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Possible causes of shoulder pain! – Pay attention to these!

Possible causes of shoulder pain! - Pay attention to these!

Unfortunately, the causes of shoulder pain are not always obvious. It can be a simple little problem, or it can be more serious.

First of all, it is worth knowing precisely that the shoulder blades are triangular bones found in the upper part of the back that protrude when you move your elbows backwards.

The shoulder blades have several functions, one of which is to facilitate the rotational movement of the shoulder. Shoulder pain can have several causes.

Maybe the scapula itself is inflamed or inflammation in other areas of the body radiates to the scapula. It can also be an important question which shoulder blade hurts, since both pains can be traced back to something else.

Possible causes of shoulder pain!

Pain can occur in the scapula due to inflammation of the shoulder, but it can also be caused by trauma. It is also possible that inflammation or some other problem with the organs in the chest or abdomen radiates to the scapula. Continuous pain in the left scapula may indicate heart disease, and continuous pain in the right scapula may indicate a gallbladder problem.

Bone problems such as fractures rarely occur in the scapula, as these are the hardest bones to break. Only a car accident or a huge fall can break them.

Those who suffer from osteoporosis may unfortunately break their shoulder blades more easily.

Arthritis can also cause pain in the shoulder blades. This inflammation can directly affect the spine or scapula, shoulder, ribs and they radiate.

A displaced vertebra or pinched nerves can also cause numbness, tingling, or severe pain in the shoulder blade.

It can be treated in the following ways. It is worth resting the scapula, you can put ice on it and of course massaging it is good for it. It is worth using the HillVital Kapsamax Extra balm during the massage because it helps to heal as soon as possible. This wonderful balm is made with a selection of special herbs, thanks to which it can also help with more intense muscle pains and muscle spasms.

If the pain does not go away after a few days, you should see a doctor.

Causes of right shoulder blade pain

Causes of right shoulder blade pain include upper back muscle pain, spine problems, heart disease, pneumonia, reflux and gastritis. A medical examination is required to establish an accurate diagnosis.

What could be the cause of the stabbing pain under the right shoulder blade?

A stabbing pain under the right shoulder blade can have several causes. It may be caused by a gastrointestinal problem, such as a stomach or duodenal ulcer, or pancreatitis. In addition, liver or kidney problems can also cause this symptom. It can also be caused by spinal problems in the lower back, such as a herniated disc. A medical examination is required for an accurate diagnosis.

Chest wall diseases very rarely cause tingling around the scapula or scapula. Shingles is a disease that often affects the shoulder blades, so it can also cause tingling under the left shoulder blade. This is an infection caused by a virus such as chicken pox and typically causes shoulder pain. A pain can be a burning or tingling sensation. Shingles rashes often appear days before the pain itself.

Pain and numbness under the shoulder blade is a symptom that usually occurs due to nerves. In most cases, scapular numbness develops due to some kind of pressure on the nerves. This could be a one-time problem or just a simple posture error. It can be remedied with a light massage or physiotherapy. If the numbness does not go away, it is worth seeing a doctor.

Pain under the right shoulder blade can be a common symptom of several conditions.

The causes can be simple, such as excessive stress or poor posture, or more serious, such as injury or illness.

In case of pain in the right scapula, its nature, intensity and duration can all be important information to identify the cause. Pain can be sharp or dull, aching or throbbing, and can be constant or intermittent.

Possible causes of shoulder pain! - Pay attention to these!
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What are the main causes of leg pain? We’ll show you!

What are the main causes of leg pain? We'll show you!

Unfortunately, almost everyone has experienced leg pain in their lifetime. The best case is when it goes away very quickly, but there are also situations where the problem can persist for a long time.

In this case, it is worth investigating the problem to see what might be behind it.

If the leg pain goes away quickly, it may just be a muscle strain or a muscle fever or a bruise. They don’t really require treatment, it’s enough to apply a quality herbal balm and it will go away. However, if this discomfort persists for a long time, it is definitely worth seeing a doctor.

Arthritis and cartilage wear also belong to the group of leg pain.

These tend to involve the wear and tear of the existing cartilage in the knee and the hip joints. Changes to the leg, ankle and foot can also be common. This type of problem affects people over 40 more significantly.

A pinched nerve or sciatica can also be behind the problem.

Nerve entrapment can cause acute limitation of movement and appears in the form of lumbago or sciatica. In the case of sciatica, the pain is unfortunately intensified by a cough, in which case the pain runs along the back of the thigh or along the outer side of the knee. Numbness and complaints of rest may also develop. This pain can affect even people in their 20s. It develops due to a sedentary lifestyle and a lot of sitting.

