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Goodbye rheumatism! 5 natural solutions that can change your life

Goodbye rheumatism

Rheumatism can make everyday life hell for many people.

But what is rheumatism?

The word rheumatism is an ancient term of Greek origin, which is still used as a collective term. Galen, one of the great doctors of old, believed that the deterioration of body fluids is the cause of all diseases of the body, including locomotor diseases.

It is a misconception that rheumatic diseases only affect the elderly! Such complaints can also occur among young people.

In essence, rheumatism is a collective term referring to painful diseases of the joints, tendons, muscles, bones, and nerves.

Rheumatic or rheumatic diseases are very common. According to estimates, almost all people have some kind of musculoskeletal complaint during their lifetime. At general practitioner appointments, approximately every fifth person presents with locomotor complaints. These complaints can usually be cured by the patient or the doctor. These include twitches, muscle strains, mild back or neck pain, as well as trauma. However, in the case of more serious and long-lasting complaints, patients usually have to consult a rheumatologist.

What causes it and what are its symptoms?

During our lives, almost everyone experiences back pain or some kind of joint pain. Only a very small proportion of people with rheumatic diseases suffer from long-term pain or become disabled to some extent. The diagnosis of the disease is very important!

A specialist is best suited to establish a diagnosis, who will then help treat the symptoms.

Basically, rheumatic diseases can be divided into two parts. Inflammatory and degenerate.

The root cause of inflammatory rheumatic disease is some pathogen that causes inflammation.

Degenerative, on the other hand, is the result of pathological changes. This most often occurs when it primarily affects the articular ligament system and later the structure of the surrounding bones.

The disease is not hereditary, but the tendency to it is. In addition to genes, its development is also closely related to lifestyle and environment. In the case of physical stress (e.g. sports or heavy physical work), the disease appears only years later. Nutrition also plays a role in its development. In addition to proper nutrition, body weight cannot be neglected either. If you are overweight, the joints are exposed to a much greater load.

Symptoms of rheumatic disease can be the following:

-lack of appetite


-swelling accompanied by redness

-joint stiffness that usually occurs in the morning

-intense night sweats

-unjustified joint and muscle pains

-deformation of joints

The most common types of rheumatic diseases

The most common types of rheumatic diseases

Poor posture: Among the most common causes of back and neck pain are increased physical strain on the spine, excess weight, and poor posture.

Arthritis: Refers to inflammation within a joint that causes pain and stiffness. If left untreated, the joints can be gradually damaged.

Rheumatoid arthritis: Joints become swollen and deformed. The exact cause of rheumatoid arthritis is currently unknown, however, many risk factors can lead to the development of the disease. Among them, aging, female sex, infections, inheritance of disease-prone genes, and long-term cigarette smoking can be mentioned.

Osteoarthritis: The surface of the articular cartilage becomes uneven, then loses its ability to absorb external influences and wears out. It usually develops in joints that bear a lot of weight or are repeatedly subjected to a lot of stress. Based on this, the spine, knees, hips and hands can also be classified here.

Gout: Gout is usually caused by a build-up of uric acid. Its symptoms include sudden, severe pain associated with swelling of the joints.

Natural treatment of rheumatism

1. Exercise:


In order to protect the joints and the spine, lower intensity forms of exercise are recommended. Examples include yoga, pilates, body shaping, the ancient Chinese movement culture of Thai-chi, brisk walking, and swimming. All of these forms move the body, improve oxygen supply, and have a stress-relieving effect, without burdening the joints. However, before starting regular exercise, it is worth consulting with our doctor or physiotherapist to be on the safe side.

Exercising in water is especially beneficial.

The warm spa usually has a very good effect, as it helps to loosen the stiffness of the joints, and it is also easier to move in water, so the joints are less stressed.

Nevertheless, don’t just get started on your own, ask your doctor about it first. Because in order to be able to perform this form of exercise safely, a medical examination is often essential. This is necessary because if some other disease exists in addition to rheumatism, such as varicose veins, high blood pressure, heart failure, then bathing in warm water can easily harm you.

If there are no contraindications, then exercising in water has a particularly good effect on rheumatic diseases.

However, there are also forms of movement that are strongly recommended to be avoided.

Examples include aerobic training, climbing stairs, running, tennis, and soccer. Essentially, all forms of movement that may include running or jumping.

In an acute inflammatory state, during flare-ups, the joint must be rested!

In this case, exercise is prohibited! In such cases, rest is part of the treatment. Bed rest can contribute to tolerating the pain associated with the most intense inflammation.

However, if the acute inflammation has stopped, then active and passive movement of the joints and physiotherapy should be started. This is important in order to prevent complete stiffness of the joint and possible narrowing of its range of motion. In addition, the aim of the treatment is to strengthen the muscles around the load-bearing joint, thus helping the joint work. The exercises assigned by our physiotherapist can be performed even at home.

2. Lifestyle change:

Lifestyle change

Improper nutrition and excess weight greatly contribute to the increase in rheumatic complaints. Rheumatism can be treated at home by changing your lifestyle. Thanks to proper nutrition and exercise, we can not only supply our body with valuable nutrients and minerals, but also contribute to weight loss.

In the case of rheumatoid arthritis, an individually prepared diet is often prepared, as the energy content of the diet must be adapted to the nutritional status of the patient.

The protein intake should be 0.8-1 g/kg body weight, the larger part of which is made up of vegetable and the smaller part of animal proteins. Several studies have shown that by reducing the consumption of proteins of animal origin, the complaints of rheumatoid arthritis patients have improved.

