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Use these for a catarrh  cough

Treat catarrh  cough

When you have a cold, a catarrh cough is common. Nature offers a whole range of plants as a remedy for tracheitis.

These herbal remedies are divided into two groups, those containing essential oils and those containing saponins* (* naturally occurring compounds).

Containing essential oils

The mechanism of action of essential oils is due to the compounds they contain. These compounds are aromatic and fragrant, and when inhaled or absorbed through the skin, they affect the body in different ways. For example, when essential oils are inhaled, the fragrances act on the olfactory nerve through the mucous membranes of the nose, directly affecting the brain and nervous system.

In this way, essential oils have the ability to influence the emotional state, to have a calming or refreshing effect. When essential oils are applied through the skin, the compounds are absorbed through the skin and enter the bloodstream, reaching the various organs and tissues. This is why herbal – essential oil creams are effective.

So the essential oil heals the body with its fragrance alone. So it’s an excellent choice for colds, because the mucus breaks easily. Because some of the essential oils are excreted through the alveoli, they have an antibacterial effect where the disease attacks. In the trachea, the essential oils increase the movement of the bronchial cilia towards the outside world, which also speeds up the rupture of the thick loop.

Curative aromatic herbs containing saponins

Saponin is a naturally occurring substance that has many health benefits. For example, some can have anti-inflammatory effects. This makes it an excellent treatment for upper respiratory complaints. So there are a number of herbs containing saponin that can be used as a remedy.

Let’s look at the best known: anise, angelica, basil, peppermint, spearmint, spearmint, fennel, thyme, marjoram, peppermint, peppermint, tarragon, rosemary, lavender, hyssop, bok choy, marjoram, sage, cumin seeds, coriander, nutmeg, cloves and verbena.

Herbs can mutually reinforce each other when used in combination. This so-called synergistic effect allows each herb to enhance the effectiveness of the other, resulting in a more powerful therapeutic effect.

It is also worth considering other herbs that may enhance the effects of the former. These include linden blossom, black elderflower and willow bark.

Suggested tea blends

A catarrh cough is usually associated with lower respiratory tract disease, and is a cough with expectoration due to increased secretion. The underlying cause may be bronchitis or tracheitis.

Tea blend for sever carrath
100g thyme, 100g basil, 100g fennel, 100g lime blossom. Preparation and dosage of the tea. It can be flavoured with honey only. Drink 3-5 times a day, after meals.

Catarrh cough aftertreatment tea blend
80g marjoram, 120g peppermint, 100g marjoram, 100g black elderflower. Preparation and dosage of the tea. It can be flavoured with honey only. This amount should be consumed in sips over the course of a day.

Nervous cough tea blend
20g lemongrass, 80g hawthorn blossom, 100g pitch grass, 100g anise seed. Preparation and dosage of the tea. It can be flavoured with honey only. Drink 3 times a day, after meals. The best results are obtained when used at night.

A characteristic symptom of a nervous, “barking” cough is a persistent dry cough. In patients with a dry cough, it is often the case that a lot of agonising coughing can lead to irritation of the trachea, which can provoke vomiting. In such cases, dry coughs should be controlled, but avoid using expectorants, which can make the cough worse.

How to remove mucus build-up from the airways naturally

The main cause of coughing and shortness of breath when infectious respiratory diseases occur is the build-up of phlegm produced by the mucous membranes of the airways. This secretion has a role in trapping pollutants, allergens and pathogens. Although useful, if too much is produced and cannot be regularly and properly excreted, it can accumulate in the airways and cause unpleasant symptoms. Here’s how you can ‘clear it out’ naturally.


The active ingredient is curcumin, which has antiseptic, antibacterial and immune-boosting properties. Put a teaspoon of ground turmeric in a glass of warm water, add half a teaspoon of salt, mix well and gargle 3 times a day for 1-2 minutes. It cleans up the phlegm that has built up in the garlic.

Honey and lemon

A mixture of these two has antibacterial and antifungal properties, preventing respiratory congestion. In a cup, mix 1 tablespoon of honey with 2 tablespoons of squeezed lemon juice and drink 3 times a day.

Salt water

Gargle 2x a day with salt water to soothe the throat and remove phlegm. Add 1/2 – 3/4 teaspoon of salt to 1 glass of filtered water and mix well. This method is also very good for sore throats!


