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Leg pain? These could be the possible causes!

Leg pain? These could be the possible causes!

Leg pain from the knee down and up is a very common problem.

The phrase “My legs hurt from the knee down!” can often be heard. These problems are common in doctor’s offices.

Since you move your body weight on your legs, you have to pay attention to it, because the problem can develop very quickly. It’s not usually that surprising if your leg hurts, as it usually goes away on its own anyway.

Unfortunately, there are situations when it does not go away. Do not be alarmed, because such leg pains are completely harmless.

But what are the causes of leg pain?

Due to excessive exertion, the foot may become inflamed and the joints may also ache from the inflammation. This pain can also occur in those who do sports as a hobby. If you exercise regularly and stop for a while, pain may occur in the joints because they are used to movement. Leg pain from muscle fever can also often occur. If you don’t warm up or suffer from an injury, leg pain will still develop. Due to regular movement, the muscles and joints on the legs can become stretched and bruised, and this can lead to unpleasant pain. Such muscle and joint pains go away quickly in most cases.

Leg pain can also develop if you do sedentary work. In this case, it is worth regularly moving your feet under the desk. Many people struggle with foot pain who do standing work. If you also do stationary work, you should sometimes take a short break to rest your legs.

The nerve can often be pinched at the waist, which can cause leg pain. A pinched nerve often causes numbness and pain that radiates down the leg.

A varicose vein can also cause leg pain. It can develop in sedentary and standing workers as well as in pregnancy. It is worth knowing that foot pain can also develop due to club feet.

Herbs can help you a lot too. Try the herbal balms yourself!

Leg pain
Leg pain? These could be the possible causes!
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Leg pain from the knee down? – We’ll show you the reasons!

Leg pain from the knee down? - We'll show you the reasons!

Foot pain is something that almost everyone has experienced.

My feet hurt from the knee down. As we age, we not only hear about it, but often experience it. What could be the cause? What causes my feet to hurt?

The most common cause of leg pain, and the one that goes away most quickly, is muscle pain.

The causes of leg pain below the knee often include muscle soreness, strain or even bruising. Fortunately, in most cases these do not require any major treatment. Of course, healing creams can be used.

Why do my legs hurt? If your leg pain is from the knee down, it is most often caused by the following problems:

Arthritic, inflammatory-abrasive diseases:

My feet hurt! If you feel the aching, it could be simple joint pain. Rheumatic foot pain most commonly occurs in the knee itself and around the ankle and foot. It occurs due to increased stress. It can be triggered by strenuous physical work, age or illness. In all three cases, there is a decrease in joint fluid. This can lead to bone growths, damage to the joint capsule and inflammation.


A very common cause of leg pain is vasoconstriction. The first symptom of vasoconstriction is leg pain itself. In the case of a narrowed artery, the artery is not able to supply enough blood to the leg muscles. This causes a lack of oxygen and the body signals this with pain. A very common symptom of this problem is that the legs start to ache after 50-100 metres, which decreases when the person stops and stops altogether. Then, after another 50-100 metres, the pain reappears. Another characteristic feature is cold limbs.

Varicocele expansion:

Leg pain from the knee down is very common in varicose vein problems. It is also a circulatory problem that can cause mild below-knee pain. Unlike vascular stenosis, the problem here is not the amount of blood going there, but the amount of blood coming back. Varicose veins in the leg are characterised by a feeling of tightness after a lot of standing, sitting or at night. The leg often swells because of the fluid not being returned. It is characterised by leg cramps at night. In some cases, bulging varicose veins may also appear. It is most common after the age of 30 and after childbirth. Constant sitting or standing also contributes to its development. Varicose veins are a very common cause of lower leg pain.


Why does my leg hurt? A condition called sciatica could be behind the pain! Sciatica is caused by nerve damage in the lower back, which can result in leg pain and stiffness and weakness in the leg and foot.

So if you feel that “my feet hurt from the knees down”, you should think about the problems mentioned above. But don’t be alarmed, because there are solutions for everything.

Leg pain.
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Ways of using and medicinal effects of stone rose

Ways of using and medicinal effects of stone rose

It is not only used to decorate rock gardens, but also has an excellent medicinal effect.

The Latin name of the stone rose is sempervivium, which means forever alive – this refers to the plant’s great ability to survive and adapt.

Rosehip is often used in folk medicine due to its cooling, anti-inflammatory and astringent effect. The juice of the pressed jelly can be used to treat oral infections, insect bites, burns and cuts, as well as to dry cold sores and warts. In addition, stone rose juice can relieve certain earaches.

It is excellent against sunburn.

We are currently not aware of any harmful side effects!

Let’s take a look at the medicinal effects of the stone rose or what the stone rose is good for:

– It has antiviral and bactericidal effects.

– The juice can be mixed into a simple pharmacy cream and thus used to remove liver spots or even other skin discolorations.

– Effective for the treatment of cuts, infections, insect bites or even burns.

– It also competes with Aloe Vera against sunburn. Squeeze out the leaves of a thoroughly washed flower, mix with a tablespoon of olive oil, add a few drops of lavender oil, and the perfect after-sun cream is ready.

– Soothes the burning sensation and itching after waxing.

– It has an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antiviral effect, as well as an antipyretic effect.

– If you suffer from a severe headache, putting a handful on your forehead can relieve it in a few minutes.

– The decoction of the leaves of the plant can also be used as a tea for sore throats and sore mouths.