In the case of pain in the leg, they immediately think of vasoconstriction.

The first signs of arteriosclerosis are pain in the legs. Arteriosclerosis typically develops in people over the age of 50. Smoking also promotes the development.

“Why do my feet hurt at night?” Varicose veins can also cause leg and leg pain. This may be the main cause of leg pain at night. Leg pain at night occurs more often in adults, but if it is seen in children, then in most cases there is some kind of injury in the background. It’s definitely worth seeing a doctor if it doesn’t go away after a few days.

This is not the same as vasoconstriction, since the amount of blood flowing there is not enough here, but the return of the fluid. In this case, the leg can also swell due to the fluid that has not been returned, so if you also experience swelling in addition to pain, it is highly likely that you are dealing with varicose veins.

Pain in the shins at night should also be mentioned. This can be caused by several things. One of the most common causes is the so-called “tibial arthritis”, which involves wear and tear of the articular cartilage. Due to wear and tear, the joint surface thins and the joint jellies thin, which can cause pain.

Shin pain can also be a symptom of gout, which is a disease caused by a metabolic disorder. Gout is characterized by high levels of uric acid in the blood, which forms crystals that can then cause arthritis.

Shin pain can also be a symptom of rheumatism, arthritis or bursitis.

Other causes may be stress, overload, incorrect sleeping position, or a bad mattress.

If you want to relieve leg pain in a natural and effective way, then try the HillVital Maximum balm. A special balm developed with 19 medicinal herbs, high content of active ingredients and vitamins, which exerts its beneficial effect when massaged into the skin. If you need the strongest and most effective for rheumatic and joint pain, then choose nature, Maximum balm.

What are the main causes of leg pain? We'll show you!
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Home practices for the effective treatment of athlete’s foot

Home practices for the effective treatment of athlete's foot

Athlete’s foot can be unpleasant, but what can we do if we don’t have the right cream at hand. You should know that it is possible to treat athlete’s foot at home. Certain herbs, oils and natural remedies can help. These will be discussed in this article.

Treatment of athlete’s foot at home, with simple methods!

Unfortunately, we are talking about a very common disease when it comes to athlete’s foot. Many people don’t even know its symptoms, and that’s why it’s not treated. Athlete’s foot can appear on the soles of the feet, but also between the toes. Roughly 10-20% of the population used to be affected by this problem. The most common causative agent is the fungus Trichophyton rubrum.

We will now introduce you to several home remedies and substances you can use against athlete’s foot.

The treatment of athlete’s foot can also be suitable at home, as it is not always necessary to consult a doctor immediately. Untreated athlete’s foot can spread to the nails, which can be much more stubborn, since it can only be removed from the nail by growing it off. And this can be up to 7-8 months or 1 year, as the nail grows very slowly. At an older age, nail growth is even slower. So it is not worth waiting until it spreads to the nails.

Face the fungus with vinegar!

Of course, it is also possible to treat skin fungus at home with vinegar. Vinegar is very effective for athlete’s foot and is good for many other things, such as sunburned skin. Plain apple cider vinegar also serves the purpose. Applying vinegar to athlete’s foot is done as follows: mix it with water and soak your feet in the resulting liquid for 15 minutes twice a day. Treating athlete’s foot at home with the help of vinegar is used because vinegar soothes itching and has a cooling effect. When we are done soaking, wipe our feet thoroughly dry. If you don’t have time for a foot bath, you can also wipe the fungal skin surface with a cotton swab.

Important information: If you touch a fungal toe, always wash your hands thoroughly to avoid transferring the infection to other parts of the body.

Face the fungus with vinegar!

Baking soda also works against fungus!

Baking soda is also the best against athlete’s foot. The recipe is simple: before going to sleep, sprinkle baking soda in your shoes. It dries and prevents the appearance of fungi. So it is also possible to treat athlete’s foot with baking soda. Be sure to try this method yourself! Baking soda can also be effective against nail fungus, so it is worth trying in this case as well.

Baking soda also works against fungus!

Tea tree oil!

It is also very effective against athlete’s foot. Fungus, bacteria and virus killer. in the case of a fungal infection, add 40 drops of tea tree oil to 100 ml of jojoba oil and treat the fungal skin surface with this for several weeks.

Tea tree oil!


Lavender oil has similar effects to tea tree oil. Thanks to this, lavender oil can also be used against skin and nail fungus. Lavender basically has a calming and antispasmodic effect. However, it can also deal with stubborn infections and drug-resistant fungal species.

