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The most effective home remedies for stomach pain

Stomach pains can be a source of discomfort for many people. When this happens, we seek immediate help to ease the pain.

If you don’t have any medicine to hand, or prefer to stick to more natural solutions, home remedies for stomach pains can be an option.

The most effective home remedies for stomach pain

The first thing to try is baking soda. However, this will only give temporary relief. Many people use it because it is almost instant, whereas with a medicine you have to wait up to half an hour to feel the effects. Unfortunately, this benefit is only apparent. Bicarbonate of soda is very fast-acting for stomach pain, but it wears off quickly and the pain or heartburn may return.
To prepare it, all you need to do is mix a teaspoon of baking soda in 2dl of water and drink it. This will give you a mild burp in most cases and also helps with acid reflux. Stomach chemistry cannot be adjusted so easily with a little baking soda. So it is only recommended for mild stomach pain or as a temporary solution. But if that’s not enough, the more adventurous can try drinking a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda with a little apple cider vinegar. It can also be a great help in uncomfortable moments, but if you do this you should be aware that vomiting may follow.

⦁ If you’re prone to it and often experience bloating with stomach pains, you should eat papaya regularly. Thanks to the enzyme it contains, it can eliminate bloating.

⦁ You may also want to try rice “tea”, which is also effective against stomach ache at home. Boil half a cup of rice in 6 cups of water. You can also add honey to the liquid. Sip it while it is still warm.

There are also teas for stomach aches and pains, and in several varieties. You wouldn’t believe how effective it can be, and it’s all natural.

  • Katanga: recommended for those with a heavy stomach. It is a great digestive herb. It takes 2-3 minutes to prepare and should be taken in the evening as a cure for 1 month.
  • White acacia flower: it can reduce stomach acid production, so it can also be used to relieve reflux. It is also known to have an appetite-suppressing effect, but it also has a minor laxative effect. White acacia flower is an excellent herbal tea for stomach ache.
  • Goldenseal: for bloating. 1 cup after a meal. It also helps the bile and the liver. To prevent digestive problems, it is recommended to consume 2-3 cups per week.
  • Forest raspberry leaf: relieves nausea and aids digestion and can also provide relief from intestinal spasms. It can also help relieve diarrhoea.
  • Chamomile tea for stomach ache: for stomach ache at home it is the best, and almost one of the best teas for severe stomach pain. It is almost common knowledge that the essential oils in chamomile have anti-inflammatory properties. It is also recommended for mild stomach problems and abdominal pain.
  • Wild blackberry leaf: for stomach pains and diarrhoea. Only boil for a few minutes to release the astringent tannins. Drink up to 3 cups between meals.
  • Walnut leaf tea: many people do not know that not only the fruit but also the leaves of the walnut tree can be used. Folk tradition and natural medicine attribute many beneficial effects to it. Its leaves contain valuable tannins and essential oils, which are excellent stomachic and digestive aids.

Can honey help with stomach pain?

Honey is generally well tolerated and many people find it relieves certain digestive problems. Honey may also have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help soothe the stomach. However, it’s important to remember that each person may be unique and different, and not everyone reacts the same way to foods and drinks, including honey.

What tea is recommended for stomach cramps?

Peppermint tea: peppermint can relieve stomach cramps and help relieve bloating.
Fennel tea: fennel can relieve stomach cramps and help soothe the stomach and intestinal tract.
Ginger tea: Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and can help relieve stomach cramps.
Rosehip tea: rosehips are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which can help support the digestive system.

Over-the-counter medicine for stomach pain?

In general, if you must take medicines, stomach acid regulators or stomach acid blockers can help. In other cases, a medical examination is recommended!

What else is good for a stomach ache?

Here we would like to highlight ginger, as it can be excellent for stomach pain. Ginger for stomach ache can be especially useful for everyone. Although you can also make tea from it, we prefer to buy it separately. This is due to the fact that it is most commonly used as a tea ingredient, meaning it can be made with any tea. However, if you want to use it for stomach upset, it is best to chew it raw. It is worth eating a little every day, as it can help to reduce stomach upset, nausea, stomach pain and acid reflux.

What to do if your stomach pain persists?

“Whatever I eat hurts my stomach”, or in the case of persistent stomach pain, it is always important to consult a specialist, such as a doctor or gastroenterologist.

Let’s look at what can help before you see a doctor.