The effect of the stone rose does not end here. The use of stone rose: in addition to its medicinal effects, it can also be used in beauty care. You can also make a homemade cream from it, but what is stone rose cream good for? The sap can be used to remove liver spots and skin discolorations. It is also very effective against sunburn and can even compete with aloe vera. You just have to squeeze out the leaves of the flower and mix it with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Add a few drops of lavender oil and the after-sun cream is ready.

It also has an antioxidant and cell-protective effect, and this is mainly due to its vitamin C content. The stone rose can be used for this purpose both internally and externally. Only the jelly juice can be used internally.

Stone rose
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What cream can be used for tendonitis?

What cream can be used for tendonitis

In cases of tendonitis, cold compresses with water or the use of anti-inflammatory creams can often be sufficient.

The popping finger, tendonitis

Snapping finger or tendonitis is a condition where pain and swelling occur in the joints or ligaments of the fingers. It most commonly occurs in the fingers of the hands and feet, especially the second and third fingers.

Snapping fingers are usually caused by excessive pressure or irritation in the finger joints or the ligaments that move the fingers. This can be the result of repetitive movements, such as long hours of repetitive typing, playing the piano or other manual work. It can also occur with wear and tear on the joints of the fingers, arthritis or damage to ligaments.

Symptoms include pain when trying to bend or stretch the finger, swelling, stiffness and sometimes the finger “popping” or “sticking” when moving. These symptoms can usually get worse over time and, if left untreated, can even cause difficulty moving the fingers or using the hand.

In the treatment of mild tendonitis, a cold water compress and rest may be enough.

The healing process can often take several weeks. This requires perseverance on the part of the patient.

For more severe inflammation, the affected limb may be put in a plaster cast for 1-2 weeks. In addition to complete rest, other anti-inflammatory treatments may be considered. Sparing for 1-2 weeks is also essential.

You may also need to take painkillers or use pain relief creams. Of these, those prescribed by a doctor often contain steroids. These are known to have a very good analgesic effect, but they can also have side effects which are often very unpleasant.

If you can, do not choose a medicine or cream that contains steroids.

How long is the healing time for tendonitis?

The healing time of tendonitis can vary and depends on a number of factors.  In addition to the use of painkillers and anti-inflammatories, regular and careful exercise, adequate rest, sleep and stress management, and nutrition are important to achieve healing. The degree of inflammation, the severity of symptoms, the general condition of the patient and the effectiveness of the treatment also influence the time taken for recovery. Usually, the symptoms of tendonitis are relieved in 2-4 weeks, but full recovery can take up to 6-8 weeks.

How to treat encephalitis at home?

Treatment of tendonitis can be done at home, but it is advisable to consult a doctor first to make sure that this is the best solution for your particular case.

Treatment at home may be recommended:

-tendonitis can be relieved with ointment, so the use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory creams and gels may be recommended

-home treatment of a stubby toe can be done with local heat therapy, such as a warm bath or heating pad

-regular and careful exercise to maintain muscle strength and mobility

-adequate rest, sleep and stress management

-a diet rich in vitamins and minerals can help

-local massage can help relieve pain and improve circulation

In some cases, tendonitis can be treated with a cream.

If you are you are looking for a tendonitis cream and choosing a non-prescription cream, make sure you choose one that does not contain steroids. These require medical supervision! There are many different types of painkillers and anti-inflammatory creams that can be used. Whichever one you choose, it is considered an effective treatment. Thanks to their topical application, they are quickly absorbed and provide immediate pain relief.

What is the most effective cream for arthritis?

There are a lot of steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs which, apart from being unnatural, only work for a limited time. You will definitely need a preparation that contains herbs if you don’t want to use drugs. It is best to have the effects of several herbs in one product.

It is worth trying some of the above, but treating tendonitis with a cream may be the most effective and natural method.

However, if you choose to use a cream for tendonitis, it is important that it contains active ingredients that can reduce pain and soothe the affected area. It is also important to have an anti-inflammatory effect, as without the help of an anti-inflammatory cream for tendonitis, the treatment will be less effective. Of course, you can choose other anti-inflammatory methods in addition to creams, but it is important not to miss out!

Master Balm is one such pain relief cream that is not only non-steroidal, but also contains no artificial ingredients. It uses 12 herbs to fight pain. It can also be an anti-inflammatory cream for a sore finger as Master Balm can help with a variety of joint problems.

What to do if the balms don’t work?

If the tendonitis, or popping finger, cannot be relieved with anti-inflammatory cream, then physiotherapy may be an option. If this does not help, then either therapeutic X-rays or surgery may be an option.

To avoid this, if tendonitis is suspected, it is advisable to start resting immediately or to go for a check-up so that the symptoms can be treated as soon as possible.

What cream can be used for tendonitis?
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The best home remedies for constipation

The best home remedies for constipation

What constitutes constipation varies from person to person. What is optimal for you may not be optimal for someone else. In general, we talk about constipation when there are stools less than three times a week, which are hard and dry. Fortunately, tummy tucks are also possible at home, you don’t have to take medicine right away.

Fortunately, constipation can be prevented or alleviated with some very simple lifestyle changes. It causes much more trouble and deserves attention if it is persistent or recurring.

Many people ask, what is good for constipation? The subject may be a bit unpleasant, but it is definitely worth dealing with, because it can also become a serious problem. We will give you some short tips on what natural methods are available to you.

Fiber intake is very important, but we will explain this a bit below. It can also be great if you start the day with a mug of lukewarm drink like lemon water, green tea or even a fruit tea. A warm drink stimulates bowel function. Exercise and sports can also be a great way to relieve constipation. Even a brisk walk can help digestion and bowel movement.

