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Cleanse with turmeric

Cleanse with turmeric

Turmeric is the main speciality of Indian spices.

It is considered by many to be one of the most powerful herbs in existence, capable of reducing inflammation.

Turmeric is more than just a spice. It is a prominent figure in Indian Ayurvedic medicine. It is considered alongside some of the most useful herbs such as ginger, garlic, cinnamon, ginseng and marjoram. Its main active ingredient is curcumin.

What does this herb have to do with the cleanse?

Turmeric is able to fight free radicals thanks to its powerful antioxidant properties, and it has a strong antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, as well as helping the liver and kidneys. This contributes to the detoxification process.

Turmeric can be consumed on its own or in combination with other similar spices and herbs. It can be prepared in various ways and used in detoxification or cleansing cures.

One of these turmeric cleanses is the preparation of golden milk.

Golden milk is a very healthy drink with turmeric as the main ingredient. It has several beneficial effects, but it can also be used as an ingredient in a cleansing cure. It can be consumed at any time of the day. Let’s have a look at this great turmeric cleanse recipe.


– 400 ml of coconut milk

– 1 heaped teaspoon of turmeric

– 1 knife tip ground black pepper

– 1/2 teaspoon of almond oil

– 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger

– pinch of ground cinnamon

– pinch of ground cardamom

– 1 teaspoon of honey


In terms of milk, you can use basically any kind of milk, but experience so far shows that coconut milk makes the best tasting drink. We know from experience that the best results are with coconut milk. When it is bubbling and fragrant, remove and strain. Once it’s cooled to a drinkable temperature, add the honey and you’re ready to enjoy. It’s important to add the honey only at the end, as it loses its beneficial properties when it gets hot.

The golden milk cure is recommended twice a year and should be consumed daily in the morning and evening for 40 days.

Cleanse with turmeric
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Why is corn so important for your health? Find out!

Why is corn so important for your health? Find out!

Corn contains a large amount of vitamins (vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6 and C).

So the vitamin content of corn makes it a very good choice for everyone.

Now let’s go into a little more detail about its great effects.

It also contains a small amount of vitamin E, which is essential for the body.

It is particularly recommended for its vitamin B1 content, which is also known as the happiness vitamin. Regular consumption improves mood and even reduces the chances of depression. Its mineral content is also worth mentioning.

It also contains phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sulphur, folic acid and magnesium.

It is usually recommended to pregnant women at the beginning of pregnancy, as its consumption minimises developmental abnormalities.

Corn hair is a great tea to make and has a diuretic effect. It can be used for urinary tract infections and to ease difficult urination. Cornmeal is very good for wounds and can also be used to make ointment.

People with coeliac disease can eat it cooked or grilled.

The consumption of cooked maize has several physiological effects. The effect of cooked maize on bowel movements and absorption of nutrients is also evident, as it is high in fibre, so its effect on digestion is also positive. It is rich in B vitamins, which are important for the health of the nervous system, muscles and skin. The benefits of cooked corn do not stop there. Its high carotenoid content helps to maintain healthy eyes and protect against free radicals. Rich in magnesium, which is important for bone and tooth health, as well as heart function and muscle function.

Why is corn so important for your health? Find out!

Maize flour is also recommended for people with coeliac disease.

Corn oil is particularly effective for gynaecological problems.

As the husk of the kernel of maize is very fibrous, it can also be used against constipation, so this is another physiological effect of maize.

The benefits of maize do not end there. Its oil can help prevent heart attacks, and its germ oil can also be effective in lowering cholesterol and improving mental health.

True, it is poorer in vitamins than other grains, but its vitamin E content is very high. Many people don’t realise it, but popcorn without salt or with Himalayan salt has a de-acidifying effect. A tea or decoction made from its leaves can help overcome urinary problems and prevent the development of kidney stones. You can also make an excellent tea from cornflower, which has a vasodilating effect. The kernel can be used to make a poultice for skin inflammations, but it is also good as a diuretic. There are many uses for corn, both for human and animal consumption. Its flour and meal are also becoming increasingly common.

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Natural solutions to treat gastritis

Natural solutions to treat gastritis

Gastritis is a common illness that can easily ruin your days

Peptic ulcer is an inflammatory disease of the inner lining of the stomach, mostly caused by unhealthy eating habits. The best diet for gastritis is definitely one rich in vegetables. Artichokes and garlic are also very good because of their anti-inflammatory flavonoids.