For fats, 1-1.2 g/kg body weight is ideal. If possible, let’s get it into our body in an easily digestible form. Several studies have proven that supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids has a beneficial effect on the disease. Thanks to this, we can safely consume sea fish and linseed oil.

Because of the possible development of osteoporosis, special attention must be paid to the intake of the appropriate amount of calcium. 1200-1500 mg per day.

It is worth creating a light, mixed diet, thanks to which we can choose from a wide range of raw materials and preparation methods.

Don’t forget about the daily minimum of 2 liters of liquid either!

3. Rheumatism creams:

Rheumatism creams

Herbal creams can often be used for rheumatic complaints. Rheumatoid arthritis can be treated naturally, so it can also be done with herbs. However, when using creams, we should make sure that they do not contain steroids. It is true that steroid-containing creams are strong and effective, but they can also have very unpleasant side effects.

In general, such creams can only be used on a doctor’s prescription.

However, before we vote for such a decision, let’s try the creams with natural active ingredients. There are many over-the-counter creams, which are mostly made from some herbal extract. This can be the case with arnica, rosemary or horse chestnut.

In addition to the natural active ingredients, the HillVital Maximum balm can help relieve rheumatic complaints by using the power of 19 herbs.

The herbs found in it are: aloe vera, arnica, juniper, lemon oil, walnut leaves, pine, eucalyptus, black evening primrose, thyme, chamomile, calendula, turmeric, lavender, gooseberry, rosemary, horse chestnut, castor, mint, camphor. Other active ingredients: vitamin A, vitamin E.

Before applying the balm, clean the surface to be treated or use it after bathing. It is worth applying it at least twice a day. It is recommended in the morning and in the evening, but you can use it more than once. Do not just leave the balm on the surface, but also massage it well so that the active ingredients are absorbed.

4. Medicinal teas:

Medicinal teas

Herbal teas can be used for most rheumatic problems. Whether it is acute, chronic, or even joint swelling and redness affecting one or more joints.

Herbal teas that have an anti-inflammatory effect are primarily recommended. An example of this is the chamomile tea mix. Consume 1-3 cups of it daily between meals.

Horsetail promotes kidney function, and due to its connective tissue-strengthening effect, it can be used very well for rheumatic problems. It can be consumed as a tea or even used externally as a spa bath.

For tea, simply put a tablespoon of tea grass in 2.5 dl of water, then let it brew for about 2-3 minutes. After that, let it stand for at least 15 minutes, then filter it. Consume one cup every morning for six weeks, then take a 4-week break. If necessary, the course can be repeated.

However, if you use it as a spa, pour at least 3 liters of tea into the bath water, then leave it for at least 15-20 minutes. When we’re done, let’s dry off.

In the case of polyarthritis, it is recommended to drink the tea of meadow fan grass.

5. Alternative solutions:

Alternative solutions

Alternative solutions include alternate hot and cold water compresses used to relieve pain, as well as various baths. Among the baths, the sea water, seaweed and Epsom salt baths can be highlighted. We have already read about the beneficial effects of warm water and exercise, so it is not surprising that water appears several times between treatments.

Since some rheumatic complaints are caused by high uric acid levels in the body, it is recommended to follow a juice fast. The more different ingredients we have, the longer we can consume them. It is important not to consume smoothies made from only one type of vegetable or fruit! If we do this, our body can easily become weak.

The combination of honey and cinnamon can also be mentioned. Since honey disinfects and cinnamon has antioxidant and antimicrobial effects, their combination can be very effective in case of hand arthritis. Mix a tablespoon of honey and half a teaspoon of cinnamon, then consume it every morning on an empty stomach.

The anti-inflammatory and alkalizing effects of apple cider vinegar help relieve stiffness and pain. It is worth drinking a glass of warm water with a little apple cider vinegar and honey every day.

In addition to the mixture, you can even make a cream. Heat the apple cider vinegar, then add a little cayenne pepper. While it is still warm, gently apply it to the sore joints and leave it on the skin for about 10 minutes.

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The best remedies for bruising!

The best remedies for bruising!

When you bump into something or hit yourself, the capillaries under the skin are damaged and blood collects in the tissues.

During this, the colors of the bruise appear, i.e. red, purple-blue, green and yellow.

At first, the discoloration is blue-black, then as it begins to break down, the color of the stain changes continuously. Bruising usually goes away in 10-14 days without any treatment. As a person gets older, it becomes easier and easier to get bruises because the blood vessels become more and more fragile and the skin becomes thinner. Unfortunately, a tendency to bruise can also develop as a side effect of anticoagulant medications, birth control medications, and diuretics.

There are several types of remedies to relieve and heal a bruise. Let’s see what they are:

The cold compress: If you have the opportunity, then raise the area of the bruise and put a cold compress on it, as this way, much less blood will leak from the damaged blood vessels. It is worth leaving the poultice on for at least 15-20 minutes, then take it off. If you want another poultice, wait at least 2 hours.

Horse chestnut: Saponins are found in horse chestnut, which relieve swelling and inflammation, strengthen the vessel walls and prevent blood leakage from the capillaries. In Japan, horse chestnut extract injections are often used in case of injuries to reduce inflammation, but this is not typical in Hungary.

Arnica: Arnica is usually very effective against bruising. You can even get it in tablet or cream form.

Citrus fruits: Oranges, lemons and grapefruit are not only delicious fruits but also great sources of flavonoids. These antioxidant-rich fruits can reduce the tendency to bruise. Drinking just 1 glass of orange juice and half a grapefruit a day can reduce the formation of bruises.