It is best if you exercise regularly three times a week, which can be cycling, running or even aerobics. Magnesium can also be a great help in times of need. This mineral has a mild laxative effect. Beetroot, spinach, cauliflower and raspberries also contain a lot of magnesium. It is also worth trying herbal teas such as anise, licorice, dandelion and dogwood.

Things to know about constipation in the elderly

Constipation in the elderly can develop for several reasons, for example: slowing down of bowel movements, reduced fluid intake, low-fiber diet, taking medications that affect bowel movements, low physical activity, muscles that affect stool storage, or pathological changes in the intestinal system. It is important to mention that constipation is a common phenomenon in old age and can be treated with appropriate treatment.


There are many foods and natural remedies that can help you against constipation at home.

When needed, homemade sauerkraut juice is also good, especially if you drink it on an empty stomach. One of the most effective laxatives.

Plum juice, unfiltered apple juice and pear juice have a laxative effect. This is perhaps the best homemade laxative for children as well.

The loosening of hard stools can also be helped by eating foods with a high fiber content. Due to its high mucilage and fiber content, flaxseed is also considered a mild laxative.

If we want to use a laxative at home, eating prunes or figs is considered one of the best natural stool softeners. These can be eaten as they are, or soaked or pureed. Eating prunes is the fastest laxative when used at home.

Sometimes it even helps if we eat a spoonful of olive oil or castor oil. Olive oil is a laxative that works immediately.

Kiwi can also help with constipation at home – due to its high fiber content, it does not cause bloating, eliminates most of the gases produced during digestion, and also supplies the body with vitamin C.

Even lemon juice can be a great homemade laxative. Lemon juice invigorates digestion and also helps to eliminate waste products as soon as possible. Just squeeze the juice of a whole lemon and pour it into a mug of warm water, then sip. In some cases, immediate abdominal thrusts may occur, so it is worth preparing for this.

The apple cider vinegar and baking soda laxative effects are considered very useful.

Apple cider vinegar can be excellent for constipation and is not only used for this. It is recommended to drink apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach with a little water and it will reduce your appetite. If you drink apple cider vinegar water after a meal, it will help your digestion a lot. Since it helps digestion, it also prevents constipation. Apple cider vinegar is considered a weaker natural laxative. Its consumption is definitely recommended due to its positive physiological effects. One of the best choices among home laxatives.

Baking soda for constipation – baking soda can be effective against constipation if you take a teaspoon of it before going to bed. The laxative effect of baking soda is indisputable. It helps neutralize stomach acid and thus contributes to healthy bowel function.

Homemade laxative baking soda recommendation

It is also a good method to mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 2 dl of warm water and stir it up at the same time. This is a great homemade baking soda laxative recipe.

Like all home remedies, they help WITHOUT SIDE EFFECTS, but they need a little lead time until results are seen.

What else is worth doing in case of constipation, what home laxative practices are available?

– If we put on gloves to prevent constipation at home, we increase the fiber, liquid and mineral content of our food, this increases the amount of stool and thus improves the functioning of the intestinal muscles.

– In case of constipation, be sure to eat more vegetables and fruits. It’s worth experimenting to see which exactly results in a more optimal stool-relaxing effect. It is worth supplementing our diet with high fiber foods.

– We limit the consumption of certain foods, such as foods high in fat and sugar and low in fiber. By all means, increase your daily fluid intake. It can be water or tea, but perhaps it is best to make something easy to consume with a high fiber content from fruit and smoothies.

– If we use laxatives, we should give them up, as this can lead to addiction in the long term. It’s better to experiment for yourself to see what might be good for your body.

– Flaxseed oil can be a very good home remedy against constipation, which increases the number of bowel movements, thus promoting the faster elimination of waste products.

– Plantain seed husk has many physiological effects. It has a great effect on digestion due to its high fiber content. It can also be used against constipation. Laxative tea can also be made at home. Just mix 1 teaspoon of plantain seeds in 1 glass of water and drink it.

– For many people, morning coffee helps to start the morning stool. In addition, we can mention physical exercise, barrier massage, as well as drinking lots of fluids and fiber.

– Sugar water can also be used in case of constipation. The laxative effect of sugar water is partly due to the high sugar content. High sugar consumption can stimulate the digestive system and sometimes relieve constipation. However, it is important to note that sugar water is only a short-term solution.

It is also worth being aware that this is a complex problem that often requires complex solutions. Thanks to this, it is almost impossible to eliminate constipation immediately. If our condition is critical, home practices may prove to be insufficient. In this case, an enema can be considered. This method is used to remove thickened, thickened and dried stool. The enema can also be done at home, we will cover the topic in our next article.


There are also home remedies for hard stools! These are the best laxative foods and drinks!

Water – constipation can also occur if you do not drink enough water every day. It is recommended to drink at least 2-3 liters per day. The laxative effect of lukewarm water has been proven. If you drink 2 glasses of lukewarm water in the morning, it can activate emptying.

Coffee – proven to promote bowel function. If you drink coffee with breakfast, your bowel function will be much better and there will be no sign of constipation.

Chia seed – it has a very high fiber content and therefore has a favorable effect on digestion.

Kiwi – this is also thanks to its high fiber content for its great effects. It is worth blending two kiwis with 2 dl of water, so it has the best effect.

Orange – among citrus fruits, oranges are one of the best sources of fiber. It stimulates the large intestine and helps the growth of intestinal flora.