Smoking, drinking alcohol and taking painkillers can also cause gastritis.

Symptoms of gastritis include:


-Pitch stool

-Constant hiccups

-Abdominal pain and bloating

For stomach inflammation, medicine is only recommended as a second-line treatment. Gastritis medicine is usually an anti-inflammatory capsule or antibiotic. Instead of medication, try natural remedies that really work and have no side effects. We’ll show you a few that can help!

Water – adequate fluid intake is important for all people. However, for those who suffer from gastritis, it is even more important.  This is because by drinking enough water you can reduce the acid concentration in the stomach and restore the pH balance.

Green coconut water – green coconut water improves stomach function and also provides minerals and vitamins. Drink a glass 3-4 times a day. But always make sure that the coconut water is fresh.

Chamomile tea – chamomile is an anti-inflammatory plant, so if your stomach flu is caused by inflammation or allergies, chamomile tea may be the answer. Be sure to make the tea in warm, but not boiling water, as hot water will destroy the active, healing ingredients.

Rosemary – rosemary is a powerful herb for pain relief, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antiseptic properties.  It is effective against gastritis, whose effects work together to fight gastritis.

Honey – you can treat stomach inflammation at home, even with honey. Honey has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which can help relieve the symptoms of gastritis. Mix a teaspoon of honey in lukewarm water and drink it before meals.

Peptic ulcer is an inflammatory disease of the inner lining of the stomach, mainly due to unhealthy eating habits. Plus, smoking, regular alcohol consumption and taking a number of painkillers (and other medicines) can also cause gastritis.

It’s also important to note that if you are taking medication for stomach inflammation, you should be aware that some medicines can damage the lining of the stomach.

Symptoms of gastritis can range from mild irritation to severe pain.  In addition, nausea, vomiting, hiccups, constant hiccups, abdominal pain and bloating.

If you suffer from gastritis, it’s important to make sure you drink enough fluids. Drinking at least 2.5 litres of water a day is almost mandatory, but not just for those who suffer from this condition, it applies to everyone. In addition to adequate fluid intake, it is very important to supplement your vitamin intake.

Vitamin E, for example, has strong anti-inflammatory properties, and regular consumption can reduce reflux disease and also help digestive juices to function properly. In addition, iron supplementation is very important.

Inflammatory bowel disease, also known as gastroenteritis, is an inflammatory disease of the stomach and intestines, usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection.

The most common symptoms include diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and fever. It is important to note that in severe cases, especially in infants or the elderly, medical attention may be necessary. However, if the illness is mild to moderate, home treatment of enteritis is possible.

Hydration: constant diarrhoea and vomiting can make you dehydrated, so it’s important to drink enough fluids.

Rest: rest is important for the body to recover and regain strength.

Diet: it is advisable to eat easily digestible foods to avoid straining the digestive system. The peptic ulcer diet usually includes baked potatoes, rice, steamed vegetables or lean meats. It is advisable to avoid foods and drinks that can aggravate digestive symptoms, such as spicy, fatty or overly sugary foods, drinks containing alcohol or caffeine.

Probiotics: probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can help to restore normal bacterial flora in the gut. Natural sources may include live yogurt, kefir or probiotic supplements.

Natural solutions to treat gastritis

Treating gastritis with natural methods:


Ginger immediately reduces stomach irritation thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It destroys harmful bacteria in the stomach, so it may also kill the disease if it is caused by bacteria. Ginger can also be used as a powder or tea. However, for best effect, it is best to chew a piece of cleaned, fresh ginger and then drink 1 glass of water.


Pineapple can also be used to treat gastritis at home. This is because pineapple contains digestive enzymes that protect the stomach from irritation during digestion. If you have gastritis, try to eat alkaline foods like pineapple. It is very important that pineapple is always raw.

Potato juice

Potato juice contains alkalizing salts and a substance called atropine, which successfully fights stomach acid. The juice of potatoes should always be extracted from the raw vegetables, which you can do by peeling them, grating them and then pressing the grated juice. Mix a mock spoonful of potato juice with warm water. Consuming this mixture cures digestive problems, eliminates constipation and cleanses the liver. Potato juice can be used for a maximum of 2 weeks

Peppermint tea

Peppermint tea can also be used for gastritis. Peppermint tea helps to relieve nausea, indigestion and reflux. It can be consumed chewed alone or as a tea.