Black comfrey: This extraordinary herb contains a compound that can reduce swelling and help in the growth of new cells. If you want to experience the great healing effects of black comfrey, try the HillVital black comfrey balm. One of the best creams for bruises. The cream can be the most effective solution for bruises and bruises.

Warm water vinegar: Vinegar mixed with warm water can also help the healing process a lot. Vinegar stimulates blood circulation, so the bruise will disappear much sooner.

Parsley: Just buy a handful of fresh parsley, then crumble it and apply it to the problem area. It is worth wrapping it with an elastic bandage.

Bruises can also be treated with cream: Yes, the bruise cream can also be used very well. If we want to apply an ointment, cream or balm to the bruise, we must keep in mind that it contains at least one of the above-mentioned herbs. So arnica, black nightshade, or horse chestnut. At the same time, it is also not a problem to use a cream made from a specific type of herb. Bruise cream treatment is more beneficial because it is easy to use, and when applied locally and absorbed, it is able to exert its effect immediately at the site of the pain and the problem area.

Prevention is also very important. If your skin bruises too easily, you may be suffering from a vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C strengthens the walls of the capillaries, so they become less vulnerable. It is worth eating as many vegetables and fruits as possible, especially peppers and citrus fruits, but it is also worth taking dietary supplements.

The formation of a bruise can also indicate a vitamin K deficiency. Kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and green leaves also contain this vitamin. These should be eaten raw in the form of a smoothie.

The best remedies for bruising!
The best remedies for bruising!
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Vegetables with the greatest iron content

Vegetables with the greatest iron content

Iron is very important for the body, as iron deficiency can have many unpleasant symptoms. Hair loss and brittle nails can also be symptoms of iron deficiency. Eating vegetables with a high iron content would be the healthiest, so everyone is recommended to eat the iron-containing fruits and vegetables mentioned in the article.

What has a lot of iron, which foods contain iron? This question must have arisen when you read the title of the article. Let’s also look at what contains a large amount of iron, so let’s look at the best iron-containing foods:

Let’s start first with the list of iron-rich vegetables and fruits

There are almost no vegetables that do not contain a lot of iron. Vegetables containing the most iron: pumpkin, garlic, cabbage, beets, beets, broccoli, spinach, sorrel. The big advantage of these is that they can be purchased at any time of the year. It is also important to remember that not only vegetables contain a lot of iron, but also fruits. The best iron-containing fruits are plums, peaches, oranges, tangerines and rose hips. Dried fruits are also very good, e.g. raisins or dried apricots.

In addition to iron-containing vegetables and fruits, iron can also be found in other foods. If our diet allows, these are also worth and recommended!

Of the meats, fish contain the most iron, salmon, cod, herring and busa being highlighted.

While the number of iron-containing plants, fruits and vegetables is very prominent, we would highlight only a few of the meats. The liver also has a very high iron content, exactly how much it contains depends on the type of liver. Duck liver has the most, i.e. 30 mg, then pork liver 22.1 mg, veal liver 7.9 mg. These numbers are found in 100 grams of food. The best absorbable source of iron is heme iron, which is usually found in animal-based foods such as meat, fish, and eggs. Heme iron is found in the highest amounts in red meat, especially beef and veal. Fish such as tuna, salmon and sardines are also good sources of heme iron.

Vegetables with the greatest iron content

Wheat bran also has a high iron content. It contains about 16 mg of iron. It is considered the grain richest in iron.

Pumpkin seeds are also a very good source of iron, with 12.1 mg. In addition to iron, it also contains many vitamins. It has a very pleasant taste, it is also recommended for salads, soups and muesli.

Sesame seeds contain 10 mg. In addition to iron, it also contains vitamins (A-, E-, B1-, B2-) and several important trace elements (sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium). You can even put it in muesli and cakes.

Many people’s favorite treat is pistachios. It will be good news for them that pistachios also have a high iron content. It contains 7.5 mg. The seeds are not only important because of the iron, but also contain unsaturated fatty acids.

Dairy products also contain a lot of iron. The best are cheeses (sheep’s cheese, eidami) and natural yogurt.

These foods with a high iron content can replace your iron needs for the whole day. It is worth consuming as many of these as you can.

Other foods high in iron:

You can turn bulgur into a ready and delicious meal very quickly, and the main thing is that it is full of protein, B vitamins and iron.

The type of cereal called teff is not so well known in our country, but it has an extremely high iron content, as well as calcium, protein and a lot of fiber.

Sweet potatoes can be prepared in a variety of ways, and their iron content is also high. The iron in it helps the formation of red blood cells and the processing of proteins. Sweet potatoes also have a reputation as a great immune booster.

Next is flaxseed, which is also an excellent source of iron. 100 grams of flaxseed contains 8.2 mg of iron. In addition, it contains a lot of fiber, which facilitates digestion.

The aforementioned pumpkin is also a great source of iron. But it also contains vitamin C. Thanks to its high fiber content, it helps digestion, and due to its low calorie content, it is also recommended for dieting.

Barley is also a good source of iron. 64 grams of barley can cover 18% of the daily iron intake. It also has a high fiber content and does not contain cholesterol.

The list does not end here, because there are also fruits with a high iron content that you should eat. Here are the fruits with the most iron:

Prunes: If you eat them regularly, they help prevent iron deficiency. The iron content of prunes is quite high, about 7 mg.

Raisins: After all, these are dried grapes and have a very high iron content. One cup contains about 3.2 mg of iron. It is worth eating with fruits that have a high vitamin C content.

