be very effective. If you use it as a sitz bath, it can also be very good for hemorrhoids and rheumatic problems. It can also be made into a poultice which is great for skin rashes. You can also use it as a conditioner to prevent hair loss and dandruff. The silica in it strengthens hair follicles, nails and connective tissues. Its fresh leaves can also be used to steam acne-prone skin. The fresh juice is also very useful for insect bites and to soothe itching.

Consumption i.e. when to drink nettle tea:

The daily dose of nettle tea depends on the problem you are using it for.

– To hydrate, take a cup in the morning and a cup before meals.

– For urinary tract cleansing, drink 2 cups a day between meals for 10 days.

– For fever relief, take 2-3 cups a day

– For stomach and intestinal inflammation, 3-4 cups per day to reduce inflammation.

– For prostate enlargement, 1 cup per day, preferably in the morning.

– If used for constipation, 1 cup in the evening.

– For improving your digestion, 1 cup every morning for 1 month.

– For liver as well as gallbladder problems, 1 cup in the morning on an empty stomach and 1 cup every other day for 1 month.

– For liver problems, 1 cup every day for 1 week.

Besides the great effects, you should also be aware of the harmful effects of nettle tea! These can be side effects of nettle tea:

– It is not recommended during pregnancy as it can cause uterine contractions and even lead to miscarriage.

– It lowers blood sugar levels somewhat and can even bring them too low in diabetic patients, so it is important for diabetics to check their blood sugar levels whenever they drink nettle tea.

– For those who are sensitive to it, it can also lower blood pressure too much.

– For those with kidney problems, the diuretic effect may even be a problem.

– The high vitamin K content may even reduce the effect of anti-coagulant drugs (warfarin).

Nettle tea is not at all suitable to relieve oedema caused by heart failure. We mentioned above that it is good for high blood pressure, but be sure to check with your doctor first because it may conflict with some antihypertensive medications and make things worse. It is also not suitable to consume in case of haemoptysis or acute urinary retention.

The nettle tea cure is recommended for pre-existing conditions for 6 weeks, up to a maximum of 1 litre every day. This is one of the simplest and most effective cures.

Can nettle tea be used to treat gout?

Nettle tea stimulates the kidneys to excrete more water, thus reducing blood levels of uric acid. This makes it an effective treatment for rheumatic diseases, arthritis and gout.

The amazing physiological effects of nettle tea
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Sources of B vitamins: discover which foods contain them

Sources of B vitamins: discover which foods contain them

What is vitamin B in? Now we find out! Vitamin B12 is a very important vitamin for the body. It is also very important for the proper functioning of the nervous system and for blood formation. If you’re looking for the answer to what vitamin B is, you’ve come to the right place!

It is also essential for growth.

If you are a vegetarian or vegan, it is important to know what foods you can eat to get vitamin B12 into your body to avoid vitamin B12 deficiency.

But what does vitamin B12 contain?

People who eat a lot of dairy products, eggs and fish find it easier to get vitamin B12 into their bodies. Vitamin B12 is also found in meat. You should eat lean lamb and pork. The best fish are salmon, carp and herring with tomatoes. Sheep’s milk and goat’s milk are also very good sources. Cheese is also very good, including trappist, edamame, emental and smoked cheese. A properly healthy gut flora is necessary for the absorption of vitamin B12. High alcohol consumption also increases the need for vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 in what else?

Sheep meat, veal and beef liver, marrow and lungs. In addition to these, pork spleen, marrow, liver, kidney, tongue and heart also contain high levels of vitamin B12.

The main function of vitamin B1 is to help the enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism. But vitamin B1 is in what?

It supports the nervous system and can be very useful in neuropathy. It is found in the highest amounts in pork.  It is also highly bioavailable in cereal grains and oilseeds. Beans are also very high in vitamin B1, as are cereals, nuts, liver and especially pork.

Sources of vitamin B1

Let’s also look at what vitamin B1 contains.