It is also possible to treat skin fungus at home with turmeric, which has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. Its main active ingredient is curcumin, which has an antimicrobial effect. You can also consider coconut oil. The fatty acids in it destroy the cells of the fungi and thus help to overcome the infection. Recommended for mild to moderate fungal infections.


What is the best anti-fungal cream?

Unfortunately, this cannot be stated so simply and clearly. We are different, and there are also different fungal infections, which may differ in their progress. In most cases, if we do not neglect them, they can be treated easily, however, in an advanced, neglected state, medical intervention may also be necessary!

How long does athlete’s foot go away?

Treatment time for athlete’s foot can vary, depending on how severe the infection is and how it is treated. In general, however, the treatment can last up to a few weeks or even a few months. The effectiveness of the treatment can also be influenced by the type of athlete’s foot that causes the infection, as well as how well it is possible to avoid further infections during the treatment.

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The most common causes of outer ankle pain

The most common causes of outer ankle pain

Among runners, it may happen that the outer part of the foot starts to hurt after covering a certain distance, and over time it may even hurt after shorter and shorter distances.

This pain is usually not a sharp and strong pain, but a mild and increasing and very annoying pain. The tendons of the peroneus muscles stretch on the outside of the leg and help the calf to stretch the leg. If you experience weak gluteal muscles and leg control, these complaints may indicate a problem with the peroneus muscle.

But let’s see what other symptoms may indicate this muscle problem:

– Outer ankle pain

– Pressure sensitivity of tendons

– Swelling may also occur

– Pain on exertion

– Later, pain also appears on movement

– In advanced cases, the pain may occur even at rest

– Pain is experienced when turning the leg outwards with resistance

Pain on the outside of the ankle? What exactly causes this pain?

This also belongs to the overuse syndrome and is caused by increased stress on the tendon. As a result of regular stress, the tendons can degenerate, the fibers can be damaged and even rearranged. Pain is more likely to develop after an old ankle injury.

Swelling under the outer ankle can have many causes, including injury, overuse, arthritis, infection, thrombosis, or lymphedema.

Outer ankle pain while running

External ankle pain during running can usually be the result of overuse, injury or poor foot position. The most common causes include overtraining, poor shoe choice, excessive pronation or supination (turning the ball of the foot in or out), or injury to the ankle joint.

Outer ankle swelling

Swelling of the outer ankle is usually edema that spreads to the lower leg and ankle, which occurs when excess fluid accumulates in the tissues. This condition is common and can have many different causes.

One of the most common causes is an injury, such as a broken ankle bone, damage to ligaments or the ankle joint. The swelling is usually accompanied by severe pain and limited movement.

However, ankle swelling can also occur for other reasons, such as venous insufficiency or lymphoedema. Venous insufficiency usually occurs when blood builds up in the veins and cannot flow efficiently back to the heart. This process usually begins in the feet and ankles and eventually spreads to the entire lower limb.

A stabbing pain in the outer ankle

One of the most common types of ankle pain. In most cases, its presence is variable, i.e. it often disappears and then appears again. It usually occurs as a result of some kind of ankle injury. It is not characteristic of a fracture, but if necessary, a medical examination is also recommended to rule it out. Pain under the outer ankle can occur due to tissue damage, as well as ligament tears. If not treated properly, the stabbing pain may return later.

How can it be treated?

As in the case of all overloads, this too must be rested or at least spared. It is worth wearing comfortable and safe footwear and it is also recommended to wear cleats. Massage can also be a great solution for the treatment of the peroneus muscles, but by a specialist. You should also try the HillVital Maximum balm against the stabbing pain of the outer ankle. A special balm developed with 19 medicinal herbs, high content of active ingredients and vitamins, which exerts its beneficial effect when massaged into the skin. If you need the strongest and most effective for rheumatic and joint pain, then choose nature, Maximum balm.

Ankle inflammation can be treated in several ways, depending on what is causing the inflammation. Inflammation and ankle pain can be alleviated at home using the following methods:

Rest: If the ankle is overloaded, it must be rested so that the tissues and bones can heal.

Icing: Icing the affected area reduces inflammation and pain. Icing can be applied for 20 minutes, after which there should be a break of at least 20 minutes.

Pain relievers: Anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving balms, medications can help relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

Physical therapy: Physical therapy, including exercises, massage, and ultrasound, can help improve ankle mobility and strength.

Compression bandage: Wearing an ankle bandage can help reduce swelling and pain.

The most common causes of outer ankle pain
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Delicious and healthy pancakes made from coconut flour

Delicious and healthy pancakes made from coconut flour

If you make pancakes with coconut flour, you will take in much fewer carbohydrates, but coconut flour pancakes contain more fiber and more healthy fats.

