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Light deprivation and anxiety

Light deprivation and anxiety

A reduction in sunshine during the autumn months can affect people’s mental health and this effect is known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

SAD is a mood disorder that occurs with the change of seasons, usually in autumn and winter.

Here’s a look at how reduced sunshine can affect people’s mental health:

Vitamin D deficiency: sunshine is an important source of vitamin D. In the autumn months, shorter days and less sunshine mean that people are less able to produce vitamin D in their skin. Vitamin D deficiency can increase the risk of mood disorders and depression.

Biological clock: autumn months often have less light and shorter days. This can cause problems in the synchronisation of our biological clock and our internal organs, which can lead to depression and sleep problems.

Decreased serotonin levels: sunlight causes our bodies to produce serotonin, a compound that is important for mood regulation. In the autumn months, less sunshine can lead to a decrease in the body’s production of serotonin, which can lead to depression and anxiety.

Social isolation: in the autumn months, especially in colder weather, people tend to spend less time outdoors and experience less social interaction. This can also contribute to poor mental health and depression.

Seasonal stress: seasonal changes and the cold months ahead can be stressful, especially if people do not feel prepared for the cold months. Stress can also contribute to mental health problems.

How can the effects of reduced sunshine on mental health be mitigated?

Sunlight therapy: sunlight therapy uses special lamps to mimic the effects of the sun. This can help maintain vitamin D levels and improve mood.

Exercise: regular exercise can help combat stress, increase the production of serotonin in the body and improve overall mood.

Proper nutrition: it is important to eat foods that contain vitamin D and a healthy diet supports mental health.

Maintaining social contacts: it is important to maintain social contacts, even when the weather is colder and there is less sunshine.

Sleep regulation: regular bedtimes and maintaining a stable sleep pattern can also help to overcome synchronisation problems.

Stress management: stress management techniques such as meditation, relaxation and cognitive behavioural therapy can help reduce stress and maintain mental health.

It is important to remember that each person is unique, and a reduction in sunshine can have a different impact on each person’s mental health.

Light deprivation and anxiety
Light deprivation and anxiety
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Stress at school

Stress at school

Stress related to learning and performance can affect students in many ways, and this stress can have a serious impact on education and individual development.

Below we look at how stress affects students:

Psychological effects:

Anxiety: students often experience anxiety about learning and school performance. The exams, tasks and pressure to perform can make many students feel tense and anxious.

Low self-esteem: Failure to meet consistently high expectations can lead to low self-esteem and self-respect. Students may feel that they are never good enough in school.

Depression: prolonged stress and feelings of poor performance can cause depression. Students may lose interest in school activities and lose their zest for life.

Physical effects:

Sleep problems: excessive stress can often lead to sleep problems. Students may find it difficult to fall asleep or sleep fitfully, which has a negative impact on their alertness and performance.

Headaches and abdominal discomfort: stress can also cause physical symptoms such as headaches, stomach upset and muscle tension.

Educational impacts:

Low achievement: high levels of stress and anxiety can hinder students’ performance at school. Stress can make it harder for them to concentrate and can be a distraction from learning.

Depression and drop-out: Severe stress and high anxiety can contribute to students dropping out of school or failing to complete the required course of study.

Social impacts:

Isolation: stress related to learning and performance often leads to isolation. Students may withdraw in social relationships because they feel they cannot meet expectations.

Conflicts: due to stress and anxiety, students may be prone to conflicts with schoolmates and teachers, which can lead to a disruptive school environment.

Stress related to learning and performance is therefore a serious problem that can have a negative impact on students’ physical and mental health, educational achievements and social relationships.

Schools and families have an important role to play in providing students with stress management and support to help them cope with the pressures of learning and improve their educational experience.

What methods can be used to help students manage stress?


Open conversations: in schools and families, it is important to develop open and understanding communication with students. Listen to students’ concerns and feelings and make sure they can share their concerns about stress.

Stress management techniques:

Breathing exercises: students can be taught breathing techniques that can help them relax and reduce stress.

Relaxation exercises: relaxation techniques, such as progressive muscle relaxation or meditation, can help students relax and reduce anxiety.

