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Signs of thrombosis: visible symptoms illustrated with pictures

Signs of thrombosis
Signs of thrombosis: visible symptoms illustrated with pictures

Deep vein thrombosis can occur without any symptoms, which unfortunately increases the chance of the clot getting into the lungs and causing an embolism. It is important to remember that the treatment of thrombosis requires a specialist, so home remedies are not recommended. In this article, we have included pictures of deep vein thrombosis and pictures of thrombosed legs so that you can tell when you have a serious problem.

Some symptoms may also indicate a thrombosis, so you should seek medical advice as soon as possible.

Symptoms of thrombosis occur first in the leg. Now you can find out which symptoms should not be ignored. Signs of thrombosis in the leg are noticeable. Signs of thrombosis in the leg:

The first is swelling of the feet. This is one of the most common complaints of deep vein thrombosis. Clots block the blood flow, which can cause congestion and oedema. The leg swells very strongly and you can clearly see the difference between the two limbs. We can also show you pictures of leg swelling.

Thrombosis on foot illustrated by pictures:

Foot swelling
Symptoms of thrombosis in the leg
Varicose veins
Deep vein thrombosis foot pictures

During a thrombosis, there may be a sharp pain in the limbs, but it may also be just a muscle fever-like pain. It can also be easily confused with other problems such as varicose veins, muscle pain or joint pain. So if you feel unexplained pain in your legs, it’s worth seeing a doctor to be on the safe side. Unfortunately, in the case of thrombosis, the uncomfortable pain only increases with movement.

If you have a thrombosis, you shouldn’t move, because unfortunately the clot can break off and it’s very uncomfortable and dangerous. Treatment of leg thrombosis is carried out by a specialist. Deep vein thrombosis should also only be treated by a doctor. So, the treatment of thrombosed foot is always a medical procedure and so treating thrombosis at home is not recommended. Above are pictures of a thrombosed leg.

Because the clot blocks the blood flow, discolouration can develop on the limb without bruising, which is a sign of superficial thrombosis. This should not be confused with a blue-green spot from an injury, as it affects a much larger area.

Unfortunately, it is also possible that the blood clot from the deep vein thrombosis has already broken off and a pulmonary embolism has formed, with signs of severe chest pain, coughing and even spitting up blood. It is also similar to a heart attack. A sharp and stabbing pain develops, especially when breathing deeply. An ambulance should be called immediately.

Symptoms of thrombosis
Symptoms of thrombosis with pictures

In addition to chest pain, you may also experience shortness of breath and a rapid pulse, as the clot prevents blood flow and therefore oxygen starvation.

In many cases, the onset and progression of thrombosis can be “silent”. Unfortunately, once a thrombosis has occurred, the likelihood of it recurring is high, so it should be monitored.

Thrombosis foot pictures

It is a well-known and accepted fact in the field of medicine that creams have been used for centuries as a form of medicine. Their action is based on the fact that our skin – our largest organ – is a lively metaboliser, secreting and absorbing substances. This enables it to absorb the active ingredients in creams and deliver them to the subcutaneous layers. The biggest advantage of a topical, massage-in cream treatment is that the active herbal ingredients in the cream are fully absorbed and act where they are needed. The best choice for herbal balms are those with high active ingredients.

One such product is HillVital VARIKOFLEX Balm. It is quickly absorbed and has a herbal effect.

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4 serious complications caused by neglected varicose veins

4 serious complications caused by neglected varicose veins

Neglecting varicose vein complaints can be very dangerous because if not treated in time, it can lead to serious complications.

These complications, which can occur as a result of existing varicose vein symptoms, include:

-Varicose veins inflammation: When blood builds up in the varicose veins, inflammation can occur, which can cause pain and swelling.

Thrombophlebitis: a more serious form of varicose veins, where a thrombosis (blood clot) develops in the vein.

Phlebitis: Inflammation of the blood vessels on the surface of the skin, caused by varicose veins or thrombosis.

-Venous ulcer: A wound on the skin of the leg, often caused by varicose veins.

In order to avoid these complications, it is important to treat varicose veins in time, and here are some important tips on how to do this.

Varicose veins themselves, also known as varicose veins, are a condition where the walls of the veins become weak and dilated so that they cannot do their job properly. Specifically, when varicose veins develop, the walls of the veins dilate and weaken, causing the blood flow to be disrupted. As a result, blood flows more slowly through the veins and is slower to reach the organs, especially the heart. This means that oxygen* and nutrients in the blood cannot get through properly.

* And if the oxygen in the blood is not getting to the heart properly, it means that the heart is not getting the right amount of oxygen it needs to function properly. A lack of oxygen to the heart can damage heart muscle cells, which can lead to heart failure. Heart failure is a condition where the heart cannot contract properly, so it cannot pump enough blood to the body. Symptoms of heart failure include shortness of breath, weakness, fatigue and swelling in the lower limbs. And if left untreated, heart failure can have serious consequences, such as the development of a heart attack.