It can have many positive health effects, including:

High nutritional content: Coconut flour has a high nutritional content. Rich in protein, fiber, healthy fats and minerals such as iron, magnesium and potassium. It also contains B vitamins and zinc.

Low-carb: Coconut flour is a low-carb alternative to traditional wheat flour. Therefore, coconut flour is often chosen in diets that require lower carbohydrate consumption, such as the ketogenic diet or the diabetic diet.

High fiber content: Coconut flour has an exceptionally high fiber content. Fiber contributes to digestive health. They help maintain a feeling of fullness and regulate blood sugar levels.

Gluten-free: Coconut flour is a gluten-free alternative, making it a suitable choice for those with gluten intolerance or gluten sensitivity.

Proper blood sugar control: Coconut flour has a low glycemic index, which means it raises blood sugar slowly. This can be beneficial in stabilizing blood sugar levels and improving insulin sensitivity.

Provides a good feeling of fullness: The high fiber content and healthy fats of coconut flour can contribute to the feeling of satiety. This can help reduce appetite and overeating.

Natural taste and texture: Coconut flour has a distinctive taste and aroma that enriches the taste of food. In addition, thanks to its texture, it can be used in a variety of ways, for example, to prepare cakes, breads, pancakes and pasta.

It is a great substitute for wheat flour. These sweets do not raise blood sugar very much. The following coconut flour pancake recipe is very easy to make and very tasty.

Let’s see what you need to make these coconut flour pancakes:

– 10 dkg of coconut flour

– 1 dl coconut milk

– 1 tablespoon of coconut oil

– a little vanilla extract

– 1 teaspoon of birch sugar

– 3 eggs

– 1 packet of baking powder

– a pinch of salt

It is not difficult to prepare either, you can be ready very quickly. Just mix the ingredients with a whisk or stick blender. If the pancake batter is too thick, add a little water. Heat the coconut oil in the pan, then fry the palm-sized pancakes on it. It’s delicious fresh and warm. You can flavor it with cinnamon, grated coconut, sugar-free jam or even fresh fruit. These diet pancakes made from coconut flour can be great for anyone who wants to lose weight.

Pancakes can also be made from coconut flour in other ways. Now let’s look at another recipe that will make gluten-free pancakes. The ingredients are as follows:

– a quarter cup of coconut flour

– 1 little baking soda (knife tip)

– 1 pinch of salt

– 2 tablespoons of coconut oil

– a quarter cup of coconut milk

– 3 eggs

– 1 or 2 tablespoons of honey

– half a teaspoon of vanilla extract

– a little maple syrup to taste

– a little butter for frying

It’s not difficult to make either. First, mix the eggs, honey and coconut oil. Then add the coconut milk and vanilla. You can add coconut flour, baking soda and salt. Mix but not completely. Heat butter in the pan and fry the pancakes. When ready, serve with maple syrup.

Delicious and healthy pancakes made from coconut flour
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These could be the causes of hand cramp!

These could be the causes of hand cramp!

Fingers contracting in spasms is not an uncommon problem. There are many different causes. If you’re in constant pain and don’t treat it, you’re only making things worse.

We’ll find out what the causes might be and give you a little help.

A hand or finger cramp is often the result of a simple exertion. If you overwork your muscles, you get a cramp in the hand.

For housewives, this can often occur during a major clean, carpet cleaning or continuous scrubbing. It may be accompanied by a feeling of weakness, but this usually goes away after 1-2 days with a little rest. It is worth taking magnesium and calcium during this time as they help the muscles and joints to regenerate. If the symptoms do not subside in a few days but get worse, you may have a problem with tendonitis. In this case, it is worth seeing a specialist.

Can magnesium help against muscle cramps?

Magnesium is a mineral that plays an important role in the normal functioning of muscles and the nervous system. Magnesium deficiency has been linked to muscle cramps because magnesium helps the flow of ions in the muscles, which is necessary for muscle contraction and relaxation. Magnesium supplementation can improve muscle function, reduce muscle fatigue and muscle cramps, and improve overall health. Magnesium supplementation can help athletes, people who do heavy physical work and those at high risk of muscle cramps. However, continued use is only recommended if there is evidence of a magnesium deficiency in the body!

It is also possible that the cramping pain in the fingers does not occur after a strain, but simply during the night. Such spasm is also associated with numbness and muscle weakness. It is likely to be a neurological problem such as tunnel syndrome. If you are experiencing this, it is recommended that you see a neurologist.