Exercise: regular exercise helps reduce stress and improve mood. Schools should provide opportunities for students to exercise.

Time management: students can be given advice on time management techniques to help them manage school tasks and commitments more effectively.

Supportive environment:

School support: in schools, it is important to have student psychologists or school counsellors available to help students develop stress management strategies.

Family support: families should also support students, for example by participating in homework or learning activities, and by being helpful and understanding.

Relaxation activities:

Hobbies and leisure activities: it is important for students to have hobbies that help them to relax and unwind.

Social connections: through school activities and friendships, students can find a supportive community.

Awareness raising:

Identifying sources of stress: students can be invited to help identify sources of stress in order to understand what causes stress.

Positive thinking: developing positive thinking and problem-solving skills can help students manage stress.

Stress at school
Stress at school
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Stress at work

Stress at work

Stress at work is the psychological and physical tension caused by the work environment or the pressures of job performance.

Workers can experience stress at work due to a variety of factors, and these causes can vary from individual to individual and from environment to environment.

Common causes include:

Workload: If someone has to do too much work, or the work is extremely time-consuming and stressful, it can lead to overwork and stress at work.

Time pressure: Deadlines or tight timeframes can cause pressure and stress for workers. Constant rushing and work build-up can also cause this type of stress.

Conflicts at work: Conflicts with co-workers or supervisors can also cause stress. Difficulties in human relations or conflicts with colleagues can create an unpleasant working environment.

Uncertainty: if workers do not feel sufficiently informed about decisions at work or about their future, this can cause uncertainty and stress.

Job demands and expectations: high job expectations and demands and insufficient resources can be extremely stressful.

Work-life imbalance: having difficulty balancing work and personal life demands can also cause stress.

Physical environment: disturbing environmental factors such as noise, noise levels, temperature, and discomfort can also contribute to workplace stress.

Stress at work can have serious consequences for the physical and mental health of those affected, as well as for work performance and job satisfaction.

Nevertheless, many workers and employers can take steps together to reduce stress, for example by using stress management techniques, changing workplace policies and improving the work environment.

Reducing stress and promoting employee well-being is important for productivity and job satisfaction.

Managing stress at work is important for maintaining physical and mental health, improving work performance and overall well-being.

Here are some effective ways to relieve stress at work:

Recognition: the first step is to recognise the presence of stress. Recognise the signs and symptoms of stress, such as sleep problems, concentration problems or anxiety.

Communication: talk to your supervisor or the human resources department about stress at work. Maybe together we can find solutions or relief to the problems.

Setting objectives and priorities: reorganise the work schedule and identify the most important tasks and objectives. Identify and prioritise the main tasks and priorities.

Time management: learn to manage your time effectively. Use a calendar or to-do list, and take breaks periodically.

Stress management techniques: use stress reduction techniques such as breathing techniques, meditation or relaxation exercises. These can help reduce stress levels.

Physical activity: exercise helps relieve stress and improves mood. Try to exercise regularly, such as walking, running or other physical activity.

Healthy lifestyle: eat a balanced diet, avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol consumption and get enough sleep.

Supportive relationships: seek support from friends, family or colleagues with whom you can share your feelings and experiences.

Conflict management: learn to manage conflict effectively in the workplace and communicate difficulties with colleagues.

Rest and relaxation: take some time off and enjoy relaxation and hobbies. Relaxing and spending time stress-free also helps to reduce stress.

Stress at work
Stress at work
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The link between weather and mood

Weather and mood

The weather can have a significant impact on people’s mood during the autumn months.

Here’s a look at how the weather can affect your mood at this time of year:

Sunshine and light: autumn months bring shorter days and longer nights, and the weather can often be cloudy. Lower sunshine hours and overcast weather mean that people are exposed to less natural light, which can contribute to lower energy levels and a general decline in mood.

Temperature: temperatures can drop significantly in the autumn months, and the cold weather can make people more inclined to stay indoors. The cold weather can make people less inclined to go out, play sports or spend time outdoors, all of which can contribute to a deterioration in mood.