Walnut leaf tea

The decoction of walnut leaf is an extraordinary tea against gastritis, it is one of the best teas for gastritis. Although it can be used in many different ways, even externally, it is one of the best teas for gastroenteritis. It is also commonly used as a remedy for high blood pressure, intestinal worms and as a blood purifier. The active ingredients found in walnut leaf are juglone, tannins, flavonoids and hydrojuglone.

Preparation: boil 3 grams of tea leaves in 2.5 dl of boiling water. Leave to stand for 10-15 minutes and then strain. Drink 2-3 cups of tea a day.

If you choose this option, it is also worth knowing that it is not recommended when taking blood thinners or when you are under 12 years old!

Consumption of milk and dairy products is recommended and it is safe to eat stomach-friendly foods such as biscuits, rice, soft-boiled eggs and biscuits. Homemade cream soups are also effective

It is important to avoid coffee, alcohol and smoking.

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Dandelion tea and its health benefits

Dandelion tea and its health benefits

Dandelion tea has many beneficial effects that everyone should know about.

Botanical description

Dandelion, also known as dandelion dandelion, is a perennial plant of the daisy family. It is native to Eurasia. It is widespread throughout Hungary. It can be found in the countryside, in fields and in towns. The whole part of the plant contains a sticky, bitter milk liquid. Its taproot is greyish brown outside and white inside. The roots can grow up to 10-20 cm long. The spear-shaped leaves are in a rosette and are unevenly toothed. It has bright yellow flowers, 30 cm long, borne singly on a hollow peduncle without leaves. It flowers from April to May. Its tiny monocotyledons have white hairs on the tips of long stalks, which are easily blown away by the wind.

Dandelion root collection

It is recommended to collect the roots in October and November, when the concentration of the active ingredients is highest. Its inulin content is about 40% in autumn and about 2% in spring. This is a difference of almost 38%. The collected roots should be dried by splitting them in half lengthways. Its tender leaves are recommended to be harvested from March to April, until flowering, and used fresh. The whole plant should be collected from spring to autumn. Dandelion root, leaves and even the flower can be used to make dandelion honey or even syrup.

Active ingredients

Its main active substances include bitter substances, triterpenes, flavonoids, tannins, carotenes and inulin. The carbohydrate content in the roots, the potassium content in the above-ground parts, and the vitamin C and B2 content in the leaves are high, especially before flowering. Its leaves, which are also used for culinary purposes, are also very rich in vitamins and minerals such as beta-carotene, vitamins C, B1, B2, as well as potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

The medicinal properties of dandelion

Dandelion contains bitter substances that stimulate digestion, making it an excellent appetite stimulant and digestive aid. The effects of dandelion have been confirmed by several research studies that its active ingredients are beneficial for the body in cases of biliary and liver disorders. Dandelion tea has been used for a long time as a diuretic and as a blood purifier because of its dandelion tea effect, which increases the activity of the liver and kidneys.

But what else is dandelion tea good for?

The benefits of dandelion tea do not stop there. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect, which makes it a recommended poultice for rheumatic complaints. Because of the dandelion root effect, dandelion tea, also known as dandelion tea, has the ability to lower blood sugar levels and is therefore recommended for diabetics. In addition, dandelion root can also be used as a general sweetener and helps to eliminate toxins from the body. So, the effects of dandelion root tea, also known as dandelion root tea, are definitely noteworthy. However, it is also worth mentioning that you should buy a quality herbal tea blend if you want to consume it yourself.

Making dandelion tea:

Dandelion leaf tea has much the same effect as tea made from the root, so it is often made together. To make the tea, boil 2 teaspoons of dandelion leaves in 3 dl of water, then boil for about 1-2 minutes and strain after 10 minutes. It is recommended to consume 2 cups per day for 6 weeks as a course of treatment, after which it is advisable to take a break of 1-2 weeks.

Dandelion leaf tea preparation: take two tablespoons of dandelion leaves and boil them in ½ litre of water for 1-2 minutes, then steep for 10 minutes. Drain and drink 3 cups a day. So the preparation of dandelion leaf tea is very simple. You will see that it is worth drinking.

Dandelion root tea preparation: take 2 tablespoons of the root and boil it in ½ litre of water for 5 minutes, then strain immediately. Dandelion root tea should be consumed 1-2 cups per day.

As its consumption without a break may cause stomach acidity, it is not recommended for people with stomach and duodenal ulcers. Dandelion root tea is also used to treat gallstones only under medical supervision.

Dandelion flower tea is not commonly made, as the root and leaves are the most commonly used.