You may not have thought of this, but a neck and spine abrasion can cause numbness and cramping in the back of the hand and fingers. On rare occasions, complaints in the fingers may also highlight a possible spinal problem.

Another cause of hand cramps can be long hours spent at the computer. If you keep your hands in one place for too long and type, it’s easy to get a hand cramp. If you work on a computer, you should always take a break every hour to rest your tired limbs. Even musicians, especially guitarists, can get hand cramps.

Other causes of hand and foot cramps may include

Electrolyte imbalances: one of the most common causes of hand and foot cramps is insufficient electrolyte (e.g. potassium, magnesium, calcium) levels in the body. Insufficient electrolytes can interfere with the process of muscle contraction and relaxation.

Fatigue and overexertion: intense physical activity or prolonged use can cause muscle fatigue, which can lead to cramps. Often athletes, people doing physically demanding work and those who sit or stand in one place for long periods of time are prone to this problem.

Insufficient blood circulation: a lack of blood supply or reduced blood flow to the muscles can cause cramps. This can occur in people who are sitting or standing for long periods of time, or in people with vascular problems.

Nervous system disorders: certain nervous system disorders, such as neuropathy affecting the nerves or diseases of the cerebrospinal system, can also cause spasms in the hands and feet.

Side effects of medicines: muscle cramps may occur as a side effect of some medicines. For example, diuretics, heart medicines or certain antidepressants may have this effect.

Dehydration: dehydration of the body or insufficient fluid intake can also cause muscle cramps. A lack of water can increase the concentration of electrolytes in the body, which can lead to cramps.

Why are my fingers cramping?

There are several possible answers. A cramp can be caused by a harmless movement. It can even happen while sleeping at night if you sleep in one position for a long time. It will go away very quickly with just a little shaking and stretching of the arm. It should not be overlooked, however, that if the cramping is often seemingly unjustified, there may be a more serious problem, in which case you should see a doctor immediately. Cramps can also be a side effect of a medication.

Finger cramps or cramping of the fingers or cramping of the fingers may simply be due to a vitamin B12 deficiency. This can also occur in people who are on a diet. Magnesium, calcium and potassium deficiencies may also be involved. A more severe, prolonged period of stress can also cause a spasm.

What are the possible causes of palm cramp?

Temporary blood supply problems: temporary blood supply problems can cause cramps in the palm.

Dehydration: dehydration can cause spasms in the palm of the hand.

Muscle spasms: muscle spasms can be the result of physical exertion, stress or excessive exercise, and can even occur in the muscles of the palm.

Neurological diseases: certain neurological diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease or ALS, can cause spasms in parts of the body

Inflammatory diseases: arthritis or rheumatic disease can also trigger spasms.

What could be the cause of a thumb cramp?

The most common causes of thumb cramp are muscle fatigue, muscle weakness, lesions in the arm, gout, diabetes and arthritis. In addition, certain injuries, such as injuries to the back of the hand, and joint degeneration with age, can also cause spasms in the thumb.

A hand cramp is an involuntary contraction of the muscles where the muscles contract much more tightly than when they move involuntarily. It can happen suddenly and can be very painful. The spasm muscle often bulges out from under the skin and can be hard and stiff. It can also develop if you just hold it in the same position for too long. A slow and gentle stretching can bring immediate results and may even make the spasm and pain go away.

Numbness of the hand after exertion can also occur after an accident where the hand bone has been damaged. Calcification can develop in the carpal tunnel. Even a simple bone growth can cause numbness. Hormonal effects can also cause mild numbness. One sign of diabetes is persistent hand numbness. A pinched nerve can also cause this discomfort.

Treating hand cramp can be as simple as. The video below will help you do this. Of course, this doesn’t mean that all hand cramps are so easy to treat, as the underlying cause will have a big influence on the method of treatment!

So there are several reasons for these cramps, but the first one is to rest for 1-2 days and use an herbal balm. If the problem persists, you should see a doctor. It’s also important not to be frightened if you experience this.

Numbness and pain in the hands at night can often indicate carpal tunnel syndrome. But in this condition, you may also feel tingling, numbness and a loss of grip strength and dysfunction. This should definitely be alleviated by physiotherapy, but massage and ultrasound therapy can also be helpful. In the worst case, injections or even surgery may be necessary.

Causes of hand pain

Muscle fatigue and muscle spasms: repetitive movements such as working on a keyboard, sports activities can cause muscle fatigue and spasms in the hand.


Traumatic injuries: injuries to bones and joints in the hand.

Neurological diseases: hand pain can be a symptom of both neurological diseases and central nervous system diseases.