Circadian rhythm: Seasonal changes, such as the onset of autumn, can affect the human circadian rhythm, or biological clock. Darkness comes earlier and this can change the sleep-wake cycle. As a result, people can become sleepy and tired, which can affect mood.

Local weather conditions: weather conditions are location-dependent and people may react differently depending on the weather changes they experience in a particular area. For example, rainy or foggy weather can be associated with depression, while a nice autumn day can boost people’s cheerfulness and motivation.

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD): weather conditions and less sunshine in the autumn months can contribute to the development of seasonal affective disorder (SAD). This is a mood disorder that goes with the change of seasons, usually occurring in autumn and winter. During SAD, people may suffer from more severe depression or mood disorders.

The impact of weather on human mood depends on individual and cultural factors.

Some people enjoy the autumn months because they like the cool weather and colourful leaves, while others are put off by the longer periods of darkness and cold weather.

It is important to understand that not everyone is affected by the weather in the same way, and individual reactions may vary.

However, taking weather effects into account during the autumn months can be important to better understand and manage mood changes.

Weather and mood
Weather and mood
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How to overcome stress?

How to overcome stress?

There are many healthy and effective ways to overcome stress and anxiety.

However, it is important to note that the method and effectiveness of treatment can be influenced by individual circumstances and personal preferences.

Personal care: a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, healthy eating and adequate sleep, can help reduce stress and anxiety. There is a strong link between the health of the body and the mind.

Breathing techniques: practising deep breathing can help you relax. For example, using deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation can be effective in relieving stress.

Meditation and yoga: both meditation and yoga can help you manage stress. These practices can help calm the mind, reduce anxiety and improve mental health.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): CBT helps to change the negative thoughts and behavioural patterns that can cause stress and anxiety.

Stress management techniques: techniques such as problem-solving, time management and conflict management can help you identify and manage sources of stress.

Supportive relationships: friends, family members or therapists can help to manage stress and anxiety. It is important not to isolate yourself, but to seek help and support when you need it.

Drug therapy: in some cases, doctors may recommend medication to treat severe anxiety and depression. Such medications should only be used under medical supervision.

Stress-relieving activities: hobbies or activities such as listening to music, painting, writing or hiking can help to relieve stress and relax.

Adequate sleep: lack of sleep can aggravate stress and anxiety. It is important to ensure that you get the right amount and quality of sleep.

Stress management programmes: many places offer stress management courses and programmes that can help you learn to manage stress effectively.

How to overcome stress?
How to overcome stress?

Healthy stress management often means developing a range of methods to suit your own needs and circumstances. If stress and anxiety is a serious or persistent problem, be sure to consult a professional who can help you find the most appropriate treatment methods.

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The causes of stress and anxiety

Stress and anxiety

Stress and anxiety are an integral part of our everyday lives.

But when these reactions become excessive or prolonged, they can become serious problems in our lives.

Let’s see what can cause stress and anxiety in people’s lives and what effects they can have.


External factors: stress is often caused by external factors such as work pressures, financial difficulties, family conflicts or other challenges. In such situations, people face difficulties that make them feel insecure

Periodic sources of stress: in everyday life, there can be many periodic sources of stress, such as exam periods, project deadlines at work, family holidays or a move. These short-term stressors are usually temporary and people can usually manage them.

Environmental factors: the physical environment can also cause stress. Noise, pollution or a cluttered environment can also contribute to feelings of stress.

Our relationship with ourselves: human psychology also contributes to stress. For example, negative thinking, perfectionism, perfectionism or excessive responsibility can also cause stress.


Genetic predisposition: anxiety also has a genetic predisposition, which means that family predisposition can also play a role in the development of anxiety. If someone in the family has a history of anxiety disorders, it can increase the person’s own susceptibility.

Traumatic life events: traumatic life events, such as accidents, violent attacks or loss, often cause anxiety. Traumatic stress disorder is also common after such events and can lead to long-term anxiety.

Chronic stress: long-term, persistent stressful situations can also cause anxiety. Constant pressure and worry can be exhausting in the long term.

Negative thinking and anxiety habits: people who are prone to negative thinking or anxiety habits, such as worrying or panic attacks, may be prone to chronic anxiety.