Dandelion tea is generally considered safe and can have a number of health benefits, including supporting the immune system, improving digestion, relieving coughs and promoting wound healing.

However, as with all herbs, dandelion tea is not recommended for everyone and may be contraindicated in some cases. Those who are allergic to dandelion should avoid drinking the tea.

Contraindications to dandelion tea:

During pregnancy and breast-feeding: although dandelion tea is generally considered safe, a doctor should be consulted about its use.

For stomach ulcers or reflux disease: the acidity of dandelion tea can irritate the mucous membranes and aggravate these problems.

When taken with blood thinners: dandelion tea can cause haemophilia, so those taking blood-thinning medications should avoid drinking it.

For high blood pressure or heart problems: dandelion tea can increase blood pressure and heart rate, so avoid drinking it in these cases too.

Dandelion tea
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The power of fig leaves: An effective tool for controlling diabetes and blood pressure

The power of fig leaves

Managing diabetes and blood pressure in one person

On deployment, the fig leaf…

For diseases such as diabetes or bronchitis, genital warts, cirrhosis of the liver, high blood pressure, skin problems and ulcers, a wheelbarrow of medicine would be recommended, but not many people would mention fig leaves, even though diabetes and blood pressure can be treated with fig leaves.

Among the medicinal effects of fig leaf, it can be mentioned that it has antidiabetic properties, which means that with the use of fig leaf extract, less insulin may be required. Diabetic patients should take the extract after waking up with breakfast, which can also be freshly boiled and drunk as tea.

In addition, figs are one of the best sources of fiber and calcium. It contains antioxidants and has a laxative effect. It also contains magnesium, copper, manganese, calcium, vitamins A, B, C and K, folic acid, sodium and zinc. Thanks to its potassium and fiber content, it helps stabilize blood pressure. In addition to its antidiabetic properties, it also has antitumor properties. Figs promote good sleep and protect against insomnia.

What is fig tea good for?

First of all, it is worth stating that fig tea does not mean the tea made from the fruit, but the decoction made from its leaves. It can be mentioned that fig leaf tea can help in weight loss as it supports digestion and helps to remove toxins. Also, according to some sources, drinking fig leaf tea can also help improve the condition of the skin, as it contains antioxidants and minerals that can help hydrate and rejuvenate the skin.

The medicinal effect of fig leaves does not end here. Increases energy, supports bone strength.

Its leaves can be mashed and used as a skin cleanser against acne and blackheads. It reduces the amount of stomach acid, so it is also great for pregnant women! It can help overcome insomnia and has a strong laxative effect. By pureeing the leaves, you can make an excellent face care that is suitable for treating acne. It cures shingles, warts, stomach ulcers and skin ailments.

Fig leaves can also help against bad breath.

You just have to boil 6 figs in a cup of water and consume it for 1 month. Crushed figs can also be used to make a great face mask. You just have to apply it to your face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. It is also very good against acne and various skin problems. It contains a large amount of calcium, which strengthens bones. Figs are also very effective in reducing body weight, as they contain a lot of fiber. Figs can also be very effective in case of constipation. Mix 2-3 soaked dried figs with 1 tablespoon of honey. It must be used for 1 month and the constipation will disappear.

Fig leaf tea is a special, delicious and refreshing drink made with dried fig leaves.

The tea is particularly popular in China, where it is traditionally used to treat stomach problems, indigestion and general fatigue. The taste of fig leaf tea is pleasant and fruity, and according to many, the aroma of figs helps to relax and refresh the mind.

According to several studies and researches, fig leaf tea has a great blood sugar lowering effect. Making fig leaf tea is not a difficult process. Fresh green leaves must be dried and then dried for several days. When they turn brown, they will be well dried. Then you have to crush the leaves into powder and put them in a well-sealed bottle. Add 2 tablespoons of powder to 1 liter of boiling water, then boil for 15 minutes. Do this until half of the water evaporates. Finally, filter it and drink it with 1 mug. Only 1 mug per day is allowed.

Need more?

The effect of the fig leaf is therefore very universal, which is why it is recommended to use it. The effect of dried fig leaf tea is one of the best among medicinal teas. Fig leaf tea can also be safely consumed by diabetics, as it usually does not contain sugar and fig leaves also have a low glycemic index. However, it is always recommended to seek the advice of a doctor or dietitian regarding the consumption of tea, as the composition of the tea and personal condition can influence the effect it can have on blood sugar levels. It’s worth a try.