Peppermint – due to its sedative effects, it helps to relax the muscles of the intestinal tract and thus the stool can move more easily.

Beans – this is also used by many people against constipation, as it also has a high fiber content and the carbohydrates in it are absorbed slowly.

Avocado – due to its high magnesium content, it helps bring the moisture content of food into the digestive system. This also helps soften the stool.

Green tea – increases metabolism and has a laxative effect due to its high caffeine content.

Pear – it not only contains a lot of fiber, but it also contains sorbitol, which loosens the stool.

Anise tea – one of the best digestion boosters, reduces bloating and the feeling of fullness, so it is known to be a good carminative and antispasmodic.

A fast laxative can also be prepared at home, which is guaranteed to be fast. A combination of castor oil and fruit juice can be effective. Constipation will decrease after a few hours, so it is worth staying at home during this time. Water with baking soda can also help a lot, as it cleans the colon and facilitates bowel movements.

Applesauce is also a great home-made stool softener. Mix 1 cup applesauce, 1 cup prune juice and 1 cup oats or wheat bran. Take 1-2 tablespoons of the mixture every night, and then drink 1 glass of water. If there is no change within 1 week, the dose should be increased to 3-4 spoons a day.

It is important to point out that the use of cooking oil for constipation has been a topic of increasing interest in recent years. On the one hand, this is not only dangerous, but can also be extremely unpleasant. If the above methods do not help, do not try cooking oil, but consult a doctor!

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Home practices against callus

Home practices against callus

Before starting to treat callus, let’s make sure that it really is.

Callus caused by viruses are more typical of young people.

However, growths due to orthopedic reasons are more typical of the older age group. One type of corn appears in areas exposed to increased pressure in the form of skin growth or thickening. Another type is caused by a viral infection and causes similar symptoms.

Both types appear in the form of gradually cornified, painful skin growths. The size of the growths can range from a few millimeters to a centimeter, but it is also possible that several viral warts “flow together” in a larger area.

The first step is to establish that it is not a wart. The two lesions have in common that in both cases the skin thickens and causes tightness and pressure. The treatment of callus is especially important if you are overweight or suffer from diabetes, because in these cases the affected area can even become ulcerated.

A purulent corn is usually a soft corn. These are in the form of wear and are usually wet. If the skin rubs for a long time, they form. These callus can easily become infected and become inflamed if they are not treated in time. Gray and yellow callus are called hardened callus. This is a painful thickening of the skin, which sometimes has cracks.

A variety of balms, creams and solutions are available for the treatment of callus, but now you can learn how to treat callus at home.

Useful advice against callus:

Don’t wear tight shoes. Let’s get rid of tight shoes and wear comfortable soft leather shoes instead. It is recommended to wear leather shoes because they adapt to the shape of our feet, so they do not irritate the problematic, diseased skin surface. It is also useful in preventing callus.

Cotton or soft wool. Keeping affected fingers away from each other with soft cotton or pieces of soft wool can help a lot in the treatment of callus.

It is possible to treat callus on the soles at home using foot baths. Take a foot bath several times a day, as this helps to soften dry skin, which makes it easier to remove the layers with a pumice stone. A warm chamomile foot bath can bring results in almost no time during the treatment against callus.

Home practices against callus or treating callus at home:

Vitamin E tablet: Crush a vitamin E tablet with a little oil, then apply the resulting mass to the callus overnight and put a sock on your feet.

Lemon: Cut a thin slice from the lemon and make sure it comes into contact with the corn.

Onion: Pour vinegar into a glass container and add a slice of red onion. Leave it in a warm place for a full day, then put the onion on the callus before going to bed. If it becomes soft in the morning, we can take it off, but if not, then the treatment must be continued. Applying garlic to callus is also not uncommon. To use, cut it into small pieces and place it on the corn. It is worth being aware that it can cause skin irritation!

Bread: Soak half a slice of dry bread in apple cider vinegar and attach it to the chicken eye with a foil. It is worth putting a sock on your feet and wearing them all night.

What else is good for callus?

Homemade apple cider vinegar for callus: Add 1 cup of apple cider vinegar and soap to a bowl of warm water and soak your feet in it for 15 minutes. This softens the calluses. When we are done soaking, apply castor oil to the chicken eye and approx. It will disappear in 10 days. The acidic substance in apple cider vinegar can kill callus. It is also important that the apple cider vinegar is of good quality. You can achieve great results in just one night. After a few days, the callus may disappear completely. If the callus are found on the soles of the feet, you should wrap a cotton pad with apple cider vinegar around them and then put socks on them in the evening.

Bloody swallowtail or the best callus remover: This may be the best against callus. If we want to use herbs for callus, this is the best choice. It is a natural antidote to viral warts and callus. The milky sap of the plant destroys the viruses that cause warts, but it is also extremely effective against callus. You can find it in forests or shady meadows. All you have to do is break off a piece of the stem and drip the milky juice that flows out onto the corn.

Many people believe that ginger can be effective for callus, but this is not usually used. Turmeric is recommended instead. Callus can be effectively cured with turmeric. Thanks to its excellent anti-inflammatory effect, it reduces unpleasant pain and speeds up the healing of inflammation. You just need to mix 1 teaspoon of crazy turmeric and a little honey and you should get a thick paste. You have to use this paste on the callus and let it dry. You can apply it 2-3 times a day and use it for at least 1 week. Another solution is to mix 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel with half a teaspoon of turmeric. Just put it on your feet, tie it up at night. The next morning, it can even be so effective that you can rub off the dead skin with a pumice stone.