Stress and anxiety
Stress and anxiety

Stress and anxiety are emotional reactions that develop in response to various challenges and threats in our lives.

However, it is important to know that both are treatable.

There are many ways to reduce stress and anxiety, such as stress management techniques, meditation, exercise and lifestyle changes.

If you feel that stress or anxiety is having a big impact on your life, you should seek help from a professional or therapist to learn how to manage these feelings and regain your quality of life.

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10 symptoms of zinc deficiency

Zinc deficiency

Zinc is recommended in small amounts, but it is essential for the proper functioning of our body.

In our modern society, zinc deficiency is an increasingly common disease. If we don’t eat enough zinc-rich food, our bodies show very serious symptoms of a deficiency. The less zinc we have in our body, the weaker our immune system becomes.

Zinc is essential for the proper functioning of metabolic processes. It regulates the hormonal balance, thus influencing the proper functioning of the endocrine system. It plays an important role in maintaining good vision, sense of smell and taste. Key to maintaining metabolic and blood sugar balance. Zinc also contributes to heart health as a natural antihypertensive.

Zinc is a mineral that we need in small amounts (max 40 mg/day) on a daily basis.

Natural sources: wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, oily sardines, edamame cheese, calf’s liver, beef, oatmeal, sunflower seeds, lentils, egg yolks, mushrooms, cocoa, nuts, peas, chickpeas.

Zinc deficiency
Zinc deficiency

10 symptoms of zinc deficiency

– changes in taste and smell

– craving for salty or sweet foods

– frequent allergic reactions, especially food allergies

– poor concentration and memory

– hair loss, slow hair and nail growth

– dry, rough skin, rashes, acne

– loss of appetite, weight loss, developmental problems

– frequent colds and infections

– visual impairment

– frequent tinnitus

The symptoms of zinc deficiency can vary in women.

– immune system problems

– skin problems

– hair and nail problems

– menstrual problems

– sexual dysfunction

– fatigue and weakness

People often ask about the symptoms of zinc allergy, but unlike other metals, zinc and chromium, which are also commonly taken as dietary supplements, very rarely cause allergic reactions.

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What you need to know about pulmonary embolism, why it is dangerous – We show you!

Pulmonary embolism

A pulmonary embolism is a serious medical condition that occurs when a blood clot usually gets into the arteries of the lungs and blocks them.

This can lead to serious complications and even life-threatening conditions.

Risk factors for pulmonary embolism:

Deep vein thrombosis: the most common risk factor is deep vein thrombosis, in which blood clots form in the deeper veins of the legs. These clots can also travel to the lungs and cause pulmonary embolism.

Immobilization: prolonged periods of lying in bed, sitting or standing still can increase the risk of pulmonary embolism.

Surgery: Surgery, especially major surgery such as abdominal surgery, can increase the risk of blood clots and pulmonary embolism.

Heart disease: for example, atrial fibrillation, heart failure or previous heart attack may increase the risk of blood clots.

Cancer: certain cancers, especially abdominal cancers, may increase the risk of blood clots.

Pregnancy and childbirth: the risk of pulmonary embolism also increases during pregnancy and childbirth.

Inherited factors: there are genetic factors that predispose to blood clot formation.

Obesity: Obesity can also increase the risk of pulmonary embolism.

Prevention of pulmonary embolism:

Exercise: Regular exercise can help prevent blood clots. For example, moving your legs regularly while sitting for long periods or lying in bed can help.

Adequate hydration: drinking enough fluids is important to prevent blood clots.

Compression stockings: these stockings can help compress the veins in the leg, reducing the risk of blood clots.

Anticoagulants: in some cases, your doctor may prescribe anticoagulant medicines, especially for people who are at high risk.

Regular check-ups: regular medical check-ups and medical advice on prevention strategies are particularly important for those in the at-risk group.

Lifestyle changes: healthy lifestyle choices such as a healthy diet, avoiding smoking and reducing alcohol consumption can also help reduce the risk.

Diagnosis of pulmonary embolism:

Clinical examination: the doctor may perform a general physical examination and ask you about your symptoms and risk factors.