A powerful expectorant, antiviral, antibacterial herb that can also be used as a preventative. Drink tea made from fresh ginger. The best effect is obtained by squeezing the juice. In a saucepan, add 3-5 dl of warm water (max 40C), add 6-8 slices of ginger juice and mix well. Add honey to flavour your tea.

Other options for treating the symptoms of the flu

In the case of colds, colds, rhinitis, coughs, sore throats, ointments containing essential oils that clear the airways can be used alongside traditional medication. The natural herbal extracts and essential oils in PulmoFresh balm can help to ease breathing, soothe coughs and relieve the unpleasant symptoms of colds.

Use for massage, rubbing in this way

Use 3-5 times a day, using a finger-sized amount is recommended. The balm should be applied to the chest and back area, then thoroughly massaged and rubbed in. Application before bedtime is more effective, as the herbal essential oils released from the balm, when inhaled, promote restful sleep.

For inhalation

Add 1 teaspoon of PulmoFresh balm to half a litre of hot water and mix well. This will create a vapour which should be inhaled for about 20 minutes.

Inhalation can have many beneficial effects on the body, especially when herbs or essential oils are inhaled. For example, inhalation allows the active ingredients to enter the bloodstream more quickly as they are absorbed directly through the lungs. This can also lead to a faster and more powerful expectorant effect.

Treat catarrh  cough
Treat catarrh  cough
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5 diseases that cause serious joint problems


Rheumatic diseases are chronic inflammatory processes that affect different parts of the musculoskeletal system.

The diseases most commonly affect the joints, muscles, bones, ligaments and connective tissues and are often associated with pain, swelling and limited mobility. Rheumatic diseases include arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis), gout, ankylosing spondylitis, scleroderma, and lupus. The causes of rheumatic diseases may include genetic factors, environmental influences and immune dysfunction.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease that mainly affects the joints. It most commonly affects the fingers, knees, hips and shoulders and is often associated with pain, swelling and limited mobility. There are several forms of arthritis, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis.

Gout is a disease caused by a disturbance in purine metabolism.

Purines are compounds that are naturally present in the human body and are necessary for the formation of new cells. Purines are also found in proteins in food and in various drinks such as beer and wine.

Gout is caused by the human body producing too many waste products from the breakdown of purines, which build up in the blood and form crystals in the joints. These crystals cause pain, swelling and inflammation in the joints, especially in the feet and legs. Symptoms of gout include leg pain, swelling, redness and fever. Treatment of the disease is usually aimed at relieving the symptoms and painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs and a proper diet can help. Proper nutrition, regular exercise and stress management are important for prevention.

Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the human body’s own cells and tissues. Lupus most commonly affects the skin, joints, kidneys and heart and symptoms can include redness, fatigue, fever, weight loss, joint pain and blood problems.

The exact causes of lupus are not yet known, but a combination of genetic factors, environmental influences and hormonal changes probably contribute to the development of the disease.

Treatment usually requires medication and physiotherapy. Various creams and ointments are used as complementary treatments. The aim of treatment is to relieve symptoms and reduce the severity of the disease.

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis and involves the cartilage in the joints becoming thinner and damaged. Specifically, it involves the thinning of cartilage and an increase in friction between the bones in the joints. This causes pain. Symptoms include joint pain, joint stiffness and limited mobility. It most commonly occurs in the knees, hips, wrists and hands.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the joints, leading to inflammation. This causes very unpleasant symptoms not only for the joint but also for the muscles.

Treatment of rheumatic diseases is usually symptomatic. Painkillers, anti-inflammatory creams, and a good lifestyle can help relieve symptoms.

For joint complaints, creams usually provide symptomatic treatment, i.e. they relieve joint pain but do not cure the specific disease. However, if you get closer to nature, you would not realise how effective herbal creams are. Thanks to this, we don’t have to give up our pain-free everyday lives just yet. A good quality of life, a pain-free, unrestricted life can be achieved by using them.

So the joy of movement is available again?

Definitely yes! With various special creams too. One such product is MAXIMUM balm.

By combining the herbal knowledge of ancient times with the experience of modern people, something truly impressive has been created by the HillVital development team. A special balm developed with 19 herbs, high in active ingredients and vitamins, which is massaged into the skin to deliver its beneficial effects. If you need the strongest and most effective for rheumatic and joint pain, choose nature, choose MAXIMUM balm.

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This is the main cause of gout


Gout is a disease of the whole body, but it usually affects the joints and causes pain.