Varicose veins usually occur in the legs, but they can also occur in other parts of the body. Common symptoms of varicose veins include a feeling of fatigue, oedema (swelling), pain and burning sensations in the legs, as well as darkening of the skin and the development of sores.

Treatment for varicose veins can be non-interventional (e.g. wearing compression stockings, taking medication, using creams) or surgical (e.g. varicose vein surgery).

Varicose veins.

Several treatment options are available, the most common of which are:

-Wearing compression stockings: stockings compress varicose veins in the legs, helping the blood to flow.

-Medication: medicines are prescribed to help the blood flow and reduce inflammation.

-Physical treatments: varicose veins can be helped by regular exercise, foot massage and foot baths.

-Surgical treatment: when other treatment methods are no longer effective, surgery is the next step to remove the dilated veins.

-Natural remedies: the use of various herbs or hot and cold water foot rinses can help relieve the symptoms of varicose veins.

In the case of natural remedies, creams containing herbs are used to relieve the symptoms of varicose veins, reducing pain and burning sensations. Some herbs, such as calendula, grape seed, horse chestnut, have anti-inflammatory and blood purifying properties and can help relieve varicose vein symptoms. Other herbs, such as peppermint and rosemary, have vasodilating effects, i.e. they dilate the blood vessels, thus helping the blood to flow.

In the case of natural remedies, various creams and balms can achieve excellent results. Care should be taken to ensure that the product contains a high level of active ingredients.

But what does this mean?

A high active ingredient herbal cream means that the herbs in the cream have a higher content of active ingredients that cause and enhance the superior physiological effects. This can make the herbal cream more powerful and effective.

One such herbal preparation is VARIKOFLEX balm, which contains high active ingredients from 20 herbs.

Varikolfex balm for varicose veins.

To prevent varicose veins, here are some tips to consider:

-Get regular exercise: exercise can help improve blood circulation and keep your veins healthy.

-Stand up regularly: if you sit or stand a lot, the blood that builds up in your veins can put more pressure on the walls of your veins, so it’s important to move and stand up regularly.

-Wear compression stockings: stockings can help blood flow and relieve varicose vein symptoms.

-Don’t let your feet get hot: warm feet can increase the risk of varicose veins, so avoid overheated showers or hot water baths.

-Keep your feet clean and dry: regular lukewarm footbaths and dry skin can help relieve the symptoms of varicose veins.

-Use herbal creams: VARIKOFLEX balm, a high active ingredient in 20 herbs, is a good way to help relieve varicose veins. It works quickly when massaged into the skin.

More details about the product and customer reviews are available here.

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What is the main cause of gout?

Cause of gout.

Gout is a disease of the whole body, but it usually appears in the joints and causes pain.

The NIRP (National Institute of Rheumatology and Physiotherapy) defines gout as:

“It occurs … when uric acid, a natural by-product of the body, is not properly excreted in the urine.”

Gout is a disease that develops due to a disturbance in purine metabolism. Purine is a compound that is found in cells and is also absorbed from food. The breakdown products of this purine are converted into uric acid, which is excreted by the kidneys in the urine. If the body produces too much uric acid due to a disturbance in purine metabolism, it can accumulate in the blood and tissues.

Gout in a toe joint.

Gout is caused by the deposition of uric acid crystals in the joints, causing inflammation and pain. It usually occurs in the joints of the fingers and toes, but can attack any joint. Gout attacks are intermittent and there may be longer periods when symptoms are relieved.

Gout attacks can be treated with anti-inflammatory medicines and special creams, and lifestyle changes such as avoiding purine-containing foods and alcohol can also help to relieve symptoms.

There is a link between meat consumption and gout, as purines in meat are converted into uric acid in the body. If there is too much uric acid in the body, it can build up in the form of crystals in the joints, which can cause gout. So this is the main reason why gout develops.

Foods high in purines, which are best avoided or minimised if you don’t want gout to get worse.

Foods high in purines include meat, offal, seafood, pulses and yeast. Foods of animal origin, such as meat and seafood, are generally higher in purines than foods of plant origin.

Top 15 high purine foods to avoid, including bacon.

These are the top 15 high purine foods to avoid



-Marrow bone

-Foie gras

-Offal (kidney, lung)









-Cured meats

It is important to note that foods high in purines do not necessarily cause gout or seizures in everyone. However, people with gout are advised to avoid these foods or limit their consumption! If gout is not treated, the disease will progress and can lead to further joint damage.

Typical symptoms of gout include:

-sharp, stabbing pain in the affected joints

-the joint is red, swollen and warm to the touch

-joint movement may be restricted and painful.

-fever, headache, muscle aches and general malaise may also occur.

If gout progresses and leads to further joint damage, the disease can become chronic. Symptoms of chronic gout include joint stiffness, joint pain, joint swelling, skin and tissue lesions caused by uric acid crystals, and the development of kidney stones.