Dates: It has a high iron content, but it also contains potassium, fiber and antioxidants. If you are currently on a diet, you should not consume this as it contains a lot of calories and sugar.

Pomegranate: The iron content of the pomegranate is not the highest, it contains about 0.3 mg, which is 2% of the fruit. In addition to the iron content, it also contains vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid, potassium and fiber. Pomegranate juice has an anti-tumor effect and can also lower blood pressure.

However, it is worth mentioning that the iron content of bananas is very low. Bananas contain iron, but the amount is not high. A banana usually contains 1-1.5 mg of iron, which is not enough to cover the daily iron intake.

Of course, the list of iron-containing fruits does not end there, but it is not present in the other fruits in such a significant amount as in the case of those mentioned above. It is definitely recommended to eat fruits rich in iron in addition to vegetables.

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What should you know about shoulder pain? – We’ll show you!

What should you know about shoulder pain? - We'll show you!

Shoulder pain when raising the arm is a very characteristic symptom that is often associated with the rotator cuff.

When the space above the shoulder joint narrows, the rotator cuff begins to rub against the bone above it when the arm is raised, and this can lead to shoulder pain, inflammation, and limitation of movement due to repeated use.

The rotator cuff consists of 4 muscles surrounding the shoulder joint. This keeps the upper arm in the center of the shoulder joint during each movement, but also helps lift the shoulder and plays a role in rotational movements.

Above the rotator cuff is the extension of the scapula. Between the two is a mucus tube filled with a thin material.

The purpose of this hose is to reduce friction during arm movement. If anything goes wrong in this complex system, the rotator cuff gets closer and closer to the top of the shoulder, and in this case lifting the arm at 70 degrees can get stuck.

The symptoms of shoulder pain develop only continuously.

In the beginning, only a slight pain radiating to the shoulder area can be felt, and this can also be felt when resting and moving. At first it’s only a dull pain, it keeps getting worse and later it occurs even at night to the point where you wake up. You may not even be able to lie on the affected side.

You may even feel a shooting shoulder pain during overhead movements. In the beginning, the lifting movements of the arm are limited, and later also the rotating movements, so almost all movements end in pain.

Shoulder pain when lifting the arm can most often develop when the tendons are damaged or inflamed. It mostly occurs in those who regularly raise their arms above their heads during their work or hobbies.

In most cases, an effective treatment usually brings improvement for the patient. In such cases, it is worth avoiding movements that cause pain. It is worth visiting a specialist for physiotherapy. If the shoulder pain persists when raising the arm, it is also recommended to use herbal balms, as they can also reduce inflammation.

What should you know about shoulder pain? - We'll show you!
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These are the most common causes of shoulder and arm pain

These are the most common causes of shoulder and arm pain

Shoulder and arm pain can be caused by many changes or diseases. My arm hurts! Everyone has already cried out like that. If the pain doesn’t go away, it’s definitely worth investigating what’s behind it.

Shoulder and arm pain can start at the neck. It is often a difficult task to decide whether someone’s shoulder really hurts, because this is where the nerve roots that innervate the shoulder and the entire upper limb, as well as the thoracic and abdominal viscera, leave the spinal cord.

Although the complaints are often quite vague, the most common symptoms are upper extremity pain, a feeling of numbness, and a painful limitation of the mobility of the upper arm.

“My shoulder hurts! Why does my shoulder hurt?”, this feeling happens to almost everyone during their life. The most common causes of shoulder pain are joint and muscle problems. This can be done on the left or the right! “Why does my right arm hurt?”, this can also happen, and in most cases it can be caused by a muscle strain.

“What makes my arm hurt?” This is the most common question when arm pain arises for some reason.

The causes of shoulder pain and arm pain are very wide.

The causes of shoulder and arm pain can be local changes or even the consequences of pain radiating from other areas.

Radiating pain can partly be caused by wear and tear on the cervical spine. In this case, the pain increases when moving the head. Especially if you tilt your head towards the affected side or the opposite side.

Depending on age, different problems can be behind it. So-called stagnation syndromes most often occur in athletes aged 20-30. Between the ages of 40 and 50, increasing calcification around the joints is the most common problem.

“My left arm hurts!”, this can often be traced back to a sprain or sprain. It is definitely recommended to rest and drink wine in this case. If pain persists in both arms and the pain does not go away even after a few days, it is recommended to see a specialist.

Pain in the right upper arm can also develop in many cases, which may have the following causes:

– Traumatic injury, such as a bruise, joint dislocation, or fractures.

– Tennis elbow, which is the result of increased stress on the elbow joint.

– Golfer’s elbow, which is the result of increased stress on the elbow joint.

– Self-degenerative joint diseases, such as osteoarthritis.

The causes of pain in the left upper arm can be similar to the causes of pain in the right upper arm, including traumatic injury, cartilage wear, and those listed above.

Arm pain treatment and shoulder pain treatment can also be done with natural methods. You should watch this video if you want to find out the solutions.

Tendinitis with calcification

A common cause of shoulder pain is tendinitis associated with calcification. In the case of acute pain, the patient suddenly feels severe pain, which causes him to try to reduce his movements. A swelling develops above the upper arm, which is very painful. In the case of chronic pain, lime deposits are formed at the adhesion of the tendon. In this case, the shoulder pain occurs from time to time and then disappears.

Arm-shoulder syndrome

Hand-shoulder syndrome is a disease with an as yet unclear background, which, however, is very often the cause of shoulder pain. It occurs very often in elderly patients, in whom the entire upper limb is swollen and painful.