Gout is a disease that develops due to a disturbance in purine metabolism. Purine is a compound that is found in cells and is also absorbed from food. The breakdown products of this purine are converted into uric acid, which is excreted by the kidneys in the urine. If the body produces too much uric acid due to a disturbance in purine metabolism, it can accumulate in the blood and tissues.

Thus, gout is caused by the deposition of uric acid crystals in the joints, causing inflammation and pain. It usually occurs in the joints of the fingers and toes, but can attack any joint. Gout attacks are intermittent and there may be longer periods when symptoms are relieved.

Gout attacks can be treated with anti-inflammatory medicines and special creams, and lifestyle changes such as avoiding purine-containing foods and alcohol can also help to relieve symptoms.

There is a link between meat consumption and gout, as purines in meat are converted into uric acid in the body. If there is too much uric acid in the body, it can build up in the form of crystals in the joints, which can cause gout. So this is the main reason why gout develops.

Foods high in purines, which are best avoided or minimised if you don’t want gout to get worse.

Foods high in purines include meat, offal, seafood, pulses and yeast. Foods of animal origin, such as meat and seafood, are generally higher in purines than foods of plant origin.

These are the top 15 high purine foods you should avoid

  • Pacal
  • Liver
  • Marrow bone
  • Foie gras
  • Offal (kidneys, lungs)
  • Cod
  • Salmon
  • Sardines
  • Squid
  • Shrimp
  • Bacon
  • Hams
  • Sausages
  • Sausages
  • Cured meats

It is important to note that foods high in purines do not necessarily cause gout or seizures in everyone. However, people with gout are advised to avoid these foods or limit their consumption! If gout is not treated, the disease will progress and can lead to further joint damage.


Typical symptoms of gout include:

sharp, stabbing pain in the affected joints
Sharp painful painful pain in the joint
joint movement may be restricted and painful.
Fever, headache, muscle aches and general malaise may also occur.

If gout progresses and leads to further joint damage, the disease can become chronic. Symptoms of chronic gout include joint stiffness, joint pain, joint swelling, skin and tissue lesions caused by uric acid crystals, and the development of kidney stones.

Treatment methods

Using anti-inflammatory medicines
Using various special creams to provide an additional treatment

Creams have been used for centuries as a form of medicine. Their action is based on the fact that our skin is actively metabolizing and absorbing substances. It can also absorb the active ingredients in creams and deliver them to the subcutaneous layers. The biggest advantage of the massage cream treatment is that the active herbal ingredients in the cream are fully absorbed and act where they are needed.

HILLVITAL MAXIMUM balm, with its high herbal content, can be a great choice for the treatment of the unpleasant symptoms caused by gout.

Reviews of the product

“I have new and wrist joint problems caused by gout. Maximum cream helps me greatly in my daily life to be pain free. It is the only one that has worked and I like to massage the pleasant, herbal cream. Thank you!”

“My husband has been suffering from severe gout for years due to his intemperate lifestyle. We have been using this Maximum balm advertised on TV for weeks. It really is as effective as the presenter claims. I recommend it to others!”

“I have had gout since I was young. It mainly affects my knee joints, intermittently. Then it stays with me for days or months. When this happens, I use Hillvital’s Maximum cream because it eases my pain. I’d rather have that than a lot of medication!”

“If I had known I could buy this cream for years, I would have been rid of a lot of my pain a long time ago. I just saw it on TV, I ordered it and it is really good, very effective and I am glad that finally there is a HUNGARIAN company that thinks about older patients.”

“I could hardly move, my gout was so painful. It has since subsided, because the maximum cream has helped a lot in addition to taking the medicine so that I don’t have pain.”

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What can cause constant fatigue? We’ll find out!

What can cause constant fatigue?

There are many causes of fatigue, but it is often caused by a vitamin or mineral deficiency.

Now we’ll look at what deficiencies can leave you feeling constantly weak and tired.

Vitamins and minerals also play an important role in the proper functioning of the body. If you don’t provide your body with the right daily amount, you may initially only experience confusing symptoms, but later you may develop more serious health problems.

Magnesium is the first to be highlighted.

Magnesium is a very important mineral. It is important for energy production. It helps the nerves and the cardiovascular system to function normally. It also strengthens bones and muscles. Fortunately, it is found in many vegetables such as spinach, pulses and nuts.

Next is potassium, which has several important functions.

It contributes to the acid-base balance and is involved in the transmission of nervous system impulses. It is also needed for muscle function and to supply cells with energy.