-Meats: beef, pork, fish

-Wheat bran, wholemeal cereals and bread

-Vegetables: soya, beans, green peas


-Seeds: walnuts, almonds, sesame seeds

Riboflavin or vitamin B2 plays a major role in metabolic processes.

It helps the thyroid gland to function and can increase the red blood cell count when taken with iron. It can also be very effective in preventing cataracts.

What is vitamin B2 in?

Let’s see what vitamin B2 is.

-Dairy products: milk, cheese, yoghurt

-Meat: beef, pork, liver

-Vegetables: broccoli, spinach, aubergines

-Cereals: wholemeal bread, oatmeal


Pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 is a protector of the nervous system.

It helps the proper utilisation of fats and proteins.  It helps to overcome fatigue and migraines. You wouldn’t think it, but it can also help you quit smoking. Fish, eggs, broccoli and pulses contain the most vitamin B5. Of course, these vitamins are also available in capsule form so it’s much easier to get them into your system.

Vitamin B6 in what? The question arises as it is an important part of the B vitamin family. It plays a very important role in the conversion of proteins.

It is also found in liver, dairy products, egg yolks, corn and dry legumes.

What has a lot of B vitamins, or what has the most B vitamins? If you’re looking for the answer, this section is for you.

Eggs are one of the best sources of B vitamins, as they contain vitamins B7, B5 and B12. Some recipes use eggs with oatmeal, which is also high in vitamin B.

Vitamin B6 in what? The liver mentioned above is also a very high source of vitamin B. It also contains vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12. It is also a very good source of iron and vitamin A. Wheat bran is also an important source of vitamin B. It contains vitamins B3, B5 and B6. It is great mixed into yoghurt or kefir. It can also be used to make wholemeal baked goods.

Spinach and green leafy vegetables are high in vitamin B9. Spinach is also rich in many vitamins and is a very good dietary food.

Sources of B vitamins: discover which foods contain them
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Wheat germ has a great detoxifying effect

Wheat germ has a great detoxifying effect

Many people still look at sprouts as food in a strange way.

But our ancestors already consumed them as food.

Let’s see how wheat germ affects our health!

The medicinal properties of wheat germ are largely due to the various vitamins (A, C, E), proteins, minerals, trace elements and fatty acids it contains. It is a real health bomb, rich in vitamins, proteins, fibres, antioxidants and minerals. However, due to its high calorie content, it is important to know that it should not be consumed by people with coeliac disease. However, it is highly recommended during pregnancy due to its high folic acid content.

Among the effects of wheat germ, it can be mentioned that it has a good effect on the functioning of hormones, liver cleansing, has an effect. Wheat germ also has an excellent detoxifying effect.

It helps digestion, reduces inflammation and cholesterol. It regulates the nervous system and blood pressure. Inhibits the survival of cancer cells, and is also effective in treating fatigue, impotence, rheumatism and joint problems. As it boosts metabolism and can restore liver function, it effectively supports natural detoxification processes.

High in omega-3 fatty acids, wheat germ consumption helps to reduce inflammation and lower levels of harmful cholesterol, while increasing the amount of beneficial cholesterol. This is one of the reasons why it protects the integrity of arteries and veins and normalises blood circulation. The B vitamins it contains help to convert food into energy.

How to eat: in salads, cooked cereals, added to steamed and boiled dishes, put on sandwiches. You can mix it into natural yoghurt, kefir, smoothies. You can use it to enrich sandwich spreads, or grate it into meat dishes.

Because wheat germ is rich in vitamin E, it is a powerful weapon against cancer and ageing.

Wheat germ has a great detoxifying effect
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Clear signs of ankle joint inflammation

Clear signs of ankle joint inflammation

The shank is connected to the foot by the ankle joint. Inflammation is usually caused by wear and tear of the joint between the tibia and the ankle.