Sprained shoulder

Unfortunately, this can also be mentioned among the common reasons. It is most often caused by an injury. In this case, the head of the upper arm can be felt outside the joint capsule, as a painful swelling.

Combining the herbal knowledge of ancient times with the experience of modern people, something truly amazing has been born from the HillVital development team, which is none other than Maximum Balm. Medicinal cream containing even more herbs and even more active ingredients. A special balm developed with 19 medicinal herbs, high content of active ingredients and vitamins, which exerts its beneficial effect when massaged into the skin. If you need the strongest and most effective for rheumatic and joint pain, then choose nature, Maximum balm.

These are the most common causes of shoulder and arm pain
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The hidden treasures of pumpkin seeds: We show you how you can improve your health!

The hidden treasures of pumpkin seeds

The effect of pumpkin seeds is manifested in several areas, which are presented below.

The vitamin content of pumpkin seeds is very high, which is why they are mainly consumed. Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of vitamins A, C and E, they contain a lot of magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium and antioxidants.

It has a low fat content and is also low in calories.

The natural healing effect of pumpkin seeds is recognized in several diseases. It is effective for anemia, kidney, heart and liver diseases, and also protects blood vessels.

It is an excellent source of energy, it is also excellent as a sedative and hypnotic, but it is also known for its laxative properties. The pumpkin seed cure is beneficial for prostate problems and prevents osteoporosis. The effect of pumpkin seed oil on the body is extremely effective. You should also try it. Pumpkin seed oil cleanses the body. It is also rich in lecithin and enzymes, reduces cholesterol levels and the amount of fat stored in the blood.

The hidden treasures of pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are highly recommended and healthy for women. The beneficial effect of pumpkin seeds is especially good for women. Regulates women’s hormonal balance and increases fertility. Its vitamin A content protects eye health. Pumpkin seeds are very rich in tryptophan, which is why they prevent stress and insomnia. This tiny seed can therefore do a lot for women’s health.

If you can’t sleep and are nervous, drink a cup of pumpkin seed tea. More effective and naturally healthier than a handful of drugs.

What are pumpkin seeds good for?

Pumpkin seeds have a very high antioxidant content, they are important because they help eliminate harmful free radicals from the body.

It eliminates inflammation and can also prevent the development of cancerous diseases.

It supports the healthy functioning of the prostate and bladder. As it is rich in antioxidants, high in magnesium and zinc, it contributes to the proper functioning of the heart. Its regular consumption can lower cholesterol levels, blood pressure and prevent the development of heart disease.

Pumpkin seeds are also recommended for people with type 2 diabetes. It helps prevent fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Pumpkin seeds help improve digestion, as they have a fairly high fiber content. It effectively accelerates the metabolism and dissolves the deposited waste products.

We cannot write about the harmful effects of pumpkin seed oil, because it does not have such effects. It is considered one of the healthiest oils.

Consumption or how many pumpkin seeds do you eat per day?

You can eat it raw. If you eat 20 raw pumpkin seeds every day, you can ensure your daily zinc intake. Eating 80-90 pumpkin seeds a day regenerates the heart muscles for a month.

How many pumpkin seeds to eat per day can also be measured in grams. In this case, the recommended amount is roughly 30 grams or a handful. However, this recommendation may vary from individual to individual.

But you can also make tea out of it. Tea made from pumpkin seeds is worth more than any sedative. Cook a cup of crushed, shelled pumpkin seeds, approx. Boil for 5 minutes, then strain. You can flavor it with honey and sip it before going to bed!

The effects of toasted pumpkin seeds are also worth mentioning, as they still have a very high magnesium content and are a great treat. Magnesium is also important for bones and muscles.

Pumpkin seeds
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Against diarrhea at home

Against diarrhea at home

There are countless effective ancient remedies for diarrhea, intestinal and stomach ailments.

If someone does not want to treat diarrhea with medicines, then let’s see what we can do against diarrhea at home!

The simplest remedy is to drink 1-1 glasses of lemon water before meals. Protects against infectious diarrhea.

In the case of infectious diarrhea, a mixture of sage tea and wormwood tea is most effective. Put one coffee spoon in 2 dl of water, and drink it warm three times a day. Already “existing” diarrhea can be overcome, and the intestines can also be soothed with the following tea mixture: peppermint, oak bark, chamomile, spear plantain and nettle tea.

Fasting and black tea can also be useful in controlling diarrhea. The brewed tea is left to stand for 15 minutes, and orange juice or grape sugar can be added as a sweetener.

Drink ginger root tea against chronic diarrhea! Boil the root for 5 minutes covered, let it stand for 10 minutes and consume 1 cup 5 times a day!

Diarrhea can be treated at home by eating different fruits.

There are some fruits that are excellent “stomach astringents”, for example: apples have a great astringent effect, banana and lemon juice are also effective. Peeled and grated apples (100-300 g per day) with a few drops of lemon juice help to cure diarrhea. So apples can also be particularly effective for diarrhea. The peel of apples contains pectin. This is a natural vegetable gelling substance that can bind excess water found in the intestine. That is why it is so effective in case of diarrhea.

Belly gripper can also be made at home. We can also prepare carrot soup as a diet on days with diarrhea. Cook half a kg of grated carrots in a little water, add salt, then strain. Add 1 liter of hot water. Anyone can consume it several times a day.

But in addition to these, there is also an excellent stomach astringent: barley and rice porridge, yeast, dark chocolate, ground nutmeg, blackcurrant juice, but more recently ropi is also listed here.

In addition, it is important to mention bed rest and that the very important thing is to replace the lost amount of fluid, because if we do not do this, the symptoms of dehydration can easily appear.