Baking soda for callus: Yes, baking soda can be used to treat callus. Baking soda helps reduce inflammation and pain and removes excess moisture. When applied to callus, baking soda should usually be mixed with a small amount of water, the paste should be applied to the callus, and then covered with a clean cloth. The treatment should be carried out several times a day until the symptoms disappear completely.

Tea tree oil for callus: It is also possible to remove callus at home using tea tree oil. This is because tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which can help reduce the inflammation of the callus and relieve symptoms. Tea tree oil should usually be applied in a small amount to the callus and covered with a clean cloth. The treatment should be carried out several times a day until the symptoms disappear completely. When using Tea Tree Oil, it is important to ensure that it is obtained from a pure and high-quality source.

It is also possible to remove callus at home in several steps.

A great method is to soak your feet in warm water for about 10 minutes. Make sure that the entire surface of the hen’s eye is under the water, so you can get it to soften.

Then, just gently brush the soft leather surface with a heel brush. Dip the corner brush or corner stone into the warm water beforehand. Don’t over-grit because it may even bleed.

Then use a moisturizing cream that soothes the skin. Finally, the use of a band-aid is recommended. This way, you can prevent contact with the shoes from causing an infection. So, callus can be treated at home.

What is the best solution for callus?

If we think in terms of homemade solutions, then perhaps apple cider vinegar can be one of the best solutions. At the same time, we must not forget that these are all proven methods, but it is not certain that the same will help everyone! If we want to be almost sure and as soon as possible, various medical devices and liquids can also help us!

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Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory creams? We’ll show you what to watch out for!

Anti inflammatory creams

Which over-the-counter anti-inflammatory cream should you choose?

If we need an anti-inflammatory cream, we don’t have to immediately rush to the doctor for a prescription. Fortunately, over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs are also available.

What should we pay attention to when choosing an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory?

There are many types of anti-inflammatory drugs on the market. Unfortunately, most of them contain steroids. We also have several non-prescription steroid creams available, which have a very good anti-inflammatory effect, but their use without medical supervision is not recommended. In addition, the use of steroid anti-inflammatory cream has harmful side effects on health in the long term.

Sometimes these are combined with antibiotics or disinfectant molecules. Unfortunately, there may be cases when we are forced to turn to the help of an over-the-counter steroid cream. In this case, however, it is important to use it under medical consultation and supervision!

If possible, don’t try steroid anti-inflammatory creams!

The difference between steroid and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory creams can often be quite large. Although it is true that steroid creams have outstanding pain-relieving effects, their long-term use carries serious health risks. Furthermore, since their use requires medical supervision, steroid creams for eczema are not available without a prescription.

In the case of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory creams, the situation is different. They can also be used without medical supervision. Of course, some of these creams contain artificial ingredients, even though they are non-steroidal. Due to their safe use, they can be called almost the best anti-inflammatory creams.

Although these no longer contain steroids, we do not use them if we can. Due to the artificial ingredients found in them, they can very often cause allergic rashes and unpleasant side effects. Non-prescription anti-inflammatory creams with natural ingredients fight inflammation with the power of nature and herbs. Fortunately, there is a large selection in pharmacies and organic stores, so it is recommended that you first choose anti-inflammatory ointments, creams, and balms that are available without a prescription.

What is the strongest pain relief cream and what is the best cream for arthritis?

What counts as the strongest pain reliever or the best cream for arthritis can vary from person to person. It depends on the person and the type of pain. Unfortunately, there is no cream that has the same effect for everyone 100% of the time.

It is worth choosing herbal anti-inflammatory creams that contain at least one of the following:

Rosemary: Rosemary has a muscle relaxing, anti-inflammatory and local circulation stimulating effect

Arnica: Arnica helps the regeneration of cells and stimulates circulation. It is also recommended for musculoskeletal problems.

Chamomile, calendula, aloe vera: These herbs primarily have a skin-soothing and skin-regenerating effect. It is often used against redness, itching and irritation. Calendula cream is a great over-the-counter anti-inflammatory cream that can soothe the skin thanks to its active ingredients. It should be massaged in externally and can be effective for soothing irritated skin, skin problems, insect bites and minor burns.

In addition to all this, aloe vera, sage, and oak bark also have anti-inflammatory and healing effects. Such creams are usually cortisone-free, so their long-term use is safer. The anti-inflammatory cream based on these herbs can also be used on the feet, hands and body.

One such natural anti-inflammatory cream is the Master Balm. It fights inflammation with the help of the 12 herbs found in it. These 12 herbs are none other than aloe vera, arnica, juniper, Scots pine, eucalyptus, thyme, chamomile, calendula, turmeric, mint, rosemary, horse chestnut. Master Balm can even be considered an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory skin cream, but it is not an over-the-counter steroid cream.

Creams containing corticosteroids are not available without a prescription here, as HillVital products are made from only natural ingredients.

What is folliculitis?

Folliculitis, also known as folliculitis, is an inflammatory condition of the skin around hair follicles or hair strands. Hair follicles are located on the surface of the skin and are responsible for hair growth.

Folliculitis most often develops as a result of an infection caused by bacteria, fungi or viruses. Among the bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus is the most common cause of inflammation. Irritated or damaged hair follicles can become infected more easily, and inflammation develops as a result of the infection.

The most common symptoms of folliculitis include itching, burning, redness, swelling and pain around the hair follicles. In some cases, purulent ulcers or rashes may develop in the inflamed areas.