Signs of ankle joint inflammation may include:

In the case of ankle arthritis, at first you may only feel a dull ache and a pulling sensation inside the joint, around the inner ankle. This very uncomfortable pain will increase over time, and the joint will become stiffer and stiffer, and may eventually become deformed. Gait will be completely altered, and the patient will find it increasingly difficult to stand on the tip of the toe or to turn the foot inwards and outwards.

Ankle joint inflammation, or arthritis, can develop for a number of different reasons. Below are some common causes:

Trauma: An injury to the ankle joint, such as a fracture, sprain or sports injury, can cause inflammation.

Rheumatoid arthritis: this is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the joints, including the ankle joint. This chronic inflammation can lead to pain and swelling.

Osteoarthritis: this is an inflammatory condition caused by the wear and tear and breakdown of joints. Over time and with the stress on the ankle joint, cartilage can break down, causing pain and stiffness.

Gout: This disease causes a build-up of uric acid in the joints, including the ankle joint. Uric acid crystals can cause inflammation and acute pain.

Psoriatic arthritis: individuals with psoriasis may develop inflammation in the joints, including the ankle joint, in addition to symptoms on the skin.

Bacterial or viral infection: some bacterial or viral infections can cause inflammation of the ankle joint. An infection affecting the joint usually develops quickly and is associated with severe pain.

The ankle joint can be swollen and painful in many cases.

This may initially only occur after a restful walk or after getting up in the morning. Later, however, it may become persistent and even keep the patient awake. Painkillers are considered by many to be very effective for ankle arthritis. Painkillers are given by injection and physiotherapy is also recommended.

Internal ankle pain

For inner ankle stabbing pain, it is also worth trying herbal balms first which can treat the inflammation and relieve the pain. Even in the old days, only herbs were used to relieve pain. They worked even then and they still work to this day. Once the symptoms are relieved, you can then start to do the physiotherapy. This will help you get back to normal life. It helps restore balance and strength to muscles and joints.

As with all treatments, it’s worth starting early, because if you put it off for too long it will only get worse and take longer to recover.

Clear signs of ankle joint inflammation
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How to relieve a pinched back? Tips and advice

How to relieve a pinched back? Tips and advice

Back pinching is very common in many people, as it can be caused by one wrong movement. Contrary to popular belief, pinching is not the main problem. The problem develops suddenly and usually lasts a few days to 1-2 weeks.

This may be just the first sign of a degenerative lesion affecting the spine which, if left untreated, can lead to serious illness.

What exactly is waist pinching?

The role of the elastic discs in the spine is to relieve pressure on the vertebrae as much as possible. When the disc is constantly overloaded, it will lose fluid and flatten over time, bringing the overlying vertebrae and their articular surfaces closer together. As the distance between the vertebrae decreases the tight case becomes looser. One wrong movement and the case can pinch between the articular surfaces of the vertebrae and muscle pinching can occur. Worse still, the muscles adjacent to the spine contract to stabilise the injured area.

How to relieve a pinched back? Tips and advice

The cause of the terrible pain of pinching is therefore due to overloading of the discs. If not treated properly, it can lead to a herniated disc later on. At first, taking painkillers may seem like a very good solution, but this can only help temporarily and the pain will soon return. Treating a pinched back can also be done naturally. It is worth trying herbal balms instead of medicines as natural solutions help many people. The acute problem should be solved first. It used to be common practice to rest in bed, but this does more harm than good. Active therapy is needed, as movement and various manual treatments improve blood circulation and allow the capsule to get out of the hip socket as soon as possible.

My back is pinched! Physiotherapy can also be useful for back nerve pinching. If you experience this, we’ll give you a tip on what exercise to do. Do the following exercise several times a day, the aim of this is to move the vertebrae further apart and relax the muscles along the spin.

Treatment of a pinched back at home

A pinched back can be relieved with gymnastics. The following exercise can help.

1. Lie on your back with your feet on a chair so that both legs are on the seat of the chair.

2. Press your waist to the floor to straighten your entire spine.

3. Stretch your head and tailbone in opposite directions but gently.

4. If it doesn’t hurt, raise your 2 arms outstretched next to your ears with palms facing up and stretch with the tips of your fingers. While doing this, also squeeze your waist.