It is also recommended to eat rice, but only by itself. Boiled rice is a great tummy tucker. Eat small portions of it, maybe you can season it with a little salt until the diarrhea goes away.

What teas are good for diarrhea at home?

Orange peel tea is also great. Orange peel can be used to make a very good anti-diarrhea drink. This tea stimulates digestion. It is recommended to buy chemical-free orange juice, because it is not good for you. Just peel an orange, cut the peel into small pieces and pour hot water over it. Cover and let it stand until it cools down. Strain and sweeten with a little honey.

Chamomile tea calms the stomach and intestines. It is able to relieve spasms and reduce inflammation, which is why it is a very good medicinal drink for chronic diarrhea. Herbal tea made from lemongrass can also be excellent for diarrhea. It can be great for stomach problems and diarrhea. It can also be effective against sleep disorders caused by stress, and it is also a great nerve tonic and sedative.

What else is good for diarrhea besides teas?

Some of the best natural belly fattening foods include fiber-rich foods such as the aforementioned vegetables and fruits, peas and lentils, and protein-rich foods such as fish, chicken, and eggs. Peanuts, almonds and walnuts are also good choices, as they are digested more slowly due to their high fiber and fat content, so they keep you fuller for longer. In addition, fluid intake is also important to help bowel movements and hydrate the fibers.

Baking soda can also be effective against diarrhea. Baking soda adjusts the pH of your stool and can help reduce gastrointestinal irritation and inflammation. Baking soda can help reduce gastrointestinal symptoms such as pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

Honey is a natural antibacterial substance and honey is also recommended for diarrhea. The sugars in honey, such as glucose and fructose, can help promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut, which can improve the balance of gut flora and thereby reduce the inflammation caused by diarrhea.

The best astringent tea can be the already mentioned black tea, which is very rich in tannic acids and has been used in folk medicine for a long time to treat stomach ailments. This great drink can be an excellent solution for diarrhea, as it hydrates and, thanks to the tannic acids, reduces the inflammation of the intestines. It is also recommended to drink raspberry leaf tea in case of diarrhea, but a decoction of blackberry leaves soaked in hot water can also be effective.

Quince and quince cheese are among the stomach-churning fruits. They are very rich in fiber, but can quickly restore stomach problems. It also contains many vitamins and iron, which greatly help the body to recover.

Cranberry consumption is also recommended for intestinal problems. Boil dried cranberries in water and consume not only the fruit but also the juice several times a day.

During diarrhea, the body loses a lot of fluid, so it is recommended to eat vegetables and fruits containing pectin.

In infants, small children and the elderly, care must be taken for fluid replacement gradually!

If the diarrhea does not resolve within a few days, consult a doctor immediately! Be especially careful with children, because they may end up in the hospital, where they replace the lost fluid with an infusion. A natural tummy tuck is also recommended for children. Instead of sweets and sugary foods, it is recommended to eat fruits, which children also like and which are rich in fiber. Whole grains and oatmeal are also good choices, as they are digested more slowly due to their high fiber content.

Most of the natural tummy tucks are easily available as you can buy the mentioned fruits and herbal teas anywhere. You don’t need to panic if you suffer from diarrhea. By all means try one of the practices, you don’t have to immediately turn to medicines.

Against diarrhea at home
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13 natural anti-inflammatory that can really help


Anti-inflammatory can also be prepared at home with the help of these effective anti-inflammatory herbs. You might not have thought about how great nature’s storehouse is when it comes to reducing inflammation. Natural anti-inflammatory agents include several plants and foods that you may have been consuming for years.

Peat cranberry

The E.coli bacteria can be held responsible for the development of a cold, which multiplies by sticking to the walls of the urinary tract and bladder and causes inflammation. Urinary tract inflammations can be prevented by consuming cranberry, and thanks to its bactericidal properties, it also helps with the disease that has already developed. Already in the 1920s, scientists found that people who consumed a lot of cranberries had more acidic urine and less frequent urinary tract infections. So, with the help of cranberry, reducing inflammation can be done at home. You should definitely try it.

Peat cranberry

Aloe Vera

One of the best homemade anti-inflammatory. Aloe Vera is an effective natural anti-inflammatory that does not have any side effects. A research conducted in 1988 showed that cell proliferation increased eightfold in cells treated with aloe vera. You can also use the plant alone to treat minor superficial skin injuries. Keep Aloe Vera at home, if necessary, simply cut the leaf of the plant, squeeze out the gel-like material, and then carefully apply it to the damaged skin surface.

Aloe vera can also be used for intestinal inflammation. In the case of enteritis, antibiotics can be used, but in many cases, adequate fluid intake can also help. In the case of milder inflammation, a special diet is recommended, and the use of certain herbs can also be a solution, such as aloe vera. In many cases, turmeric is used for intestinal inflammation, but the effect of aloe vera is completely similar. It can be one of the best supplements for inflammatory bowel problems.

Aloe vera can also be used for several problems.

Aloe Vera

Red wine

You can get rid of many health problems thanks to the anti-inflammatory effect of red wine. With the help of red wine, you can eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of diseases of the digestive system and inflammation of the stomach and intestines. It is also important to mention that it is also very useful in case of musculoskeletal inflammatory problems.

Red wine


Chamomile is also a strong natural anti-inflammatory, so it’s no wonder that inflammation can be treated at home using chamomile. It is not by chance that chamomile has become an extremely popular medicinal plant throughout history. A strong anti-inflammatory tea can be made from chamomile. Due to its soothing, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties, it helps with many unpleasant health problems. Tea made from its flowers is especially effective in the case of various complaints. The tea made from it can be consumed several times a day. To prepare it, boil two teaspoons of flowers and soak them for five minutes. Chamomile tea can also be suitable for intestinal inflammation, and can even provide a solution for all kinds of inflammation.