Anti-folliculitis cream without a prescription

Several types of creams are available without a prescription, which can help in the treatment of hair follicle inflammation. These can most often be obtained from pharmacies or drugstores. In many cases, they recommend the use of creams containing tea tree oil, aloe vera, grapefruit seeds, or calendula.

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5+1 effective solution against stomach acid!

5+1 effective solution against stomach acid!

5+1 effective solution against stomach acid!

The cause of heartburn is usually to be found in the food eaten, complaints often appear after fatty, heavy, spicy or acidic foods. A high amount of stomach acid can also be caused by an excessively sugary diet, as the consumption of sugar produces acid.

Reducing stomach acid is important for everyone. Learn about the methods that can be used to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, and you can easily use them against a lot of stomach acid at home.

Let’s see what is good for stomach acid:


Apple vinegar

Consuming 1-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar daily will help reduce acidity in the stomach. It might not seem logical to eat something that is sour to reduce stomach acid. However, apple cider vinegar “produces” alkali, hardly any stomach acid is produced during its digestion. This means that it neutralizes acidity. It also balances the internal ecosystem and alkalizes the internal pH. This is beneficial because diseases like an acidic environment.

Apple cider vinegar is so effective against stomach acid because its main active ingredient is acetic acid, whose pH value is approximately the same as the pH value of the stomach. Thus, it can greatly support the maintenance of the normal state of the stomach. It is also worth knowing that reflux can also be caused by stomach acid. In this case, the sphincter muscle at the junction of the stomach and the esophagus relaxes and moves in the direction of the esophagus. As a result of the apple cider vinegar, there will be more acid in the stomach and digestion will be efficient again. Based on several statistics, it can be said that apple cider vinegar can help 9 out of 10 people with reflux or just simple heartburn. Thanks to this, it can be concluded that the effect of apple cider vinegar on stomach acid can be an effective and proven, immediate method.

Other beneficial effects:

It helps detoxify the body, cleans the kidneys, and is also consumed due to its fat-breaking effect. It helps cure sinusitis, sore throat and flu. You can treat acne, warts, rashes and varicose veins with it. It helps to reduce high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Apple cider vinegar eliminates fungal infections. Arthritis, joint stiffness and gout can also be alleviated with it.



Lemon juice for heartburn? The use of lemon juice for heartburn is not silly at all, because the effect of lemon on stomach acid can be beneficial for us. One of the many beneficial properties of lemon is that it helps get rid of stomach acid. Lemon, like apple cider vinegar, is alkaline, even if it tastes sour. The acid-binding effect of lemon is due to the fact that it neutralizes the acids in the stomach, so lemon juice can be a great solution against stomach acid. Drinking a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice about 10 minutes before a meal will help prevent acid reflux. Lemon water can also be used against stomach acid, as it is a great source of vitamin C, it can also help with weight loss as it also has an appetite suppressant effect. Lemon water can therefore be one of the most useful solutions for reflux. It’s definitely worth a try.

Other beneficial effects:

Lemons are also full of magnesium, calcium and potassium and hydrate the body. Together with warm water, the citric acids found in lemons react with other enzymes and acids, thus making digestion easier. Just a glass of lemon water and the liver will produce more enzymes. Thanks to this, it helps to clean the liver, so it is easier to get rid of toxins.



If you are looking for the answer to the question, “What can I eat against heartburn”, then this dish should not be missed, because homemade ginger can also be excellent for heartburn. Ginger is a fantastic option for treating stomach acid as it has amazing properties. Chew peeled ginger and drink ginger tea to eliminate unpleasant complaints. It is recommended to consume a tablespoon of ginger juice with a little water every day.

Other beneficial effects:

Ginger helps to reduce complications related to diabetes, as it lowers blood sugar levels. It is also used as a heart booster, but it also lowers cholesterol. In addition, ginger strengthens the immune system and can be used to treat flu and colds.


Aloe vera

Aloe Vera is very useful in treating stomach acid because it soothes irritated tissues and has an anti-inflammatory effect. For a morning drink, mix the translucent fleshy part of the pure aloe leaf with a little water. This mixture helps prevent stomach acid from forming and helps relieve existing symptoms.


Baking soda

TIP! Baking soda is an age-old home remedy that also neutralizes stomach pains. Baking soda neutralizes acids while forming carbon dioxide. If you combine stomach acid with baking soda, you eliminate the stomach acid and thus the stomach pain. Pure baking soda is recommended for those who want to avoid chemicals. For consumption, dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it. Repeat this every 2 hours, but make sure not to exceed 5 teaspoons per day. Although baking soda is a proven method against stomach acid that works almost immediately, long-term use is not recommended.



Papaya is a proven home remedy against stomach acid. It’s no coincidence, because papaya contains an enzyme that helps clean the intestinal walls and helps heal scars caused by inflammation. By consuming it, the unpleasant feeling of fullness and bloating after meals can be eliminated. It can also be mentioned that its consumption promotes the elimination of waste products. It is also recommended for diabetics and dieters, in case of gall and liver problems. It is recommended to consume 1 capful (approx. 15-20ml) of papaya juice per day, after a meal.

What else is good for stomach acid? TIP! Fennel has been used for a long time because it works very well for all kinds of stomach and intestinal complaints. Fennel can also be a great stomach acid reducer, as chewing on its seeds helps to reduce the production of stomach acid. The tea made from its seeds (brew a tablespoon with 3 dl of hot water, let it stand for 10 minutes, then strain) also relieves heartburn and improves our digestion. Even fenugreek seeds are natural antacids. It is capable of providing considerable protection to the stomach, and helps prevent the development of gastric ulcers. It can also be effective in cases of stomach and intestinal inflammation.