Medical history: the doctor will ask you about your medical history and possible risk factors, such as previous blood clots or surgical procedures.

Laboratory tests: blood tests, such as the D-dimer test, can help determine the presence or absence of a blood clot. D-dimer is a compound that is released in the blood when a clot breaks down.

Imaging tests: imaging tests are usually needed to confirm the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. The most commonly used imaging modality is CT pulmonary angiography (CTPA), which provides a detailed picture of the condition of the pulmonary arteries.

Emergency treatment:

Pulmonary embolism requires immediate treatment as it can be a life-threatening condition. Treatment aims to dissolve the clot and restore blood flow to the lungs.

Treatment may include:

Anticoagulants: these drugs prevent blood clots and help dissolve existing clots.

Fibrinolytic therapy: Less commonly used, but sometimes drugs such as t-PA (tissue plasminogen activator) may be needed to dissolve the clot.

Embolectomy: Surgical intervention may be needed in some cases to remove the clot. This is usually done in severe cases.

Stabilisation measures: the doctor will provide oxygen and other symptomatic treatments, such as pain relief.

Pulmonary embolism
Pulmonary embolism

It is important to remember that pulmonary embolism is a serious condition and immediate medical attention should be sought.

Timely diagnosis and treatment is vital for survival and prevention of complications. If you notice any symptoms that may indicate a pulmonary embolism, such as sudden shortness of breath, chest pain or coughing up blood, call an ambulance or visit a healthcare facility immediately.

As a complementary treatment, balms or aromatherapy can in some cases relieve symptoms of pulmonary embolism, such as chest pain and difficulty breathing, but it is important to stress that these methods should never replace medical treatment and should only be used with the approval of a doctor.

Pulmonary embolism is a serious and life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical intervention. Balms and aromatherapy with certain essential oils, such as eucalyptus, mint or lavender essential oils, can relieve symptoms affecting the lungs and respiratory system. Inhaling these essential oils or applying them to the skin can help reduce pain and breathing difficulties.

The natural herbal extracts and essential oils in PulmoFresh balm can help ease breathing, soothe coughs and relieve the unpleasant symptoms of colds.

PulmoFresh herbal balm is recommended for colds, coughs and cold symptoms!

Instructions for use

For massage, for rubbing in

Use 3-5 times a day, using a finger amount is recommended. The balm should be applied to the chest and back area, then thoroughly massaged and rubbed in. It is more effective before going to bed, as the essential oils released by the balm, when inhaled, promote a restful sleep

For inhalation

Add 1 teaspoon of PulmoFresh balm to half a litre of hot water and mix well. This will create a vapour which should be inhaled for about 20 minutes.

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What do you need to know about vocal cord and laryngitis?

Vocal cords and laryngitis

Inflammation of the vocal cords, also known as laryngitis, refers to inflammation of the vocal cords and the surrounding mucous membranes, which play an important role in voice production and speech.

Inflammation of the vocal cords can be acute or chronic and is usually caused by

Viral infection: the most common cause of acute vocal cord inflammation is a viral infection, such as the common cold or flu. Viruses irritate the vocal cords and mucous membranes, causing swelling and inflammation.

Bacterial infection: Less commonly, but bacterial infection can also cause inflammation of the vocal cords.

Excessive voice use: prolonged and excessive voice exposure, such as prolonged singing or loud talking, can cause inflammation of the vocal cords.

Reflux disease: reflux of stomach acid back into the oesophagus can cause irritation of the larynx and vocal cords.

Environmental irritants: smoking, alcohol and polluted air can also contribute to irritation and inflammation of the vocal cords.

Symptoms of inflammation of the vocal cords may include hoarseness, loss or distortion of the voice, sore throat, dry cough, difficulty breathing and difficulty swallowing.

Treatment usually involves the following steps:

Rest and sound break: the most important step is to rest the vocal cords. Avoid loud talking, singing and other activities that may cause further irritation.

Fluid intake: It is important to drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration of the vocal cords and to help them heal.

Hot drinks and vaping: drinking hot tea or honey-lemon water can help relieve symptoms. Evaporation can also help to hydrate the mucous membranes.