Diseases: joint diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, diabetes can also cause hand pain.

It’s also worth mentioning the constant cramping in the feet, which can be caused by a variety of problems. The causes of foot cramp can be:

High blood pressure



-Porous veins

-Peripheral vascular disease

-Vitamin D deficiency

-Mineral deficiency such as calcium, magnesium, iron

So if you keep getting cramps in your feet, you should definitely see a doctor.

These could be the causes of hand cramp!

It is a well-known and accepted fact in the field of medicine that creams have been used for centuries as a form of medicine. Their action is based on the fact that our skin – our largest organ – is a lively metaboliser, secreting and absorbing substances.

This enables it to absorb the active ingredients mixed into creams and deliver them to the subcutaneous layers. The biggest advantage of a topical, massage-in cream treatment is that the active herbal ingredient in the cream is fully absorbed and works where it is needed. The best choice for herbal balms are those with high active ingredients.

One such product is HillVital Maximum balm for rheumatic-arthritic complaints. It is massaged into the skin and quickly absorbed, exerting its herbal effect. Specially developed with 19 herbs, high in active ingredients and vitamins, it is massaged into the skin to produce its beneficial effects. For the strongest and most effective balm for rheumatic and joint pain, choose nature’s Maximum Balm.

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This is the main difference between clementines and mandarins

This is the main difference between clementines and mandarins
This is the main difference between clementines and mandarins

What is the difference between mandarin and clementine?

To quickly summarise: seedless mandarins are NOT mandarins, they are clementines!

This is the difference between a clementine and a mandarin.

Mandarin or clementine? Many people wonder what the difference between the two is. Several opinions support the idea that clementine is a cross between orange and mandarin. The difference between clementine and mandarin is not so striking, as they look identical at first glance, but there are more differences than you might think.

Sweeter than oranges and mandarins. It is similar in size to a tangerine and has no seeds or only 2, its thin skin is easy to peel. The cloves are easy to disassemble.

The mandarin is native to the Philippines and Southeast Asia.

It is mainly grown in the East, but is also cultivated in the tropics.

Oranges originate from the tropical parts of Asia. It has been cultivated for a very long time. The only similarity between mandarins and oranges is that they are both citrus fruits. Their taste and smell are also very different.

Its fruiting period is relatively short and its yield is much lower than that of mandarins.

For this reason, it is not juiced and is intended for raw consumption. The fruit cannot ripen and must be picked when ripe, leaving a pair of leaves.

Tangerines are easy to peel, have an alkalizing effect, are a powerful antioxidant and have a high bioflavonoid content. It has been well known in folk medicine, recommended for fever patients to prevent dehydration. Mandarins are also very effective in coughs and colds. It has a strong expectorant effect.

The minerals strengthen the immune system and vitalise the body.

It also contains vitamin A which is anti-inflammatory. Because tangerines are high in fibre, they are good for digestion, cleanse the liver and are also recommended for diarrhoea. Mandarins are known to lower cholesterol levels and support good blood vessel and vein function. It also helps to prevent blood clots and supports heart function. It has great antibacterial and antiviral properties. Tangerine peel makes an excellent liver cleansing decoction.

The clementine fruit is high in vitamin C, but also contains vitamin B6. So it is highly recommended because of its vitamin clementine content.

Of the minerals, potassium is significant, but calcium, magnesium and minimal iron are also present.

They must be picked by hand, because it is obligatory to leave a pair of leaves on the fruit, which is proof of its freshness, as they wither a few days after picking. From the consumer’s point of view, the fruit is not able to ripen, so it can only be picked when ripe. It has no seeds (max 2), the clusters are easy to pick apart, and it is juicier and sweeter than a regular mandarin.

The best way to eat them is to peel them, cut them into cloves and put them in the freezer for half an hour. This is just enough time for the outside of the cloves to freeze, but not the inside, so you get a nice cold, juicy crunchy treat.

So clementine or mandarin, which should you choose?

It’s a subjective thing that varies from person to person. The main reason to be aware of the differences is to make them easier to recognise.

Clementine on the left and mandarin on the right.
Clementine on the left and mandarin on the right.

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Causes of arm pain at night

Causes of arm pain at night

We use our hands a lot in a day, but no one thinks about the strain on our bones, muscles and nerves. These could be the causes of arm pain at night!

The most insidious of many hand conditions is carpal tunnel syndrome.