The above-mentioned methods are excellent home remedies for heartburn.

However, we should also not forget how important prevention and maintaining a symptom-free state are. Thanks to this, below we also cover what it is recommended to consume and what it is recommended to avoid, since we can help against hyperacidity with food and our eating habits.

The golden rule of the stomach acid diet is that you should not consume carbonated drinks. We also have to say no to the fried potatoes. Fats are meat, bacon, and sausages are also out of the question. It is also not recommended to eat vegetables with a high acid content, such as onions, peppers and sauerkraut. There are also fruits with a high acid content, such as raspberries, grapefruit, oranges and tangerines. Eating chocolate is also prohibited.

If we want to contribute to stomach acid with food, the following can help reduce it: bananas. rice, low-fat dairy products, wheat porridge, bran crackers, quiona, eggs.

Milk can only be effective against stomach acid under certain conditions. There are also rules for milky drinks that you should pay attention to in case of excessive stomach acid, just as a low-fat diet also contributes to the relief of symptoms, so this is no different for drinks as well. Despite the fact that milk is recommended by folk medicine for its immediate soothing effect against stomach acid, it is still not recommended. This is especially to be avoided before going to bed. Milk can work against stomach acid if you consume skimmed milk, even in this case only a little.

Other foods that reduce stomach acid include:

Vegetables: Almost all kinds of vegetables can have a beneficial effect on the stomach. In particular, green leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and kale are low in acid and high in fiber, which can help regulate stomach acid.

Fruits: Many fruits, such as bananas, apples, avocados, and peaches, are low in acid and high in fiber, which can help reduce stomach acid and relieve heartburn.

Dairy products: Low-fat dairy products, such as skimmed milk, yogurt, and cottage cheese, are generally well tolerated by the stomach and do not cause excess stomach acid production.

Herbs and spices: For example, fennel, chamomile and ginger can have an acid-reducing effect.

If we want to fight stomach acid with tea, the following can help: chamomile tea, peanut tea, coriander tea, mint tea, and anise tea.

If you are looking for the application of an antacid at home, these are the best solutions that can be considered.

But what are the symptoms of too much stomach acid?



-Pain in the stomach

-Heartburn especially after eating

-Sour taste in the mouth

-Stomach or throat pain

-Sore throat or difficulty swallowing



-Metallic taste in the mouth

-Constipation or diarrhea

It is also worth being aware that these solutions may not help against constant heartburn. In some cases, a medical examination or treatment is recommended. In such a case, neglect home remedies against stomach acid and consult a doctor instead!

Stomach acid!
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Treating swollen lymph nodes at home

Treating swollen lymph nodes at home

Lymph nodes swell when there is infection or inflammation in the body.

Learn some tips to relieve the symptoms of swollen lymph nodes. It’s worth knowing that treating swollen lymph nodes in the neck can be done at home. However, if the problem does not go away, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Warm compresses can help to treat swollen lymph nodes by dilating the blood vessels, improving circulation and reducing swelling and pain. Dip a clean towel in the water and wring out the excess thoroughly. Put the towel on the lymph node and repeat this a few times a day.

Rinse with salt water if there is swelling around the neck.

Lymph node swelling can also be treated at home with salt water gargling. Mix half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and gargle several times a day. In this case, the cause is probably a sore throat, an inflammation of the middle ear or an inflammation of the oral cavity. This is why gargling can help.

The case is also similar with garlic.

Eat 2-3 cloves of raw garlic a day and eat more garlic food while the swelling lasts. However, it can be used externally as well as internally. If you don’t mind the strong aroma of garlic, you can rub garlic oil on the swollen area.

Honey can offer a slightly nicer solution.

You can also use honey as a compress, just apply a little honey on the swollen lymph node, leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse it off. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, it can even be used to treat swollen lymph nodes. Unlike garlic, it will not have an unpleasant smell, but you should be aware that the surface will be sticky. However, honey can also be used internally. For this, it is recommended to use a few spoonfuls in teas or warm water and sip slowly. It is important not to put it in hot water or tea, but wait until it cools down a little.

Turmeric for swollen lymph nodes

Treatment of swollen lymph nodes can also be done at home with turmeric. It can be very good as it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

Mix a little honey and 1-2 teaspoons of ground turmeric to make a spreadable paste. Spread the paste on the affected area and leave it on for 10 minutes, then rinse. Use twice daily for 1 week.

Pelvic lymph nodes

Axillary lymph nodes are small, granular lymph nodes located in the axillary area. Lymph nodes are distributed throughout the body and help the lymph fluid to flow by filtering and purifying it. The axilla is particularly rich in lymph nodes, as it is an area rich in lymphatic vessels through which lymph flows to the lymphatic systems of the chest and forearm.

When infection or inflammation occurs in the body, lymph nodes can become enlarged and sensitive. This happens because the lymphatic system triggers an immediate immune response.

Home treatment of pelvic lymphadenitis

There are several ways to treat an underarm lump at home.

Rest and hygiene: it is important to rest and avoid physical activity, which can put strain on the armpits. Regular hand washing and keeping the armpit area clean is recommended. This can help prevent further infections.

Warm compress: A warm compress is recommended for the swollen armpit. This can be done with a towel moistened with warm water or a bottle filled with warm water. The warmth can help relieve swelling and discomfort.

Antibacterial ointment: such ointments can help reduce infection and promote healing.