Treatment methods

-Using anti-inflammatory medicines

-Using various special creams to provide an additional treatment

Creams have been used for centuries as a form of medicine. Their action is based on the fact that our skin is actively metabolizing and absorbing substances. It can also absorb the active ingredients in creams and deliver them to the subcutaneous layers. The biggest advantage of the massage cream treatment is that the active herbal ingredients in the cream are fully absorbed and act where they are needed.

HILLVITAL MAXIMUM balm, with its high herbal content, can be a great choice for the treatment of the unpleasant symptoms caused by gout.

Maximum balm for gout.

Reviews of the product

“I have new and wrist joint problems caused by gout. Maximum cream helps me a lot in my daily life to live pain free. It is the only one that has worked and I like to massage the pleasant, herbal cream. Thank you!”

“My husband has been suffering from severe gout for years due to his excessive lifestyle. We have been using this Maximum balm advertised on TV for weeks. It really is as effective as the presenter claims. I recommend it to others!”

“I have had gout since I was young. It mainly affects my knee joints, intermittently. Then it stays with me for days or months. I use Hillvital’s Maximum cream because it relieves my pain. I’d rather have that than a lot of medication!”

“If I had known I could buy this cream years ago, I would have been rid of all the pain a long time ago. I just saw it on TV, I ordered it, and it’s really good, very effective, and I’m glad that finally there is a HUNGARIAN company that thinks about elderly patients.”

“I could hardly move, my gout was so painful. It has since subsided because the maximum cream has helped a lot with the medication I’m taking to keep the pain at bay.”

For more customer feedback, to order, with free delivery, click here

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5 diseases that cause serious joint problems

Causes of joint pain.

Rheumatic diseases are chronic inflammatory processes that affect different parts of the musculoskeletal system.

The diseases most commonly affect the joints, muscles, bones, ligaments and connective tissues and are often associated with pain, swelling and limited mobility. Rheumatic diseases include arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis), gout, ankylosing spondylitis, scleroderma, and lupus. The causes of rheumatic diseases may include genetic factors, environmental influences and immune dysfunction.

Inflammation of the joints (rheumatism) is a chronic inflammatory disease that mainly affects the joints. It most commonly affects the fingers, knees, hips and shoulders and is often associated with pain, swelling and limited mobility. There are several forms of arthritis, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis.

Gout is a disease caused by a disturbance in purine metabolism. Purines are compounds that are naturally present in the human body and are necessary for the formation of new cells. Purines are also found in proteins in food and in various drinks such as beer and wine.

Gout is caused by too much waste product in the human body from the breakdown of purines, which builds up in the blood and forms crystals in the joints. These crystals cause pain, swelling and inflammation in the joints, especially in the feet and legs. Symptoms of gout include leg pain, swelling, redness and fever. Treatment of the disease is usually aimed at relieving the symptoms and painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs and a proper diet can help. Proper nutrition, regular exercise and stress management are important for prevention.

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis.

Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the human body’s own cells and tissues. Lupus most commonly affects the skin, joints, kidneys and heart and symptoms can include redness, fatigue, fever, weight loss, joint pain and blood problems.

The exact causes of lupus are not yet known, but a combination of genetic factors, environmental influences and hormonal changes probably contribute to the development of the disease. Treatment usually requires medication and physiotherapy. Various creams and balms are used as complementary treatments. The aim of treatment is to relieve symptoms and reduce the severity of the disease.

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis and involves the cartilage in the joints becoming thinner and damaged. Specifically, it involves the thinning of cartilage and an increase in friction between the bones in the joints. This causes pain. Symptoms include joint pain, joint stiffness and limited mobility. It most commonly occurs in the knees, hips, wrists and hands.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the joints, leading to inflammation. This causes very unpleasant symptoms not only for the joint but also for the muscles.

Treatment of rheumatic diseases is usually symptomatic. Painkillers, anti-inflammatory creams, and a good lifestyle can help relieve symptoms.

For joint complaints, creams usually provide symptomatic treatment, i.e. they relieve joint pain but do not cure the specific disease. However, if you get closer to nature, you would not realise how effective herbal creams are. Thanks to this, we don’t have to give up our pain-free everyday lives just yet. A good quality of life, a pain-free, unrestricted life can be achieved by using them.

So is the joy of movement available again?

Definitely yes! Also with various special creams. MAXIMUM balm is one such product.

Maximum balm for joint problems.

By combining the herbal knowledge of ancient times with the experience of modern people, something truly impressive has been created by the HillVital development team. A special balm developed with 19 herbs, high in active ingredients and vitamins, which is massaged into the skin to deliver its beneficial effects. If you need the strongest and most effective for rheumatic and joint pain, choose nature, choose MAXIMUM balm.

For more information and customer feedback on MAXIMUM balm, click here.