5. Stretch with your right and left arm alternately.

6. Feel free to repeat the movements several times.

7. You can stay in the first position for longer periods of time to allow the waist to relax.

A pinched back can be relieved with gymnastics.

Another very good therapy for a stiff back is a light walk on some natural ground. Exercises and connective tissue relaxation therapy are also very good. These will help the terrible pain to go away as soon as possible.

Can nerve pinching be treated with massage?

Yes, massage can help to relieve the pain and improve the condition caused by a pinched nerve. Muscle relaxation, stimulation of blood and lymph circulation and the calming effect of massage can help to relieve pain.

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Shoulder pain: identifying the causes and effective treatment methods

Shoulder pain: identifying the causes and effective treatment methods

Unrelenting shoulder pain can often be caused by a more serious problem than a simple pull or strain.

This is known as frozen shoulder syndrome, and is often mistaken for neuritis or traction because of the general symptoms. It takes a long time to recognise the real problem. Find out what the symptoms of the condition are and learn about possible treatments.

The shoulder joint is very complex and has many different functions. Arches, muscles and ligaments are connected in it and they connect the arm to the trunk. Frozen shoulder syndrome is a chronic inflammatory disease of the shoulder and the surrounding soft tissues. When the connective tissues surrounding the joint become inflamed, they thicken from 3-4 mm to 1-2 cm thick. They become stiff and knotted, preventing the joint from moving. As the problem prevents the patient from moving the limb, it becomes even stiffer and the shoulder freezes.

This shoulder pain affects the patient’s daily life and limits their ability to work. The quality of life starts to deteriorate and has a negative psychological impact on the patient’s condition. In most cases, shoulder pain may be triggered by a previous injury, illness or surgery. However, there are also cases where there is no specific cause, i.e. the problem occurs without any influence. Frozen shoulder syndrome is most common between the ages of 40 and 50 and most often affects women. It is more likely to develop in people with diabetes, thyroid disease and Parkinson’s disease.

In many cases, the pain may occur at rest and may increase with movement. First turning outwards and then lifting to the side becomes impossible. Because of the long recovery time, it is important to diagnose the condition early so that the pain goes away and the patient regains mobility as soon as possible.

The characteristic left shoulder pain

Pain radiating into the left shoulder requires medical investigation in most cases. The main reason for this is that, in general, left shoulder radiating pain can be caused by various heart conditions. It can be caused by heart attack, myocardial infarction or even myocarditis. Unfortunately, as none of these are problems that can be treated at home, it is advisable to investigate the source of the pain.

It should not be neglected, because left shoulder pain can also be a symptom of heart or heart-related diseases!

Pain radiating to the right shoulder can also develop, usually caused by a bile problem, but this can only be confirmed by a specialist examination. It is very rare but it may also be caused by a digestive problem. And of course sometimes it’s just a simple pulling.

Physiotherapy by a specialist is very important in the treatment as the stiff body part can only regain its strength through manual therapy. They may also give anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers or injections. It is also worth using a herbal balm during the treatment to help the inflammation go away as quickly as possible.

Shoulder pain
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Clear signs of left neck pain

Clear signs of left neck pain

When neck pain develops on the left side and is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately. Left carotid pain also falls into this category.

When the pain in the left side of the neck lasts for too long, is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms and health starts to deteriorate, it can be a serious problem. Getting treatment in time is important to prevent the development of serious conditions.

When left neck pain develops after an injury or a fall and does not subside after 3 days, and is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, it is probably a concussion.

This condition can be serious, so you should see a doctor and get some rest. In this case, self-medication is not really helpful as you need medical help.