Lemon is also an anti-inflammatory, not just a fruit. Thanks to its high vitamin C content, lemon strengthens the immune system, reduces inflammatory diseases, and helps prevent and treat colds. Eat as much as possible in the autumn and winter months! This is one of the citrus fruits that contains bioflavonoids. Regular consumption is definitely recommended. It can also be used to prevent cardiovascular diseases.



Its anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties have been known for a long time. You can use its extract or a combination preparation in which calendula is present. You can use it anywhere on the body, from the mouth to the entire leg. Calendula tea can also be suitable for intestinal inflammation. It is a very good exfoliant for stomach and duodenal ulcers. In the case of colitis, it also reduces the degree of inflammation. It also has a positive effect on the digestive system.



In winter, foods of animal origin come to the fore, and the body’s uric acid level rises. These compounds build up in the joints and can cause pain over time. The cyanidin found in cherries helps break down uric acid in the body, so it has an anti-inflammatory effect. The fruit is 75-85% water, which makes it an excellent detoxifier.


Grove beauty

The oil made from the seeds of the plant contains vital fatty acids such as linoleic and gamma-linoleic acids, as well as anti-inflammatory prostaglandins, which are hormone-like substances. Evening primrose oil therefore relieves milder skin conditions such as neurodermatitis and itching.

Grove beauty

Apple vinegar

It has an antibacterial effect and is a good help in case of indigestion, sore throat, tooth decay, bad breath, gingivitis, psoriasis, acne and skin infections. Its most important active ingredients are, for example, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and vitamins A and C.

Apple vinegar

Grapefruit seed extract

Grapefruit seed extract is used quickly for minor and sudden complaints, such as acute stomach and intestinal infections, inflammations, flu or colds. Its valuable active ingredients also stimulate digestion, cleanse the body, and help detoxify the body.

Grapefruit seed extract


Burdock tea is one of the most effective diuretics in folk medicine, and it also has a diaphoretic and blood-cleansing effect. It can be used not only internally, but also for external problems.


Yarrow tail

Thanks to its many active ingredients, yarrow has several properties. The luteolin contained in it relieves menstrual pain, and achillin and azulene have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects, so they can be a natural antidote to gynecological inflammations. Common yarrow can be used without a prescription, but you should be careful with it.

Yarrow tail


Due to its high beta-carotene content, cantaloupe can also be used as a medicine for fever and inflammatory diseases. It has a beneficial effect on inflammation of the small and large intestine, stimulates kidney function, and is an antidote to gout and rheumatism. It contains a lot of fiber as well as vitamins A, C and B.


If you are interested in using a natural anti-inflammatory internally, it is worth saying a few words about teas, which have great effects. There are several types of anti-inflammatory tea, some of which are listed below.

Ginger tea not only soothes a burning stomach, but also has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Just slice up a finger of ginger and soak it in hot water for 10-12 minutes, then strain it and consume it 2-3 times a day.

Green tea has an anti-inflammatory effect and also contains antioxidants. It also prevents the development of circulation problems and has a tumor-preventing effect.

Turmeric tea can also be great. The anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects of turmeric are already well known. You can thank curcumin for these excellent effects. Boil a quarter of a teaspoon of turmeric and a quarter of a teaspoon of ground ginger, then you can drink the drink after 15 minutes.

Rosehips contain a lot of vitamin C, but they are also known to have anti-inflammatory effects. It is especially recommended for those who suffer from arthritis.

Other anti-inflammatory teas:

Purple marigold is a great immune-boosting herb and contains compounds that are suitable for both acute and chronic inflammation. It is also recommended against viral infections.

Medicinal sage also contains essential oils and vegetable acids that relieve inflammation of the respiratory organs, but can also be effective in the case of digestive problems and cystitis.

Rooibos tea is an excellent anti-inflammatory medicinal tea, contains many flavonoids and minerals, can strengthen the immune system and has a general anti-inflammatory effect. It also protects the functioning of blood vessels.

Fenugreek also contains flavonoids and salicylic acid derivatives. Tea is recommended for heart and kidney diseases, but it is also a great pain reliever and anti-inflammatory.

Medical sorrel is especially recommended against inflammations in the veins and hemorrhoids. The tea made from it also has a diuretic and liver protective effect. It is not recommended if you are taking anticoagulants.

The most powerful anti-inflammatory herb does not cover only one plant, but several with approximately the same potency. We have already mentioned ginger in the form of tea because it has an extremely high anti-inflammatory effect. It contains more than 12 types of antioxidants, so it protects against cell damage and also inhibits free radicals.

Other anti-inflammatory plants:

Anise: The essential oil of anise has an anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effect.

Fennel: The essential oil of fennel has anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving and antipyretic effects.

Ginger: The gingerol and zingerone found in ginger have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Cayenne pepper should also be mentioned. To be precise, this is not pepper, but the coarse grinding of chili peppers. It has a high content of capsaicin, which is particularly effective against inflammation and pain. Capsaicin is usually the main ingredient of several balms and creams.

Several studies have already proven that cinnamon also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Cinnamon even blocks certain growth factors that are related to the development of diabetes and stroke.

Garlic is considered one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory plants. Everyone knows this and it has been used in folk medicine for centuries. In addition to inflammation, it can be excellent for joint pain, but it can also relieve high blood pressure. It is a universal herb. Garlic is also a great anti-inflammatory for teeth.