What are the symptoms of cervical lymphadenitis?

The symptoms of cervical lymphadenitis are swelling, pain and enlargement of the neck. Lymph nodes can usually affect one side or both sides at the same time. Fever, malaise, sweating, chills and muscle aches may also occur.

Treatment of cervical lymphadenitis

Treatment for cervical lymphadenitis is home treatment with warm compresses, rest and regular lymphatic massage. The patient is also advised to avoid stressful situations and smoking. It is important to follow a proper diet high in fibre and vitamins. If the symptoms do not improve, it is advisable to consult a doctor as antibiotic treatment may be necessary.

The unilateral cervical lymph node

Lymph node swelling in the neck can indicate a variety of conditions, including simple infections to more serious diseases.

Unilateral cervical lymph node swelling is usually caused by the following conditions:

Infections: the most common cause of swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck. Infections caused by viruses and bacteria, such as nasal and throat infections, tonsillitis or dental infections, can often lead to swelling of the cervical lymph nodes as the body tries to get rid of the pathogens.

Inflammatory diseases: some autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, can cause swelling in the lymph nodes in the neck. In addition, cervical lymph node pain can also be associated with.

Treatment of unilateral cervical lymph node swelling depends on the underlying cause of the swelling.

Treating infections: if the swelling is caused by a virus or bacterial infection, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics or antiviral medicines to fight the pathogen. It is important to follow your doctor’s instructions and complete the full course of antibiotics or antivirals, even if your symptoms are relieved.

Anti-inflammatory treatment: in inflammatory diseases, such as autoimmune diseases, the doctor may prescribe medicines to reduce inflammation, such as corticosteroids.

Lymph nodes
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Liver detox – 3 week detox and cleanse

Liver detox - 3 week detox and cleanse

The liver is the most important organ for our metabolism. Its functions include not only detoxification but also the storage of nutrients and the production of many vital substances.

By combining a detoxifying diet with the right herbs, we can significantly detoxify the liver and regenerate this highly stressed organ. Liver detoxification is particularly important if you have warning symptoms such as fatigue without a reason, weakness, sleep disturbances, bloating, undue weight gain, joint pains and frequent constipation.

3 week detox and cleanse

Most lifestyle gurus recommend a low-fat diet. Good, this is important, but fats are also an essential component of our bodies. Of course, in the case of significant excess weight and fatty liver, a low-fat diet is recommended. However, if someone has problems digesting fats because of poor bile function, they do not necessarily need to abstain from fats. In such cases, it is better to stimulate the bile function and support it with appropriate herbs (e.g. artichokes, turmeric).

One way to refresh your body and cleanse it is to start a detoxification cure. An effective cure lasts at least three weeks and the most important part of it is drinking the right amount and quality of fluids.

The course is divided into two parts, 2×1.5 weeks. The first part is cleansing, the second part is detoxification.

The first part of the cure is cleansing.

During a cleanse, the body needs 3 litres of fluid a day. This should be consumed in the form of pure water, vegetable juice and herbal tea.

Vegetable soups

Vegetable soups

For a stronger detoxifying effect, vegetable juices are preferred. Green barley powder is particularly rich in vitamins and trace elements, so its consumption during the cure is highly recommended.

But how much should we eat?

Surely we would think as much as possible. But when you’re on a cleanse, you should drink most of the pure water, and only moderate amounts of vegetable juices – 2-3 decilitres a day.

Herbal teas

The main purpose of a cleanse is to relieve the three main excretory organs (the liver, kidneys, stomach and intestines). Continue cleansing the stomach and intestines throughout the detoxification cure, while the kidneys and liver are only cleansed for a week at a time.

High-quality tea blends can be obtained to help detoxify the stomach and intestines. These include raspberry leaf tea, green tea, matcha tea.

Drink only lukewarm, at least 3-4 cups a day, flavoured with cinnamon, but avoid sugar and lemon.

The second part of the liver cleanse is detoxification

After a week and a half, you can start detoxing. Under no circumstances should you consume alcohol, as this will render the cure completely ineffective. Milk thistle and nettle tea are very beneficial in regenerating the liver. Drink three to four cups of these every day.

Liver detox

In the future, to keep your liver and detoxification processes working properly, you may want to check out the 10 herbs that stimulate liver function.

1. Milk thistle is the most effective liver protecting, liver regenerating herb.

2.Tea made from dandelion leaves and roots is also a traditional remedy: its bitter substances protect the health of the liver, bile and digestive organs.

3.Yarrow contains azulene, coumarin and flavonoids, has antispasmodic, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory and digestive properties. It is also useful in times of bile spasms.

4.The lactones in the so-called sesquiterpene of the katanga or katangkhoro help the bile function and reduce cholesterol levels.

5.The tannins, bitter substances and flavonoids in parsley or burdock grass help to regulate bile function.

6.The smelly fig contains coumarin, and its tea is recommended for liver and kidney diseases.

7.The mucilage of the medicinal zygote contains galacturonramnan, flavonoids, essential oils, forms a coating on the intestines, soothes them, reduces inflammation, protects the liver.

8. Medicinal nightshade also contains a bitter substance called marrubiiin, which helps bile secretion but is also a valuable remedy for indigestion.

9. True liquorice contains saponin called glycyrrhizin, flavonoids, coumarin. It has anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective and liver regenerating effects.

10.Goldenseal contains flavonoids, saponins, essential oils, tanning agents, which makes it highly recommended for bile and liver problems.

Whichever of the above you choose, you’re sure to be protecting your liver.