In addition to neck pain, if you develop a fever and swollen lymph nodes, this is also a serious problem. The sooner you are examined and diagnosed, the sooner the situation will improve. Left-sided neck lymph node pain can be the result of several things, for example, lymph node inflammation, which can indicate lymphatic disease. It may also be the result of a problem with the cervical spine or muscles, for example due to stress. If the pain persists, it is advisable to consult a doctor to determine the exact cause and recommend appropriate treatment.

Right-sided neck pain is most often caused by an injury, muscle spasm, neck strain or possibly a pinched nerve. All it takes is one wrong move and you’re in trouble. It may even be accompanied by a fever or numbness. You should definitely rest for a few days and use herbal creams to reduce the inflammation. Ice compresses can also be an effective solution. If the pain doesn’t go away after 1 week, it’s worth seeing a specialist to have it checked out.

Right side neck pain can also be caused by heavy physical exertion, but it can also be triggered by prolonged sitting or sleeping in an uncomfortable position. It’s always a good idea to get up every hour if you do sedentary work and getting a good quality mattress is recommended.

It is also worth mentioning carotid artery pain. Right carotid artery pain can be caused by a number of things.

Cervical Spine Injury: A cervical spine injury, such as a herniated disc, can involve damage to the spinal cord, spinal cord, nerves, blood vessels or muscles in the neck, which can cause pain in the neck and arteries.

Blood clot: A blood clot can form in the carotid artery, which can cause pain in the neck.

Neck arthritis: Neck arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, can cause pain in the neck and arteries.

Other diseases: carotid artery pain can also be a symptom of other diseases such as hyperthyroidism, gout, carotid stenosis.

It is important to note that in some cases, the source of the pain is not in the carotid artery but in another part of the body. The doctor can identify the exact cause, so if it still persists it is worth a visit.

“My neck hurts on the left side! What could be the cause?” Pain on the left side of the neck can be dangerous if you have had neck pain for more than 6 weeks. If you are getting worse, so it hurts more and more every day or week. If you experience pain at the touch of the spine and you start to lose weight unnecessarily, it could be more serious. Constant severe bloating, neck stiffness and confusion are not a good sign either, as these can also be signs of meningitis. Of course, these are only the worst cases, you don’t have to think of the bad things right away. You need to take it easy, rest it and use herbal creams. In most cases it will go away in a few days or 1-2 weeks.

Left neck muscle pain can be caused by a number of things, including:

-Muscle overload, for example by using the neck muscles too much or sitting in the same position for a long time

-Cervical spinal hernia, which can put pressure on muscles and nerves

-Cervical arthritis, which involves wear and tear of cartilage tissue

-Cervicalgia, which is muscle or nerve pain in the cervical spine


-Cervical sprain or injury

-Cervical stenosis, which is a narrowing of the cervical spine

-Cervical bursitis, which is inflammation of the joint sac around the muscles of the neck

-Cervical myofasciitis, which is inflammation of the muscles and muscle tissue in the neck

-Cervical fibromyalgia, which means muscle pain and fatigue spread throughout the body

Lateral neck pain can be caused by many different factors.

Neck muscle strain: Prolonged muscle strain or overuse, for example due to prolonged poor posture or bending over, can cause pain in the side of the neck.

Neck joint problems: wear, inflammation or damage to joints, such as osteoarthritis or arthritis, can also cause pain in the side of the neck.

Cervical nerve root irritation: nerve roots leave the spinal cord between the cervical vertebrae in the cervical spine, and irritation, compression or damage to them can cause pain in the side of the neck and can radiate to the arm.

Radiating pain: for example, pain from the shoulder or head can radiate to the side of the neck.

Injuries: pain in the side of the neck can be associated with injuries such as neck sprains or strains, cervical sprains or fractures.

Stress: long-term stress, anxiety, emotional tension can also cause muscle tension and pain in the side of the neck.

What are the symptoms of neck muscle inflammation?

Symptoms of neck muscle inflammation can include pain and stiffness in the neck, difficulty moving the neck, neck muscle swelling, fever, muscle weakness, and tenderness of the neck skin. In the majority of cases, symptoms are mild and last for a short time, but in some cases they can be more severe and last longer.