It is also very important to mention vitamin B12.

It plays a major role in the formation of red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen to the cells. If you don’t get enough vitamin B12 in your body, less oxygen gets to your tissues, so you’ll be more tired and weaker. Fish, meat, eggs and liver are also very good sources of vitamin B12.

The body only contains a small amount of zinc, but it is essential.

It also plays a major role in DNA synthesis and cell growth. It is also found in meat, liver and eggs.

The unmissable vitamin C is next.

It is best known for protecting against oxidative stress and strengthening the immune system. It’s also important to point out that the body uses vitamin C to produce collagen. If the body doesn’t get enough of it, it will also weaken bones and joints. There is a lot of vitamin C in citrus fruits, tomatoes, peppers and broccoli.

Finally, vitamin D is just as important as vitamin C.

It is needed primarily for bone and immune health. If you don’t have enough of it in your body, you’ll get sick more easily and you’ll feel much weaker and worse. It’s worth taking it through a supplement, as it’s not present in high amounts in any food except sunshine.

What can cause constant fatigue?
What can cause constant fatigue?
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Benefits of garlic

Benefits of garlic

Garlic is a perennial bulbous plant with a characteristic odour composed of sulphur-containing compounds.

Garlic cloves are planted in the ground in spring or autumn.

When the stems turn yellow, they are removed from the ground and hung up to dry.

Only buy healthy, hard heads. Unfortunately, nowadays you can often only buy Chinese garlic in the shops.

They taste nothing like Hungarian garlic. That is why it is worth buying healthy, tasty Hungarian garlic from a reliable source.

Garlic is not only healthy, it also adds great flavour to food.

Without it, Hungarian cuisine is unthinkable. It can be used whole, chopped, pressed or crushed with the blade of a knife. Garlic can be eaten raw, boiled or steamed. You can eat it with a dish or boil it. You can use it as a seasoning, but there are also dishes in which garlic is an essential ingredient. It is also an excellent flavouring for salad dressings. It goes well with minced meat dishes, but it also adds flavour to a simple toast or a pancake. It’s also an essential ingredient for marinating meat.

Garlic is particularly rich in organic sulphur compounds, the disease-preventing effects of which are still being studied today.

Garlic has been used around the world for centuries for both culinary and medicinal purposes.

It also has antibacterial and antiviral properties thanks to the allicin it contains. It can also be used to treat stomach and intestinal complaints. Thanks to its antibacterial properties, it has been used for centuries as a meat preservative to prevent serious food poisoning caused by bacteria. Its antiviral properties also make it useful against enteritis, hepatitis and herpes. It also fights certain fungal infections.

Interestingly, according to popular tradition, it repels ants. If you put two cloves of peeled garlic in the gaps where they come into the house, you can keep them away.

Benefits of garlic
Benefits of garlic
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Germination at home? We show you how to do it!

Germination at home

Sprouts are generally one of the healthiest foods.

Getting them can often be a problem, but we can try our hand at producing them.

Germination step-by-step

Soaking: rinse the chemical-free seeds first, then soak them. Soak oilseeds for 1 day, grains for 12 hours, and tiny seeds for 4-8 hours to allow them to sprout.

Sprouting: you can buy cheap plastic or clay sprouting pots at health food shops, but you can also sprout in a simple plate. Spread the seeds thinly on different levels of the special dish, and put water in the bottom bowl. Put the whole thing in a warm spot (20-22 C) in the kitchen and leave the rest to nature. If you are spreading the seeds on a plain bowl, cover it with a padded linen cloth and keep it moist at all times. After the third day of germination, you won’t even need the canvas.

Regular rinsing: it’s a good idea to rinse the sprouted seeds a little under running water in the morning and evening, and to replace the water in the bottom bowl. This will help to avoid possible mould growth. After 3-4 days you can eat the sprouts.

The tastiest little things

Wheat germ: The best remedy for high blood pressure, it cleanses the liver, eliminates inflammation in the body, kills bacteria and stimulates digestion. It is delicious with both long and short sprouts and mixes well in salads with other greens.

Alfalfa sprouts: excellent for regulating the body’s cholesterol levels and preventing the deposition of blood fat in the blood vessel walls. Reduces joint inflammation and rheumatic pain. It is a must for women because of its B12 content, which can reduce anaemia.