The power of fig leaves
The power of fig leaves
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Zucchini’s special effects on health

Zucchini's special effects on health

Zucchini seems to many to be just an unripe pumpkin, even though it has great effects, as it has a high mineral and vitamin content. The physiological effect of zucchini is worth mentioning, as it can be a solution to several problems.

It is also very good in the prevention and treatment of diseases. Zucchini is also effective against overweight.

Zucchini is 95% water, there are hardly any carbohydrates, protein and fat in it, and it is also completely cholesterol-free.

It is very rich in fiber, easily digestible and low in energy. Due to these properties, it is also extremely good for dieters, dieters and diabetics. Among the minerals, it also contains phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, copper and manganese. The vitamin content of zucchini is also high and there are several types of it. It is also rich in vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, E and C. Among the beneficial effects of zucchini, it can also be mentioned that it has a large amount of water and a laxative effect, but it is also an excellent anti-inflammatory and can be effective against stomach infections.

It can be a great help in overcoming high blood pressure, effective in preventing arteriosclerosis and circulatory diseases.

However, the effect of zucchini extends not only to the body but also to the mind. Zucchini helps you sleep peacefully, but it can also be used against fatigue and bad mood. Because of the vitamin E it contains, it can also be a very useful ally in binding free radicals. Due to its high folic acid content, it has a beneficial effect on digestion. When buying zucchini, it is better to choose specimens that are more tender, undamaged and with hard flesh.

It can be prepared in many ways, such as raw, steamed, stuffed, but also a good side dish and salad.

Its taste is most similar to pumpkin. It is the most delicious when it is tender and young. In this case, you don’t even need to take out the seeds. If possible, use flawless, tough meat. Wash thoroughly, do not peel! The most useful substances are in its shell. It can be eaten steamed, boiled, fried or grilled. You can also enrich the lecho with it, make sure to add it towards the end. Zucchini can also be rolled in various breadcrumbs. You can also make a stew out of it, with a little garlic it can even fit into your diet. It goes well with thyme, basil, rosemary and oregano.

It is also worth mentioning the contraindications of zucchini. The harmful effects of zucchini may include the fact that it is not recommended to be given to kidney patients. It is also not recommended for ulcers and gastritis, as it can only lead to an aggravation of the disease.

Zucchini's special effects on health
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Discover the amazing benefits of wheatgrass powder!

Discover the amazing benefits of wheatgrass powder!

Wheatgrass is a nutrient-rich plant with beneficial effects.

What is wheatgrass good for?

Wheatgrass powder benefits are various, because it has the ability to support the whole body because of its action. It has a detoxifying effect while providing energy. Its consumption is recommended from young to old age. As it contributes to digestion and the health of the internal organs, it can be consumed even by those with poor digestion.

Let’s see what wheatgrass powder is good for.

Wheatgrass powder is a natural food supplement that contains many nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, proteins and enzymes. Wheatgrass powder is also beneficial because it can help relieve bloating, improve digestion, increase circulation and improve immune function. It can also be used to treat a number of skin problems. Nor is the use of wheatgrass powder on the thyroid gland a last resort. The chlorophyll and amino acids it contains, such as glutathione and systein, as well as nutrients such as zinc, iodine, and sulphur, can help improve thyroid function. Wheatgrass powder is rich in iodine, which is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones and can help treat thyroid dysfunction.

What is wheatgrass juice good for?

Wheatgrass juice is a superfood made from the fresh leaves of wheatgrass. Wheatgrass is highly nutritious and contains many important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Wheatgrass juice has many health benefits. It can help strengthen the immune system, support blood pressure and cholesterol control, and improve intestinal function. In addition, consuming wheatgrass juice can help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in the body, which can contribute to overall health.

Use of wheatgrass powder

Can be added to smoothies, muesli, puddings and other dishes to increase their nutritional value. It can also be used for medicinal purposes such as improving blood count, regulating blood sugar levels and preventing inflammation.

Detoxification, alkalisation

Wheatgrass is probably one of the most effective detoxifying plants. This effect is due to its high chlorophyll content, which not only detoxifies but also strengthens the immune system. It has an amazing effect on the detoxification processes of the liver. It is able to contribute to the oxygenation of the entire bloodstream, which also helps to reduce inflammation.

The enzymes in wheatgrass are also vital, as they are involved in many processes in the body. They are essential for blood purification.

It is important to replenish these enzymes from outside, for which wheatgrass is a perfect choice.

In addition, wheatgrass also contains amino acids, which also play an important role in detoxifying the blood and tissues.