Shoulder and arm pain can actually start in the neck. It is here that the nerve roots that innervate the shoulder and the entire upper limb, and also some of the thoracic and abdominal viscera, exit the spinal cord. This is why it is sometimes difficult to tell whether someone’s shoulder is really hurting, or whether the pain is coming from the cervical vertebrae or from a serious coronary artery disease. Left arm pain can be caused by an injury, tunnel syndrome or even migraines. If the left arm pain is accompanied by chest pain or shortness of breath, an ambulance should be called as this could be a sign of a heart attack. Upper arm pain can also present as right arm pain and left arm pain. The cause may also be an injury, but it could also be a herniated disc or the tunnel syndrome mentioned above.

Tunnel syndrome is the umbrella term for a condition in which a nerve running through an anatomically preformed tunnel is under pressure.

The best known is carpal tunnel syndrome, in which the median nerve is pressed at the level of the wrist. The most common complaint is numbness in the fingers of the hand, which occurs mainly in the morning and at night. The patient is often awakened by the numbness, which is often painful.

But what does this disease mean?

The reason it is so insidious is that the symptoms are sometimes slow and sometimes rapid. The nerve that runs to the hand is put under pressure in a tunnel of tendons, muscles and bones. Symptoms usually occur unexpectedly, in a passive state. The initial symptom is hand numbness at night accompanied by some pain. Waking up at night with this problem is a cause for concern. In the beginning, the symptoms are not noticeable during the day, so you don’t worry about it. These symptoms will not go away on their own, and will become more frequent. The “left arm pain at night” and the “right arm pain at night” are also symptoms of a kind. It is a nerve problem that cannot be treated with painkillers, but if left untreated for a long time it can lead to nerve damage or muscle atrophy. A doctor’s examination is of course necessary to make an accurate diagnosis.

You may also want to use products made from natural ingredients that can help relieve the pain. Herbal Master Balm contains 12 herbs and no artificial ingredients. Feel free to try it yourself!

Causes of left waking pain at night

Injury: The most common cause of left upper arm pain at night is an injury, such as a fracture, sprain or pulled muscle. If the pain occurs after a specific event, such as an accident or playing a sport, there is a greater chance that an injury is causing the pain.

Overuse: Frequent or repetitive movements, such as playing tennis, swimming or gardening, can overuse arm muscles and ligaments, causing pain and stiffness.

Musculoskeletal disorders: musculoskeletal disorders can also cause left upper arm pain at night. For example, osteoporosis, rheumatism and arthritis are all conditions that can cause pain and stiffness in the arm.

Nervous system problems: Nervous system problems, such as carpal tunnel or thoracic neuritis, can also cause left upper arm pain at night.

Heart problems: Although rare, heart problems can also cause left upper arm pain at night. Heart problems usually cause chest pain and shortness of breath, but these symptoms can sometimes radiate to the arm.

What are the possible causes of pain in both arms at night?

Arthritis: inflammation of the joints can cause pain in both arms.

Cervical radiculopathy: Problems in the cervical spine can spread to the arms and cause pain at night.

Polymyalgia rheumatica: This is an autoimmune disease that can cause pain in the shoulder, arm and neck.

Overexertion: prolonged, monotonous movements, such as handling machinery or holding a pen, can cause pain in the arms

Causes of arm pain at night
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Signs of overweight caused by hormones

Signs of overweight caused by hormones

There are many reasons for obesity. These include hereditary predisposition, poor eating habits or a sedentary lifestyle.

The causes of sudden weight gain can be due to a number of factors:

Excess calorie intake: if you eat more calories than you burn, your body can store fat, which can lead to weight gain.

Changes in eating habits: if our eating habits change, for example because we eat more, eat more sweets or eat processed foods, this can also contribute to weight gain.

Hormonal changes: certain hormonal changes can also cause weight gain, such as an underactive thyroid gland.

Stress: stress can also cause weight gain, because people often deal with stress by ‘overeating’.

Medicines: some medicines can cause weight gain, such as steroids.

Health problems: certain health problems, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, can also lead to weight gain.

However, some cases of overweight are caused by a hormonal problem.

Obesity increases the risk factors for many dangerous diseases, but if the cause is hormonal, the underlying cause itself can lead to other health problems. Therefore, if you are overweight, it is important to identify the underlying causes.

Many people ask which hormones cause obesity and what are the signs of overweight caused by hormones.

The truth is that hormonal obesity can be caused by overactivity of both hormones.

Women gain weight mainly in the buttocks, hips and thighs. In other words, the so-called feminine areas. If your fat tends to be deposited on the belly, breasts and face, this could be a sign of increased male hormone activity.

Excessive male hormone production is often associated with excessive insulin production.