Radish: One of the best natural antibiotics during the winter sick season, it is used to relieve nasal congestion and colds. A great detoxifier, it can even remove small kidney and gallstones from the body. The taste is slightly pungent, so it is best eaten mixed with other sprouts.

Germination at home
Germination at home
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Learn about the benefits of witch hazel

Benefits of witch hazel

This plant has long been used in folk medicine to reduce inflammation.

The witch-hazel can be very effective in treating acne, eczema and psoriasis.

A quick recipe for acne: Mix 1 teaspoon of witch hazel extract with 2 teaspoons of honey and apply the mixture to the acne area. Leave on for 15 minutes and wash off. It is especially recommended for men’s skin, as it heals after-shave scars.

Incredibly, its extract is also effective against sweating. Dip a clean cotton pad in witch hazel extract and wipe the problem area. It can also be a remedy for unpleasant ailments such as haemorrhoids.

In this case, boil 1 teaspoon of dried witch hazel in 2 dl of water. Then cover and leave to stand for 15 minutes. Dip a clean cloth into the finished decoction, wring it out and place it on the area with hemorrhoids. Leave it on for 3 minutes, then repeat several times.

It also has antibacterial, astringent and refreshing properties and can prevent unpleasant odours.

Can be used under the arms, on the legs, palms and even on the face. Simply soak a clean cotton pad in witch hazel extract and wipe over the problem area. You can repeat this several times a day. The compounds found in it strengthen the walls of the veins and also help restore their elasticity. It can therefore reduce pain in cases of varicose veins and varicose veins. Just put 1 tablespoon of extract in 1 cup of lukewarm water. Soak a soft cloth in it and then wring it out and apply it to the affected area. Leave the poultice on your feet for 10-15 minutes.

You can also mix it with other skin beautifying and healing ingredients such as honey and aloe vera to further enhance its healing properties.

Benefits of witch hazel
Benefits of witch hazel
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Why joints hurt more when the cold comes

Joint pain

The causes of rheumatoid arthritis and associated pain are still poorly understood.

It can occur at any time, at any age, and it affects not only the elderly but also the young. The course can be very varied. In 30% of cases it causes not only painful joints and limited mobility, but also severe disability over time.

However, countless studies have shown one important thing. That patients may experience an increase in symptoms as the weather gets colder

But why at this time? This is the explanation

> The cause of the pain is a change in pressure.

Rheumatism is a broad umbrella term covering nearly 200 diseases. What they all have in common is that they all involve a detectable but causeless, painful, persistent, and in most cases inflammatory disease of a body part or organ. However, the pain associated with the disease often increases in severity, including with changes in the weather.

This is due to changes in air pressure. The internal pressure in healthy joints is zero and is not affected by external air pressure. However, the pressure in a diseased, worn or inflamed joint is higher. This pressure is also affected by the rapid rise and fall of air pressure changes, which can lead to swelling and pain.

In addition, the damp cold effect increases muscle tension and spasm, which also leads to pain. The cold wind is mainly responsible for back and lower back pain, but poor circulation in the legs is a much bigger contributor to knee joint pain.

Options for pain relief

It is a well-known and accepted fact in the field of medicine that creams have been used for centuries. Their action is based on the fact that our skin – our largest organ – is a lively metaboliser, secreting and absorbing substances. This enables it to absorb the active ingredients in creams and deliver them to the subcutaneous layers.

The biggest advantage of a topical, massage-in cream treatment is that the active herbal ingredients in the cream are fully absorbed and act where they are needed. The best choice for herbal balms are those with high active ingredients.

One such product is HillVital MAXIMUM BALM for rheumatic-arthritic complaints.

It contains 19 special herbs that bring relief to our daily lives, not pain, but the joy of real light and carefree movement!

Joint pain
Joint pain
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That’s why we should eat lentils, but not only on New Year’s Day!

That's why we should eat lentils

Many people eat lentils and don’t even know what they are doing to their body!

It’s very rich in a variety of nutrients, and it provides all of this in a digestible form. It is one of the most abundant sources of plant protein after soya.

Many people don’t realise that lentils have so many positive health benefits, but they have been an important part of our diet for centuries, thanks to the fact that they are the easiest of all legumes to digest.

Why are lentils good?

Lentils are a special vegetable. There are few vegetables that are as nutritious and easily digestible. It can provide 340-350 kcal, 1430-1480 kJ of energy per 100 grams, which is not a small amount. It also has an unusually high protein content of around 25-28%. Not far behind soy, which is known to contain the most protein. In addition, it is non-allergenic and its nutrients are easily digestible, with a high proportion of amino acids in free form. Its amino acid composition and digestibility are better than those of beans or peas.