One of its main benefits is its ability to restore the acid-base balance in the body, as it has a powerful alkalising effect.

Immune boosting

Wheatgrass can also be said to boost the immune system, thanks to several of its effects. It contributes to metabolic processes, can improve digestion and also helps the detoxification organs. It can help to maintain the balance of the intestinal flora. A large part of its immune-boosting effect is due to this, as it is a prerequisite for its effective functioning, since a large percentage of our immune system is located in the intestinal tract.

There are no side effects of wheatgrass, which means that there are no adverse health effects from this wonderful plant. Wheatgrass is not considered a medicine, so you can safely consume it yourself. It works a little differently for everyone. We definitely recommend regular consumption. The effects of green wheatgrass powder and wheatgrass drink powder are exactly the same, as they are the same.

Side effects of wheatgrass powder

Wheatgrass powder is generally well tolerated and causes few side effects. Most people have no side effects, but some people may experience the following side effects:

Digestive problems: wheatgrass powder in large quantities can cause diarrhoea, bloating and upset stomach.

Allergic reactions: in rare cases, allergic reactions such as skin rash, hives and asthma may occur.

Blood pressure fluctuations: due to the high nitrate content of wheatgrass powder, which can turn into nitrite and cause blood pressure fluctuations.

Interaction with medicines: wheatgrass powder may interact with certain medicines, such as anticoagulants, blood sugar regulators and blood pressure lowering agents.

Even people who are gluten intolerant can use wheatgrass powder if the product is gluten-free, otherwise people who are gluten intolerant should avoid wheatgrass powder.

Discover the amazing benefits of wheatgrass powder!
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The correct dosage of wheatgrass powder: Tips for maximum effect

The correct dosage of wheatgrass powder: Tips for maximum effect

Wheatgrass is also known as nature’s multivitamin for its beneficial effects.

How to consume it, what to watch out for in the dosage? The correct dosage of wheatgrass powder follows!

Wheatgrass powder is generally recommended to be eaten shaken in vegetable juice or water. The use of a shaker is recommended for even shaking. Approximately 250 grams of powder can be used to make 10 litres of wheatgrass drink.

When can it be consumed?

In all cases, wheatgrass powder should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach for best results. Afterwards, allow a half-hour break to allow the valuable nutrients and active ingredients to be absorbed into the bloodstream and reach all parts of the body. This means not drinking water or eating any other food for at least half an hour or 1 hour.

There is no time limit on its consumption and no contraindications.

However, as it provides energy, its consumption in the evening is not recommended. It can make it impossible to fall asleep or, even if you do, wake you up in the early hours of the morning. After that, it will be difficult or impossible to fall back asleep.

Wheatgrass powder instructions for use:

The daily dose of wheatgrass juice is always 1 glass per day in the morning. Do not exceed the daily dose! This means that if you miss a day, do not drink two servings the next day. The dosage of wheatgrass powder is as follows. It is recommended to consume on an empty stomach. It is recommended to consume less of it daily. Its beneficial effects would be much better exploited if consumed continuously in small quantities than if consumed infrequently in larger quantities.

Wheatgrass and detoxification

The effect of green wheatgrass powder is excellent for the whole body. The effect of wheatgrass juice consumption is always in the positive direction. It clearly has the ability to positively influence the functioning of the body. Its detoxifying effect is often quite intense. During its consumption, accumulated harmful substances are continuously eliminated. Continuous consumption naturally leads to a better feeling of well-being and a feeling of fatigue. Later on, you will notice an increase in work capacity and resistance to illness.

The effects of wheatgrass powder don’t stop there, as it replenishes the body’s energy, tones the skin, regulates blood sugar levels and helps with weight loss.

The correct dosage of wheatgrass powder

How much wheatgrass powder per day

There is no universally accepted wheatgrass daily doseage that is right for everyone. In general, the dosage of wheatgrass powder can vary depending on the manufacturer and the concentration of the product. However, in general, the recommended daily dose for wheatgrass powder is 1-2 teaspoons (about 3-6 grams).

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The 7 best calming teas to help you cope with everyday stress

The 7 best calming teas to help you cope with everyday stress

Find out the 7 best herbal teas for calming.

Lemongrass tea

Lemongrass tea is primarily known for its nervine and sedative properties, but it is also a very good calming tea. It can also be used for sleep disorders, incipient depression, to calm the nerves and to treat nervous heart problems. It also stimulates liver function, improves digestion and has an anti-puffiness effect. It reduces nervousness caused by overactive thyroid gland. It is also useful for reducing nervous tension before menstruation.