Of course, if you’re not experiencing these severe symptoms, it’s also possible that you’ve simply fallen asleep and there’s nothing seriously wrong. If you just simply have a sore neck, you might want to try using herbal balms which can reduce both the pain and the inflammation. A hot and cold compress on the neck can also be a great solution.

How can neck pain be treated at home?

There are many home treatments for neck pain, including:

-Stretching and strengthening: stretching and strengthening the neck muscles can help relieve pain and improve range of mot

-Cold and hot therapy: cold therapy can help reduce swelling and pain, while hot therapy can help improve circulation and relieve muscle spasms.

-Massage: massage can help relieve pain and improve circulation in the neck region.

-Rest: Rest can help relieve pain and improve healing.

It is important to note that neck pain can be caused by more serious conditions, so if the pain is long-lasting or severe, you should seek medical advice.

Can high blood pressure cause neck pain?

High blood pressure does not usually cause neck pain, but persistent hypertension can lead to vasoconstriction. Therefore, if you suffer from high blood pressure and have frequent headaches in the back of the neck, it is recommended that you have it checked out!

Clear signs of left neck pain
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Green barley may be the best herb for civilisation diseases

Green barley may be the best herb for civilisation diseases

For decades, people have been searching for the best natural herb to combat the food problems of civilisation. This could be green barley.

Green barley is a plant that contains minerals, protein, amino acids, vitamins and trace elements.

The fresh spring green barley shoots are harvested before they sprout and are pulverised in the gentlest way possible. The resulting powder is then mixed into salads, soups, broths and many other dishes.

The leaves of green barley, like those of wheatgrass, are the healthiest for the body when freshly cut or pressed.

Not many people can afford to blend fresh vegetable leaves every day.

Green barley has a very high magnesium content, which is why it has a very good alkalizing effect. This is very important for people’s bodies today, as 90% of adults suffer from acidosis. Green barley should not be taken in powder or tablets. It is recommended to consume 5-10 grams per day. The active ingredients are organically bound and therefore absorption is almost 100%.

It is widely consumed during the summer allergy seasons and many consumers say it has helped alleviate allergy symptoms.

The effects of green barley make it a real vitamin bomb. Compared to other foods, green barley contains much more beta-carotene, vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, E and H. It also contains folic acid, nicotinic acid and pantothenic acid. Green barley drink powder is made from the fresh spring shoots of barley, which is unique in that it contains vitamins, minerals, enzymes, plant proteins and chlorophyll, all of which are essential for the body. Green barley contains the richest source of enzymes, SOD or superoxide dismutase.

SOD is an antioxidant with a very specific action that greatly slows down the ageing process.

Green barley contains a lot of chlorophyll, and therefore has a very good anti-inflammatory effect.  Green barley is suitable for daily intake of vitamins and minerals. It regulates digestion, helps in recovery from illness and is beneficial for the pancreas. It also alkalizes the body and binds stomach acid.

Previously, green barley in powder form was the most common, but this has now expanded. It is now also available in tablet form, and the effects of green barley tablets and green barley powder are identical. The only difference is the form of consumption. While the powder is most often consumed with smoothies or diluted with water, taking the tablet is a much easier format for some people.

Green barley may be the best herb for civilisation diseases
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Powerful vasopurifying foods and vitamins

Powerful vasopurifying foods and vitamins

If you’ve ever wondered what you can do to keep your vascular walls flexible and youthful, we have the answer.

To keep your blood vessels healthy, you need to take vitamins and minerals. And, of course, because so many foods contain vitamins and minerals, we’re going to show you some blood cleansing foods and vitamins that can be great for this purpose.

The first is olive oil. It is the healthiest oil for the circulatory system. It contains plenty of omega-3 fatty acids. It is highly recommended to use it for frying and of course you can also use it in salads.