Medications: Antibiotics may be prescribed by a doctor. Anti-inflammatories or expectorants may also be used to relieve symptoms.

Symptomatic treatment: throat lozenges or herbal syrups may be helpful for sore throats.

Correct speech: it is advisable to use a speech pattern that puts less strain on the vocal cords and to avoid coughing and throat-clearing movements.

If symptoms persist for a long time or worsen, seek medical advice. Chronic vocal cord inflammation may require special treatment, and in severe cases you may need the help of a vocal specialist or speech therapist to learn how to use and protect your vocal cords correctly.

Chronic laryngitis is a condition in which the laryngeal mucosa is subject to prolonged irritation or inflammation.

As a result, the laryngeal mucosa may gradually thicken and other structural changes may occur.

Non-specific chronic laryngitis: this condition is usually caused by prolonged irritation, such as smoking, alcohol consumption, respiratory irritants or prolonged exposure to sound (singing, screaming).

Specific chronic laryngitis: this can be caused by reflux disease, allergies, viruses that cause laryngitis, bacterial infections, autoimmune diseases or polyps or cysts in the area above the larynx.

Symptoms of chronic laryngitis may include hoarseness, changes in tone, loss of voice or deterioration in voice quality, sore throat and cough. Constant irritation and inflammation can cause the vocal cords to become thinner and less flexible, which in the long term can lead to vocal cord tears or polyps.

A vocal cord tear is a lesion that develops on the vocal cords as a result of long-term excessive vocal strain or poor speech habits. These lesions are small swellings or nodules on the vocal cords and can impede voice production. Constant irritation and mechanical stress can gradually damage the vocal cords, leading to a deterioration in voice quality, hoarseness and pain.

Vocal cords and laryngitis
Vocal cords and laryngitis

Treatment for chronic laryngitis and vocal cord tears may be similar:

Relaxation: voice rest, i.e. minimising the voice load, helping the voice ligaments to relax and recover.

Speech therapy: Speech therapy, vocal pedagogy or speech therapy can help people learn to speak correctly, which can reduce the strain on the vocal cords.

Medications: Doctors may prescribe anti-inflammatories, steroids or other medications to reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms.

Surgery: In severe cases, when vocal cord tears are persistent or do not respond to conservative treatment, surgery may be necessary.

Treating the underlying cause: If the underlying condition, such as reflux disease or allergies, is causing the problem, treating it may also be important for recovery.

It is important to take chronic laryngitis and vocal cord tears seriously and to consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. Early intervention can help prevent more serious problems and restore voice quality.

For laryngitis, using ointments and creams can help relieve symptoms and speed up healing.

It is important to note, however, that these products are only symptomatic treatment and are not a substitute for therapy prescribed by a doctor. The treatment of laryngitis usually requires medical supervision, especially if it is a bacterial or severe viral infection.

Soothing effect: laryngitis can be painful and irritate the throat. Balms and creams containing menthol, eucalyptus or chamomile can have a cooling and soothing effect on the larynx. This can relieve pain and discomfort.

Hydration: laryngitis often causes dryness and irritation in your throat. Balms that contain moisturizing ingredients can help prevent further irritation and relieve dryness.

Essential oils: some balms contain essential oils with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The use of such products can help relieve inflammation and fight microbes.

Vaporisation: some balsams can be used in inhalation or vaporisation devices. These products can help relieve nasal congestion and laryngeal irritation.

Herbs: balms often contain herbs such as thyme, lavender or mint. These plants may also have anti-inflammatory properties and can help relieve the symptoms of laryngitis.

The natural herbal extracts and essential oils in PulmoFresh balm can help ease breathing, soothe coughs and relieve the unpleasant symptoms of colds.

The use of PulmoFresh herbal balm is recommended in case of colds, coughs and cold complaints!

Instructions for use

For massage, for rubbing in

Use 3-5 times a day, using a finger amount is recommended. The balm should be applied to the chest and back area, then thoroughly massaged and rubbed in. It is more effective before going to bed, as the essential oils released by the balm, when inhaled, promote a restful sleep

For inhalation

Add 1 teaspoon of PulmoFresh balm to half a litre of hot water and mix well. This will create a vapour which should be inhaled for about 20 minutes.