Boil a heaped tablespoon (3 g) of tea leaves in 2.5 dl of water and strain after 15 minutes.

Valerian tea

Valerian is one of the most powerful herbs with sedative properties, and its decoction makes an excellent nervine tea. It is one of the most popular herbs among the calming teas, rightly deserved for its great effects. It can be used for insomnia, nervousness and other nervous problems. It can be used to reduce high blood pressure caused by nervousness. The consumption of cat’s-root tea can help to relax tired nerves and promote peaceful sleep.


Boil a heaped tablespoon (3 g) of tea leaves in 2.5 dl of water and strain after 30 minutes.

Lavender tea

Lavender tea is one of the best tea for relaxing, which has a calming effect on the nerves and improves appetite. It can also be used to relieve bloating, migraines and dizziness. It also has antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is a great soothing tea for sleeping.


For insomnia and nervousness: boil 2 teaspoons of lavender flowers in a cup of water, leave to stand for 10 minutes and strain. In the evening, before going to bed, drink 1-2 cups.

For stomach ache from nervousness, stress, mental problems: boil 2 teaspoons of lavender flowers in a cup of water, let it sit for 10 minutes and then strain. Drink after meals. Other digestive herbs can be used with lavender.

St. John’s wort tea

Nowadays, St. John’s wort tea is also gaining in popularity. This is no coincidence, as St. John’s wort is also a stress-relieving calming tea. It is excellent for nervousness as well as depression. In Germany, it is known as an antidepressant and general mood and stress reliever. It is recommended for seasonal depression, mental illness and even stuttering.


Boil a heaped tablespoon (3 g) of tea leaves in 2.5 dl of water and strain after 15 minutes.

Hawthorn tea

Hawthorn is an extremely good heart tonic and heart-relaxant. It stimulates the blood supply to the heart muscle and has vasodilating and antihypertensive effects. It is very useful in treating circulatory problems. As it affects the central nervous system, it can also be used to treat dizziness, anxiety and palpitations.


Boil a heaped tablespoon (3 g) of tea leaves in 2.5 dl of water and strain after 15 minutes.

Linden tea

Linden tea has a very good calming and heart-strengthening effect. It is also very good for stress, anxiety, headaches and sleep disorders. Because it helps the circulatory system, it lowers blood pressure and helps the heart to function properly. The calming effect of linden tea is supported by several studies.


Boil a heaped tablespoon (3 g) of tea leaves in 2.5 dl of water and strain after 10 minutes.

Be sure to consume the tea within 12 hours.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile is one of the best herbs for stress, not only as a tea, but also in tincture or essential oil form. Chamomile is often used as a mild sedative to reduce anxiety and calm the nerves. As a result, its decoction can be made into a very good calming tea. When inhaled, the essential oils can help relieve anxiety and general depression. If a soothing tea is used for stomach upset, chamomile is a great choice.


Boil a heaped tablespoon (3 g) of tea leaves in 2.5 dl of water and strain after 5 minutes.

What calming tea is safe to give to children?

Licorice tea, chamomile tea and lavender tea may be safe choices for children. Paediatricians recommend that children are not given teas with caffeine and avoid herbal teas, which can be very strong. Also, these three calming teas can usually be given to children from the age of one month, however, always check with your paediatrician before giving any new supplements or herbs to your child as it may depend on your child’s health condition, so there may be specific contraindications and warnings.

The 7 best calming teas to help you cope with everyday stress
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These are the 7 most powerful diuretic teas for oedema and water retention

These are the 7 most powerful diuretic teas for oedema and water retention

Not only can water retention be a health problem, it can also prevent weight loss. Stagnant fluid circulates in the body and can cause bloating and swelling of the limbs.

The effect of diuretic teas is to help get this stagnant water out of the body. A diuretic tea can also do a lot for you when you’re losing weight. It’s definitely worth trying one during a diet, as you may experience unexpected positive results.

There are several natural diuretic teas available, of which the 7 most effective diuretic herbs are presented here, which can of course be used to make herbal teas. Let’s see what are the 7 most powerful diuretic teas available.