An essential antioxidant for blood vessels is vitamin C. If you’re looking for a vascular wall-strengthening vitamin, vitamin C is a must. It helps to keep blood vessel walls elastic. Even though many people consume it, they do not get enough of it. It can be found in large amounts in citrus fruits and vegetables. You may also want to take it in supplement form.

Q10 is a vitamin-like substance and is used to treat heart rhythm disorders. But it also has a great therapeutic effect on blood pressure and atherosclerosis. Its supplementation is especially necessary in old age.

Ginkgo biloba is an ancient tree species on earth. Its extract is a great antioxidant and is also beneficial for the vascular system. It improves circulation and of course it is very good for the brain. It is recommended as a dietary supplement for older people.

Horse chestnut is the best-known herb for the maintenance of blood vessels. A great vascular wall strengthener, it is best used in the form of a balm, the best example being Varikoflex balm. In addition to horse chestnut, it contains 19 other herbs. It is mainly recommended for the treatment of varicose veins.

Rutin, or vitamin P, can be classified as a bioflavonoid, a vitamin of the blood vessels. It greatly aids the absorption of vitamin C and also strengthens the capillaries.

Grape seeds are very important for blood vessels. Of the foods that strengthen the blood vessel wall, grape seeds have a better antioxidant effect than vitamin C. It can be consumed in powder form or even as a dietary supplement.

Eating fibre is also important to avoid constipation and thus reduce the pressure on your veins. Extraordinary sources of fibre are apples, carrots, peas, oats, green soup vegetables, vegetables and fruit in general.

Green tea is also good for the blood vessels, but it also helps to burn fat. It is worth drinking 1 cup a day.

It is difficult to say what is the best tea for cleansing the blood vessels, but green tea, cranberry leaf tea, linden blossom tea and hawthorn tea are all very effective.

Blood cleansing can also be promoted naturally with the help of blood cleansing herbs.

Let’s take a look at the best examples of these vasopurifying plants:

Citrus fruits: grapefruit, lemons, oranges and limes contain high levels of vitamin C and antioxidants that help support liver function.

Green leafy vegetables: spinach, kale, Swiss chard and parsley are vegetables that are high in chlorophyll, which can help remove toxins from the liver.

Cruciferous vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts are vegetables that are rich in glutathione, an antioxidant that plays an important role in the liver’s detoxification processes.

Turmeric: This Indian spice has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, which can help promote healthy liver function and reduce inflammation.

Garlic: Garlic’s natural compounds can support the liver’s detoxification processes and help maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

Artichokes: artichokes can naturally support liver function and stimulate the production of bile, which contributes to detoxification.

Avocado: Avocados are high in healthy fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, which can support healthy liver function.

Nuts: Hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts and other nuts are rich in antioxidants and healthy fats that can support healthy liver function.

Ginger: Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help promote healthy liver function and reduce inflammation.

Powerful vasopurifying foods and vitamins
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Effective treatment for eczema scalp

Effective treatment for eczema scalp

Dermatitis, also known as eczema, is one of the most common skin inflammatory diseases.

Generally speaking, the skin first becomes red, then itchy, small blisters develop, and after scratching, small sores, welts or scaling may appear.

Causes of eczema

There are many possible causes of eczema, but they can be divided into two groups.

Exogenous: Mostly caused by external influences. Substances that are deposited on the skin cause skin inflammation in those who are susceptible.

Endogenous: In this case, a specific predisposition or susceptibility is required for development. This includes fungi that multiply in the body or on the skin.

Eczema on the scalp (Seborrhea) or also known as eczema hairline

Unfortunately, eczema can occur on many different parts of the body, including the scalp. Another name for scalp eczema is seborrhoea, which essentially refers to eczema on the scalp. Eczema scalp symptoms include itching, blisters, oozing and scaling. It can easily lead to dandruff and, in more severe cases, even hair loss.

There are several possible causes of eczema on the scalp.

Genetic predisposition: If someone has a family history of eczema, they are more likely to be prone to it themselves.