It contains essentially all of our essential amino acids, including essential amino acids that are essential for humans but cannot be produced by our bodies. Compared to animal protein sources, the amount of cholesterol and other fats consumed with lentils is negligible, accounting for only 1-2% of the total amount of lentils consumed. It is no coincidence that it is highly valued by Asian peoples who live mainly on vegetable matter.

It also has a very high carbohydrate content, 53-60 grams per 100 grams, but as it has a low so-called glycaemic index, it is an ideal source of slow-absorbing carbohydrates for diabetics.

This includes about 40 grams of starch, 3-4 grams of vegetable fibre, which is a favourable value, and 1-3 grams of sugar. It contains significant amounts of raffinose and stachyose, sugars which may be responsible for bloating and intestinal gas formation after eating lentils. Unfortunately, many people are forced to avoid lentils because of this.

Lentils are good for the eyes because of their high vitamin A content, and their vitamin B1 (thiamine) content of around 0.8 mg is also significant. One cup of lentils provides 90 percent of our folate needs, so it is highly recommended for pregnant women, for example, if they are not sensitive to wind. The minerals present are potassium, iron (7.5 mg) and zinc, which is very important for metabolic regulation.

Lentils are more than half carbohydrate and contain only 1.4 percent fat.

It also provides our bodies with iron, potassium, magnesium and calcium. Anyone who thinks that’s the end of the positives is sorely mistaken. It also contains a wealth of vitamins such as vitamins A, B1, B6 and E. Its fibre content is also important, as 100 grams of lentils contain 10 grams of fibre, which means that a bowl of lentil stew can provide a quarter of our daily fibre requirement (30 g).

But that’s not all, as it also contains important bioactive substances such as saponin, flavonoids and phenolic acid, which reduce the risk of certain cancers and cholesterol levels. Many people don’t realise that lentils have so many positive effects on our health, even though they have been an important part of our diet for centuries, thanks to the fact that they are the easiest of all legumes to digest. When eaten with other high-protein foods (potatoes, vegetables, lettuce, peanuts, various seeds, cereals, eggs, dairy products), it can even replace meat.

In short, eat plenty of lentils, not just at New Year, but all year round.

That's why we should eat lentils
That’s why we should eat lentils
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The most dangerous food additives

Dangerous food additives

Learn about the most dangerous additives!

Nitrites and nitrates – E 249-252

Most commonly found in cured meat products. But they can also occur in significant amounts in primary vegetables. The latter is due to incorrect use of nitrogen fertilisers. This group of compounds is a serious threat to our health, as they damage the blood’s ability to carry oxygen and the nitrosamine they produce is carcinogenic.

Sodium glutamate – E 621

The most widely used flavour enhancer. Glutamate is usually derived from soya and added to meat products. It is commercialised mainly through the consumption of protein-rich ready meals and fast food chains (Chinese). But it is also found in crisps, crisps, bagged soups, powders, frozen foods. As a side effect, it can cause depression, headaches, chest pains and rapid heartbeat. It also has an appetite stimulant effect and can lead to obesity.

Aspartame – E 951

There is an ongoing debate about whether a sweetener called aspartame can contribute to the development of cancer. It is used in soft drinks, chocolates, sweets, chewing gum and cough suppressants. Several studies confirm that there is a link, so it is better to avoid foods and drinks containing aspartame!

Sulphur dioxide and sulphites – E 220-228

Main uses are in the wine industry and in the preservation of light-coloured vegetables and fruits. Mainly used to preserve the colour and texture of non-heat-treated pickles. Even small amounts of this group of compounds are harmful to the central nervous system and have a strong allergenic effect, which can cause headaches, allergic and asthma attacks.

Cyclamate – E 952

This is also used as a sweetener and can cause chromosome damage and is also carcinogenic. It has been banned in many countries and its use restricted in others. It can also cause skin irritation and diarrhoea if consumed regularly. However, according to official data, cyclamate is considered harmless when used in food in small amounts

Food colours – E 102

Artificial colours are found in ice cream, cakes, confectionery, some cheeses and pastas. They mainly cause allergies. It is a petroleum-based colouring agent that has been linked to hyperactivity (in children) and cancer.

Always check the list of additives on the packaging, your health will thank you!

Dangerous food additives
Dangerous food additives