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4 insidious symptoms caused by vitamin D deficiency

Foods rich in vitamin D

A large proportion of the population is vitamin D deficient. It is difficult to detect the symptoms, which later develop into serious complications.

In our last article, we explained the 5 symptoms of magnesium deficiency. Now we will look at another very important vitamin, vitamin D.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, so our body can store it. Its role is to promote bone formation and calcium absorption, but it also affects a wide range of other processes.

In addition to osteoporosis, its deficiency may be linked to the development of cancers, neurological disorders, diabetes and various cardiovascular diseases.

How can I tell if I have a vitamin D deficiency? Recognise your body’s responses and we’ll give you four symptoms of deficiency.

These are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency

A sweating forehead is one of the first noticeable symptoms. According to the doctor, if your body has heated up to 37 degrees Celsius or more while you are not moving and your environment is not very hot, you may strongly suspect a sign of vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D deficiency can make you feel exhausted, even if you are able to get enough sleep. Both iron and vitamin D deficiency can cause fatigue, as muscle strength depends not only on the presence of iron, but also on vitamin D. With adequate levels, muscle regulation is also more intense and we feel fitter.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in adults often include lethargy. It’s true that you can be depressed about many things, but a growing body of research links depression to vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency is linked to brain processes, as it acts in the same area of the brain as serotonin and dopamine, which affect mood

People who have been diagnosed with arthritis or rheumatic complaints often also suffer from vitamin D deficiency, as the deficiency can also cause joint and muscle pain. Regular daily intake of vitamin D can go a long way towards alleviating these symptoms.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency can appear on the skin in different ways

Skin dryness: a lack of vitamin D can contribute to skin dryness and irritation, which can make the skin more sensitive and itchy.

Acne and inflammation: vitamin D deficiency has been linked to acne and other skin inflammations. Vitamin D plays an important role in the immune system and in its absence, the skin can more easily develop inflammatory processes.

Hair loss: vitamin D deficiency can contribute to hair loss and deterioration of hair quality. Vitamin D is necessary for healthy hair growth and maintenance.

What to do if one of these points is true for you?

Either eat foods rich in vitamin D or take a supplement to get it into your body.

Foods rich in vitamin D
Foods rich in vitamin D