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Treatment of upper respiratory tract infections

Respiratory tract infections

The common cold is a viral respiratory illness usually caused by rhinoviruses, coronaviruses and other viruses.

Symptoms of a cold include stuffy nose, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, cough, headache and weakness. Colds are usually a mild illness but can be uncomfortable and usually last for 1-2 weeks. The immune system is the body’s defence system against foreign substances such as viruses, bacteria and other micro-organisms.

The immune system is a complex system with two main branches: adaptive and general immunity.

General immunity: general immunity is the immune system’s rapid and general defence response against various pathogens. It includes the physical barrier of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as primary defence cells such as white blood cells that respond rapidly to infections.

Adaptive immunity: adaptive immunity is a specific and long-lasting immune response that the body develops during infections. It involves T cells and B cells that can recognise and attack specific pathogens. Adaptive immunity has memory capacity, so the body remembers previous infections and responds to them more quickly and effectively.

Protection against colds depends mainly on the immune system.

The immune system has to fight the virus that causes a cold and remember it through adaptive immunity so that it can defend against it more effectively in the future. The strength and effectiveness of the immune system depends in part on genetic factors and lifestyle, such as proper nutrition, sufficient sleep and stress management.

Sore throat and coughing are common symptoms of upper respiratory infections such as colds or flu.

These symptoms are usually caused by viruses and usually go away on their own over time.

Here are some ways and tips to relieve sore throats and coughs:

1. Rest: The body needs rest to heal, so try to take more time to sleep and relax.

2. Drinking enough fluids: hydration can help relieve sore throats and thin phlegm during coughing. Warm tea, water, hot soup and hydrated drinks can help.

3. Honey: spooning warm honey water or honey can help relieve a sore throat and reduce coughing. Honey also has anti-inflammatory properties.

4. Throat rinse: A throat rinse made with salt and warm water can help relieve a sore throat. Throat rinses available from pharmacies can also be useful.

5. Sucking lozenges or sweets: Sucking lozenges can help relieve a sore throat, and sugar-free versions can also be helpful.

6. Medicines: there are a number of over-the-counter cough and sore throat medicines that can help relieve symptoms.

7. Humidification: warm humidification can help relieve sore throats and coughs. You can use a vaporizer in your bedroom or take a hot shower.

8. Hot drinks: Drinking hot drinks such as teas and soups can help relieve symptoms and stop sore throats.

9. Lung exercises: if coughing makes it difficult to breathe, you can do light lung exercises to help loosen and expel phlegm in the respiratory system.

If your symptoms are severe or last for a long time, or if they are accompanied by severe shortness of breath or fever, seek medical advice. Your doctor can help you determine whether further treatment, such as antibiotics or other medicines, is needed.

Respiratory tract infections
Respiratory tract infections

How can balms help with upper respiratory tract infections?

Breath-relieving effect: balms may contain essential oils such as eucalyptus, mint or chamomile, which can help clear the airways and relieve nasal congestion. Inhaling them or massaging them onto the face or chest can help ease breathing.

Anti-inflammatory properties: some ingredients in balms, such as chamomile or arnica, may have anti-inflammatory properties that can relieve sore throats and irritation.

Calming effect: balms can also have a calming effect, helping the patient to relax and sleep better. Essential oils and other ingredients can have a relaxing effect.

The natural herbal extracts and essential oils in PulmoFresh balm can help ease breathing, soothe coughs and relieve the unpleasant symptoms of colds.

PulmoFresh herbal balm is recommended for colds, coughs and cold symptoms!

Instructions for use

For massage, rubbing in

It is recommended to use 3-5 times a day, using a finger-sized amount. The balm should be applied to the chest and back area, then massaged and rubbed in thoroughly. It is more effective before going to bed, as the essential oils released by the balm, when inhaled, promote restful sleep

For inhalation

Add 1 teaspoon of PulmoFresh balm to half a litre of hot water and mix well. This will create a vapour which should be inhaled for about 20 minutes.