Allergic reaction: Hair dye, hair care products, etc. may also cause eczema.

Stress and nervousness: stress and nervousness increase the likelihood of dermatitis.

Treatment of eczema scalp

If the problem appears overnight, it is worth paying attention to what may have triggered it. You may suspect a new shampoo, dye, conditioner or even other cosmetic product.

The key to treating eczema scalp is to soothe the skin and reduce inflammation. This can be achieved by using different creams. However, some of these creams are steroidal and some are non-steroidal. Of these, if you can, stick to non-steroidal ointments and creams. One such non-steroidal cream with natural ingredients is Dermasoft Extra balm, which can provide relief with the help of herbs.

Treatment of eczema scalp at home is mainly focused on moisturising the skin, reducing inflammation and eliminating the underlying causes.

Here are some useful tips to help you manage your eczema scalp

Use nourishing and moisturising hair care products: use a conditioner that contains the right amount of moisturiser to achieve balanced hydration. Avoid products containing alcohol as this can dry out the skin.

Baths and compresses: baths and compresses containing lukewarm, nourishing oils can help relieve itching and inflammation while moisturising the skin. Some suggested oils include almond oil, coconut oil, and jojoba oil.

Careful hair washing: Avoid overwashing your hair as this can dry out the skin. Use warm or lukewarm water and gently massage the conditioner into the scalp.

Remove the triggers: if you know which products are causing the allergic reaction, avoid them and use other products.

Stress and nervousness: stress and nervousness increase the likelihood of dermatitis, so stress management is a very important part of the treatment.

In general, what can be done about itchy scalp?

To relieve itching and treat symptoms, the following few steps may help:

Clean your scalp: Keeping your scalp clean can help reduce itching. Use a dandruff conditioner and massage gently into the scalp.

Use moisturising hair care products: dry skin often causes itching, so it’s important to keep your scalp properly moisturised. Use a moisturising hair conditioner and avoid products containing drying alcohol.

Fight dandruff: Dandruff often causes itching. If you suspect you have dandruff, use an anti-dandruff shampoo and conditioner.

Avoid triggers: if you know which hair care products cause itching, avoid them and use other products.

Seek professional help: If itchy scalp symptoms persist and do not subside, it is recommended to consult a doctor to determine an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

These are also recommended for eczematous itchy scalps, and it is very important that no matter how itchy the scalp, it should not be scratched.

Advice for eczema:

During the winter, make sure that the room has the right amount of humidity.

It is recommended to avoid furry toys and pets.

Avoid long and too hot baths. Instead, it is recommended to take lukewarm showers and to use special washcloths.

It is advisable to use natural detergents.

When drying your skin after a bath, do not rub it, but gently press it dry.

Do not use strong allergenic hair lotions or shampoos.

Shampoo for eczema scalp or what to look out for?

Shampoos for eczema scalp are products that nourish the skin, reduce inflammation and relieve itching.

Anti-inflammatory shampoos: specially formulated anti-inflammatory shampoos can be used to treat eczema scalp. For example, shampoos containing tea tree oil, rosemary, chamomile, and blue agave can relieve inflammation and itching.

Hypoallergenic shampoos: eczema-prone scalps are often sensitive to different ingredients, so it can be a good idea to choose hypoallergenic shampoos. Shampoos with natural ingredients and those that are paraben-free and SLS-free are recommended.

Nourishing shampoos: eczema scalps are often dry and dehydrated, so it’s important that the shampoo nourishes the skin. Choose shampoos that contain moisturising ingredients such as coconut oil, shea butter or hemp seed oil.

PH balanced shampoos: eczema scalps are often sensitive to pH fluctuations, so it’s a good idea to choose shampoos that balance the skin’s pH.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as the best shampoo for eczema scalp. We are all different, so it often varies which shampoo works for which person. But the most important thing to remember when washing your eczema scalp with shampoo is to avoid chemicals!

Effective treatment for eczema scalp