Nettle tea

This is one of the best known diuretic herbal teas. Nowadays, nettle is mainly known for its diuretic properties, so nettle tea is considered a diuretic herbal tea. Diuretics also increase the amount of urine produced by the kidneys. Nettle is one of the best blood purifying, detoxifying and detoxifying herbs. It stimulates kidney function and reduces blood levels of uric acid, making it an effective treatment for gout, arthritis and rheumatic diseases. The old and well-known method of tapping the painful rheumatic area with nettle is still used today. It can also be used for fever relief, anaemia and rashes.

For those who are prone to kidney and bladder stones, nettle tea is recommended on a regular basis.

For urinary tract cleansing, 2 cups of tea between meals for 10 days is recommended.

Lemongrass tea

Lemongrass is known primarily for its nervine and sedative effects. It can be used for sleep disorders, incipient depression, to calm the nerves and for nervous heart problems. It stimulates liver function and has digestive and anti-puffiness properties. However, we must not forget that lemongrass also has a diuretic effect.

The diuretic effect of lemongrass tea can be achieved by drinking a cup of tea in the morning on an empty stomach.

Hibiscus tea

In addition to its antihypertensive properties, hibiscus has a number of beneficial properties. It helps to reduce stress, cleanses the kidneys and liver, improves appetite, has anti-infective properties, is good for the heart and nerves, and has diuretic properties.

It can also help with urinary problems and diuretics, as well as constipation.

To prepare, boil 5 dl of water and add 2 tablespoons of dried hibiscus flowers. When it has dissolved, let it cool a little.

Dandelion tea

Dandelion is most commonly used to help liver function and to increase bile production. It also regulates bowel function, relieves constipation, and has tonic, appetite stimulating, digestive and diuretic effects.

To prepare it, boil 2 teaspoons of dandelion in 3 dl of water, boil for 1-2 minutes and strain after 10 minutes. Drink 2 cups a day for 6 weeks as a course, then take a break of about 1-2 weeks.

Dandelion tea

Peppermint tea

The use of peppermint can be traced back to ancient Rome, where it was popular for its digestive and diuretic properties. As it has a beneficial effect on the bile and liver and relieves spasms of the smooth muscles, it was often consumed after large feasts and dinners to relieve pain and bloating.

Preparation is simple. Add two teaspoons of peppermint leaves to two decilitres of boiling water and leave to stand for about 5 minutes. Once it has cooled a little, you can strain it and season to taste.

Birch leaf tea

Birch leaf is an excellent kidney regulator, diuretic and has anti-kidney and anti-kidney stone formation effects. It helps to cure cystitis and urinary tract infections without irritating the kidneys. Other beneficial effects include blood purification and cholesterol lowering. It can also be used for rheumatic and gouty arthritis due to its flavonoid content.

For bacterial infections of the urinary tract, it is recommended to take one cup on an empty stomach. For prevention, 1-2 cups per week are recommended.

Goldenseal tea

Goldenseal tea has beneficial properties that help to constrict and disinfect the urinary tract and bladder. This effect is particularly beneficial in the case of urinary tract infections. It helps to maintain the kidneys.

Consumption is recommended as a course of treatment, one cup a day for 3 weeks, then twice a week.

As it is difficult to determine exactly which is the strongest diuretic tea, this is a question that most often needs to be answered by oneself.

We are all different, so teas can work differently. The deciding factor may be either taste or effect. Whichever one you choose, don’t be alarmed if you lose a few pounds, as almost all diuretic teas also help you lose weight.

How to use diuretic tea for swelling of the feet?

Leg swelling (oedema) is excessive swelling due to fluid accumulation in the body. The use of diuretic teas to treat leg swelling can usually help to increase the amount of fluid leaving the body by increasing urination.

If the doctor recommends the use of diuretic teas, it is recommended that fluid intake is also increased during the course of the treatment so that urination does not cause dehydration. Before drinking the teas, it is usually recommended to check the ingredients of the teas to make sure that they do not contain any ingredients that are contraindicated in certain cases.

Can I take diuretic tea during pregnancy?

Drinking diuretic teas during pregnancy is generally not recommended because some of the ingredients in these teas can reduce the water and electrolyte balance in the body, which can pose a risk during pregnancy.

Other natural diuretics worth mentioning are:

-Calendula (Calendula officinalis)

-Watercress (Equisetum arvense)

-Hyssop (Equisetum hyemale)

-Liquid shade (Lythrum salicaria)

-Yarrow (Taraxacum officinale)

-Caraway (Prunus cerasus)

-Curly sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides)

-Bilberries (Vaccinium myrtillus)

-Celery (Apium graveolens)

-Nettle (Urtica dioica)

-Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)

-Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)