Glucosamine is a natural part of the joint cartilage tissue. It protects bones from friction with each other. With constant or heavy use, or simply with age, the amount of it in the body decreases. This can lead to wear and tear of the joints, especially around the hips, knees, shoulders and spine. This can make movement painful.
Replenishment is very important regardless of age, as the body cannot produce it. While it is most common in old age to show signs of wear and tear, this does not mean that replenishment is not needed when you are young.
Who should take glucosamine?
– for people doing heavy physical work
– for regular athletes
– for older people
– for joint disease
– in the presence of hereditary factors
What chondroitin and MSM are for?
Chondroitin is also a major component of cartilage. It is most often found together with glucosamine. This is because glucosamine and chondroitin have similar effects. As a result, they are able to mutually enhance and amplify each other’s effects. This provides almost maximum protection for joints, tendons, cartilage and bones.
MSM is a natural substance that also has properties similar to chondroitin. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it can be used in combination with other dietary supplements (such as glucosamine and chondroitin) to support joint health and enhance the healing process of connective tissues.
Suggestion for use: 3 capsules per day, with meals, plenty of water or other liquid.