There is also a natural anti-inflammatory for skin. There are many herbs you can use for this problem. Among these, the most well-known are the above-mentioned yarrow, nettle leaf, walnut leaf, willow bark, chamomile, soapwort, eye cheering grass, veronica grass and wild pansy. For hives, it is recommended to use St. John’s wort, pansy, and nettle leaves. Walnut leaves and chamomile can be effective for eczema.

Arnica, pansy, yarrow, mistletoe, calendula and chamomile are also recommended for frozen, cracked skin. You can also apply nettle leaf, willow leaf, oxtail flower and chamomile to the dandruff scalp. If the individual problems do not go away at all, then it is worth going to a specialist.

Anti-inflammatory tea can be extremely useful internally, but anti-inflammatory herbs can also be used externally. Nettle and rosemary leaves are such herbs. These can be used to make poultices.

Anti-inflammatory is also available without a prescription. You should try the Maximum balm, which can be an excellent anti-inflammatory ointment for you. It contains 19 special herbs and does not contain any artificial substances. If you need an over-the-counter pain reliever and anti-inflammatory, you should definitely try this product. If you need the strongest for rheumatic and joint complaints, then Maximum balm is for you. Of course, there is also a strong anti-inflammatory medicine, but if nature can help, then why would you take medicine for this problem.

All in all, it is possible to reduce inflammation at home. That is why you should try one of the tips in this article.

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Making the best soup base with and without eggs

Making the best soup base with and without eggs

Here is the best pinch recipe you’ve ever eaten! The pinch is the most popular soup topping. The good thing about it is that everyone can shape this dough according to their own taste. You can make the pinch with or without eggs. There are two types of pinch recipes here, it depends on how you like it, with or without eggs.

The pinch dough can be made in almost any size. In general, home-made pinches are the best, which is why it’s worth making them at home. Making a pinch is not as difficult as you think, and there are several methods. Of course, each of them will have a great pinch in the end result. Making chives in soup was quite common in the old days. Almost every family had some practice or recipe. Today, this has almost been forgotten, one of the main reasons for which is the accelerated lifestyle. Nevertheless, its homemade preparation was not completely forgotten.

The pinch in the bean stew is usually the most popular. A pinch of grated cheese can be great in soup, even in potato soup, but some people also add it to pea soup.

The pinch should not be torn, but pinched and a little harder. If you prefer the larger variety, you definitely need more eggs and flour.

Let’s see what you need for the egg version.

– 1 large egg

– 15 dkg flour

– salt

The pinch can be prepared quite quickly, it only takes a few minutes. It should not be taken lightly regardless. You just need to beat the egg into a bowl, then mix in the flour and, of course, the amount of salt that suits your taste. If it has formed into a consistency harder than a dumpling, you have to stretch it out and pinch out the small pieces with your hands, which you then throw into the boiling water. When you come to the top of the water, you are ready.

The pinch can be made without eggs if you want, let’s see what you need and how to make this great soup insert without eggs:

– 1.5 dl of water

– 15 dkg durum flour

– salt

How to make the egg-free pinch:

This quick pinch recipe is a very quick version. The preparation process changes a little, but the pinch without eggs is also delicious. Put the flour in a bowl, then add the water slowly to combine and add the salt in the meantime. It must be cut out and cooked in the same way as the egg version. It won’t fall apart in water. This recipe is the proof that soup paste can be made without eggs.

Making the best soup base with and without eggs
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An extremely delicious puliska recipe


We present one of the most delicious puliska recipes, which will make you lick all 10 fingers!

Making the original Hungarian puliska recipe is not difficult at all.

Ingredients for the original puliska recipe:

– 10 dkg cornmeal

– salt

– 0.8 dl of water

– butter

Cooking the cornmeal:

Bring salted water to a boil in a small saucepan, then pour in the cornmeal. In the meantime, you have to stir constantly. When it has thickened enough (approx. 20 minutes), use a spoon to form mounds of it and you can serve it. If you want, you can also fry the turkey pieces. It can even be served as a side dish to any meat dish.

Connoisseurs can eat it differently, so the preparation of puliska changes. Grease a small baking tray with melted fat, spread a few spoonfuls of pulika in it, put a layer of cottage cheese and sour cream on it and drizzle with fat, then cover with another portion of pulika. Toast the top in a hot oven and serve warm. But we can also vary it with fried bacon or roasted red onion.

Puliska recipes can also be varied. Now we also present a cow’s curd pudding.

Cow curd puliska

In this case too, the puliska recipe is made with the addition of cornmeal.

Let’s see what you need for this simple puliska recipe:

– 500 ml of water

– 125 grams of cornmeal

– 1 tablespoon of butter

– 350 grams of cow’s cottage cheese

– 100 grams of smoked bacon

– salt to taste

Cooking the puliska:

Making it is quite simple. The water with 1 teaspoon of salt and the butter should be heated to lukewarm and stirred constantly. In the meantime, pour in the cornmeal. Bring to a boil with constant stirring, then cook until thick at a medium temperature for 30-40 minutes. The next step is to cut the bacon into small cubes and melt it in a pan. The cottage cheese must be crumbled and seasoned with salt. The bottom of the dish should be sprinkled with cottage cheese. After that, put 1-2 spoonfuls of puliska in the bowl, smooth it out, and then sprinkle with cottage cheese again. You have to keep layering until the ingredients run out. At the end, it must be sprinkled with bacon cubes.

An extremely delicious puliska recipe