Rest and a calm environment: try to relax and avoid stress, as stress can affect stomach pain.
Eat in small portions: try to eat small portions of meals and avoid foods or drinks that you know are bad for your stomach.
Avoid caffeine and alcohol: these substances can irritate the stomach and increase stomach pain.
Drink plenty of water: avoid sugary drinks and too much coffee. Water can help ease stomach pain and keep your body hydrated.
Try a light diet: fruits, vegetables and lean meats are easy to digest and tend to be less irritating to the stomach.
Stay away from spicy and fatty foods: these foods can increase stomach pain and digestive problems.
Do not take any medicines without consulting your doctor: Self-medication with medicines is not recommended because not all medicines are right for everyone and long-term use of medicines can have side effects.

How is a stomach ulcer treated at home?

There are several home methods for treating stomach ulcers, but not all of them have been scientifically proven. However, bioflavonoids can have beneficial effects, so it is worth eating as many vegetables and fruits as possible. Examples of plants with high bioflavonoid content include grapes, apples, berries and dark green leafy vegetables. In addition, probiotics can be very effective and are particularly important if you need to take antibiotics.

What can you do if your stomach cramps or hurts?

Spasmodic pain around the mouth can be caused by food, stress or even bacteria. In these cases, however, the pain is almost temporary. In more serious problems, such as gallstones or kidney stones, the pain can last for hours. In addition, there are also cramps caused by menstruation in women. In such cases, a warm water bottle can be used at home to relieve the pain in the stomach by placing it on the painful area and reducing the cramping and nausea. Fortunately, however, there is also a tea that can be easily prepared by yourself.
For stomach cramps, the following herbal teas can be great:
⦁ fennel
⦁ ginger
⦁ anise
⦁ bazsalikom
They are prepared in the traditional way and, when consumed, should be eaten without flavouring. So for severe stomach cramps at home, the above herbal teas can be great.

If stomach pain is accompanied by bloating, it can usually be caused by:

Gastrointestinal diseases: Gastrointestinal diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, gastritis, colitis and pancreatitis can cause stomach pain and bloating.
Eating habits: Stomach pain and bloating can be caused by food, drink or eating habits, such as excessive consumption of certain foods, e.g. fizzy drinks, dairy products, sweeteners, spicy foods, eating too quickly and large portions of food.
Stress and anxiety: stress and anxiety can also cause stomach pain and bloating. Stress and anxiety can cause the body to become tense and can lead to stomach problems.
Medications: some medications such as steroids, antibiotics, aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can also cause stomach pain and bloating.

There are several other causes of stomach pain:

⦁ heartburn
⦁ gastritis (inflammation of the stomach)
⦁ reflux
⦁ food poisoning
⦁ organ lesions

What are the possible causes of pain radiating to the back of the stomach?

Stomach pain, which occurs in the upper part of the stomach and radiates to the back, can be caused by a number of different things.
Reflux disease: reflux disease causes stomach acid to flow back into the oesophagus, which can lead to stomach pain, burning sensation and even back pain.
Pancreatic problems: inflammation or other problems in the pancreas can cause back pain because the pancreas is located near the back of the abdomen.
Gallbladder problems: pain caused by gallstones or gallstones sometimes radiates to the lower back.
Organ irritation: inflammation or irritation in the stomach or other parts of the digestive tract can sometimes cause pain in the back.
Nervous problems: digestive problems can also trigger nervous system reactions that can cause pain in the back.

What can you do for stomach pain?

One of the most tried and tested and simple methods, and often instinctive, is to find the position that hurts the least. This usually means lying on your side or with your legs up. In this case, the muscles are hardly stretched at all. Warming pads can also be used to cause localised congestion. Also avoid eating heavy, fatty, bloating foods for a while.
If this does not help or is not enough, you can also use raspberry leaf tea or Chinese star anise tea in addition to the herbal teas mentioned above. HillVital Raspberry leaf tea contains only quality dried and cut raspberry leaves. Raspberry leaves contain vitamins A, B, C, D and E. It also contains iron, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Raspberry leaf tea has an excellent diuretic effect. It helps digestion, relieves nausea and is beneficial for intestinal cramps and stomach ulcers.

Stomach pain in waves can be caused by a number of different things.

One of the most common causes is stress or nervousness, which can affect the digestive system and cause stomach pain. Overeating or eating spicy, fatty foods can also cause stomach pain in waves. Food poisoning, stomach infections, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and stomach ulcers can also cause similar symptoms.

What should I do if my stomach still hurts?

In case none of the above methods help to relieve stomach pain, it is recommended to consult a doctor and investigate the exact cause of the pain!

Can stomach pain be treated with medicine?

Yes, it can be treated, but in this case, if the stomach pain persists for a long time, a medical consultation is essential!