This can be a sign if you have frequent bouts of weakness, nausea and shakiness, which disappear when you eat something sweet – and in addition to the fact that spiking blood sugar levels can lead to serious health problems, including diabetes, the sweet tooth also doesn’t help you lose weight. For women, a much sought-after question is how to gain weight from breasts. Let’s not jump to conclusions, increasing male hormone production is not the answer. Unfortunately, if we intervene externally in this way, it can cause major problems with hormone balance.

So, in summary, when the activity of the male hormone increases, abdominal obesity, facial obesity and, surprisingly, breast obesity can also play a big role.

Overweight of the female hormone also causes obesity.

In this case, fat is deposited on the buttocks, thighs and hips. Thus, among the causes of thigh obesity and hip obesity are the overproduction of the female hormone. Excessive production of female hormones is not conducive to getting pregnant. Irregular, absent menstruation may also be a sign of excessive female hormone. So if female hormone production is increased, you may also experience weight gain in the buttocks, hips and thighs.

What can make you gain weight?

Bottom gain often depends on your body type and hormones. Those with round or pear-shaped buttocks are often dominated by thyroid hormone or ovarian hormone. In these cases, the weight gain is concentrated in the buttocks and lower regions. For this reason, it is worth watching what you eat and exercising.

If you suspect that your obesity is caused by a hormonal imbalance, don’t ignore it. You won’t be able to lose weight without correcting the problem, and there’s a good chance you’ll suffer more serious health damage.

What are the causes of facial obesity?

Causes of facial obesity can include genetics, hormonal changes, stress, poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, taking steroids or side effects of certain medications.

Insulin resistance and weight gain

Insulin resistance is closely linked to lifestyle. Lack of exercise and poor diet play a major role in its development. It makes it even harder to lose weight, but how can it cause weight gain? The cells become resistant to insulin, which is supposed to incorporate glucose into the cells. This resistance causes the body to perceive that it needs more insulin, so the pancreas releases more. However, insulin builds up fat reserves, so it helps to keep fat in reserves. This can be the cause of sudden weight gain, abdominal obesity, face obesity, buttock obesity, thigh obesity or arm obesity.

The almost pathological background to weight gain may be a thyroid problem.

Iodine, which the thyroid gland gets from certain foods, is essential for thyroid function. In the case of the thyroid, underactive thyroid gland is the cause of weight gain, most often due to iodine deficiency or, in some cases, postnatal thyroiditis.

A very common symptom is that the patient gains weight even with a proper diet and regular exercise. In addition, the patient often experiences weakness, fatigue, malaise, as well as irritability, dry skin, constipation and even hair loss. In general, most diets are based on reducing fat intake, but if you overdo it, you can develop vitamin deficiencies and consequent deficiency diseases. It can even slow down the body’s metabolism and cause health problems. Reducing a high fat intake means that the body does not get the nutrients it needs.

Signs of overweight caused by hormones
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Common symptoms of muscle wasting around the shoulder

Common symptoms of muscle wasting around the shoulder

The primary symptoms of muscle wasting are spasticity, tightness that can affect any muscle group depending on any genetic predisposition or physical exertion.

A lot of habitual moving and carrying and heavy physical work and of course a lot of stress can also trigger the problem.

Symptoms of a flattened muscle can often include local complaints such as neck, back, shoulder and arm pain, but you may also feel numbness and loss of sensation. A flattened muscle in the shoulder is also very common, especially if you do a lot of physical work.

It may also be the case that a deeper muscle group is affected by this binding. In this case, it can irritate a number of nerve endings and can also block the proper flow of blood.

The muscles around the shoulder blade have a very complex function. The way the individual muscle fibres adhere to each other helps both normal coordination and arm movement. If these muscles are very tight and spastic, they can put too much pressure on the joints. Because of this, oxygen will not be refreshed in the body and there will be much less air in the lungs which can cause breathing problems. Unpleasant symptoms can be exacerbated if you don’t exercise regularly and if you don’t eat healthily. Psychological stress also has a very negative effect on the whole body.

You should always strive to keep the circulation fresh, as stagnation will only damage the body.

If there is inadequate blood circulation, the muscle will break down. Therapeutic massage is usually very good for muscle breakdown and of course the regular exercise mentioned above. It’s worth moving at least 30 minutes every day or once a week. Whether running, walking or some kind of sport is appropriate.

There are also natural ways to treat a flattened muscle. A great solution is Kapsamax Extra, a balm that uses 8 herbs to treat muscle spasms and other muscle aches.

Remember that you should never neglect such problems!

Common symptoms of muscle wasting around the shoulder